Technology in our lives - banking services enhanced by modern technology!

in SteemAlive2 years ago

From Pixabayimage.png


Nobody would deny the many positive things technology has done in our lives. In every aspect of human endeavor, you will see how technology has made things easier and life sweeter in general. Whether its in health, education, transportation, insurance, etc the positive contribution of modern technology is very obvious to all.

In this article, I will like to look at how technology have enhanced the banking sector as we see it today. To begin, it would be nice to write about the past - how people save money in the past.


How people save money before modern technology arrived

Money has been around even before technology came into the whole picture. People that lived before us devised various ways of keeping money safe and saved for a long time. For the purpose of this article and comprehension, I will just describe two of the methods people used to save money. They are as follows:

1. Digging a secret hole in the ground: This was one of the vary well-known ways of saving money. When there were no banking institutions, and during the time farming and owning land was common, digging a hole on the ground was popular. The saver usually is the owner of the land. When he wants to save money other valuables, he will find a secret place, dig a hole and put the money there. He will use any form of marker to identify the place he dug the hole. Otherwise, the money is gone.

2. Savings box: This was very popular in the past and still used by some people today. People make a box not just for money, but also for other valuables. The box might vary in size depending on what the saver wants to save. Some boxes where made to hold other valuables like gold and costly clothing. This kind of box is usally bigger. Other boxes are designed just for the money. So they were not made that large. Which ever one, the boxes are strong and secure, so that the money or other valuables in it, are safe.

No that we are in the era of modern technology, banking has been transformed into some so convenient that you can do it from the comfort of your home. Here are some services offered by banks, that would not have been possible were it not for technology.


Banking Services brought about byTechnology

Below are 5 services offered today by many banks, that technology really made possible.

1. Account Opening: This is one banking service that gives you access to all others. Opening a bank account and making it work does not necessarily require your going to the bank. With a small phone, you can dial a USSD and follow the prompts to open a bank account. One of the banks I use have this service and I have been able to open accounts for some of my friends and it is functional. It takes just under 5 minutes and you have your account number ready to make your first deposit.

2. Utility Payments: From the comfort of you home, you can pay for utility services such as television subscriptions, electricity bills, schools fees and many other fees. Most modern banking apps give you the functionality to be able to pay for utility services. This has made life really easier for us today.

3. Data/Airtime Purchase: You can buy data or airtime from your bank directly using your mobile app or USSD. I cannot actually remember the last time I bought airtime offline. I usually buy from my bank and its easy to handle all my finances from one account.

4. Money Transfer: This is the most basic feature that you see in all banking apps or USSD. The ability to move money from your account to another account can now be done within minutes. All you need to do is have the account number of the receiver and you are ready to go. Again, technology has made it not just easier, but also safer through mobile money transfers.

5. POS: Point-of-Sales outlets have brought modern banking to our doorsteps. Using the POS machine, it is easy to do lots of things such as cash withdrawals, cash deposits, money transfers and many other things. You can even change your ATM PIN using a POS machine, although this is usually warned against.

POS illustration from Pixabay

These and many other services have been made possible through the use of technology in banking. While we enjoy these services, technology in banking has created some problems too. Lets look at just 3 of them.


Three problems of Technology in banking

1. Delayed Transactions: Sometimes, its really very slow to move money from one account to another because of some challenges such as poor network coverage. As a result, sometimes funds are debited from the sender's account but not credited to the receivers account. Currently, I am still trying to retrieve money I paid through my mastercard online since 6th June 2022. I was debited but the receiver was not credited.

2. Hidden Charges: Banks have no deduct money from users accounts for almost everything. Sometimes the charges are not expressly announced or made known to the customer. Some charges include ATM card maintenance, deposit charges, withdrawal charges, and many other charges. This is a sad way to steal customers money and its all too common in the banking sector.

3. Scam: Many people have lost money because somehow, their details got into the hand of criminals who use technology to steam personal identity and them do away with the customers money. Some have been called to send their details for one upgrade or the other. At the end of the day, if one is not careful, one becomes another victim of scammers. This has been made possible by technology.

Scammer illustration from Pixabay

These are some problems created by technology in banking. Now let me briefly look out how the banks I use perform in terms of technology banking.


My bank's technology rating

I own accounts in two banks. For the sake of privacy, I will not mention their names. The two banks are the top technology banks in Nigeria. They are not perfect, but when it comes to modern, technology-driven banking services, they are good. I have used the Mastercard they issued to pay for web hosting and other services online. They support that. They also have intuitive mobile apps and USSD banking. All these are channels provided because of technology in banking. Am fine with these two banks.



Technology in banking is such a welcome development. It has made it easy to access banking services no matter where you are. Besides, it has limited the cost of physically coming to the bank each time one wants to do some transactions. I believe the challenges listed above and many others will be addressed soonest so that we enjoy a hassle-free banking services enhanced by technology.

 2 years ago 

You see saving box have been very beneficial even till date, I never missed having a saving box because there are little little money you can't think of taking to the bank but you can put them in the saving box and at the end of the month you will be surprised what you have achieved.

I unknowingly saved 35,000 naira with is equivalent to 337 steem in a saving box.
One good thing was that no bank charge was deducted from it hahaha.

 2 years ago 

Hahahahaa. No bank charges in a saving box, which is amazing. I really hope for a time when there will be fees-free banking transactions. And when they will improve on some banking services, especially the networks. I have two pending transactions now with one of the banks @beautybb

 2 years ago 

I even forgot 😃 no network failure when I was breaking my savings box to take my savings, banks can never improve because they know what they are doing, instead it gets worse.

 2 years ago 

Digging a secret hole in the ground: This was one of the vary well-known ways of saving money.

Digging a secret hole is really a good way by which people save money in the olden days and they use sticks to identify the place they doge the hole.

But now,it is made easy to save our money with no stress but there are also some problems associated with this modern banks and one that you listed there is network problem which I have experienced in my student account in union bank.

 2 years ago 

Sorry about your banking issues with Union bank. It is all too common in our country today, the issues of poor banking networks. But generally, technology has made banking much easier than it was many years ago. Were you able to resolve the Union bank issue?

 2 years ago 

Yes @focusnow,I went to the bank and complained it to them and they pleaded to me and then they solved the problem.

 2 years ago 

That's so good. I am still trying to sort my own pending transaction with Zenith bank. It's two months now. I hope they are not trying to take that money. 19,400

 2 years ago 

That's what they usually do,I hope it is resolved soon.

This is a great way to save money because you don't have to worry about someone taking your money from you. It's easy to do too. Just make sure you don't dig too deep and make sure the hole is big enough for you to put something inside. When you're done, cover it up with some dirt so no one will know it's there.

 2 years ago 

I own accounts in two banks. For the sake of privacy, I will not mention their names.

That's right, we need to be security conscious
Technology in banking has been of great help but it has it's own disadvantages as well

Yeah there are consequences of technology you can loss your money in a seconds if someone else got your otp

 2 years ago happened to my uncle
He lost about 250,000#

O o very sad to listen about it I hope He will be aware in future

Banks have no deduct money from users accounts for almost everything.

One thing that banks do not allow is to deduct money from your account. However, there are many times when banks do not allow you to make payments for things like bills or rent. Banks will charge you a fee for overdrafts, which is when the bank takes money from your account for things you cannot afford.


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 2 years ago 

Sometimes, its really very slow to move money from one account to another because of some challenges such as poor network coverage.

you are right, a lot people is afraid to transfer money because of this network problem, network problem can disappoint you from doing what you want to do which is very bad, so it will be better if the fixed so that people can transfer their money freely.

 2 years ago 

Exactly. I have some transactions that are hanging now due to poor network. Some banks have more terrible networks than others. Its really something that must be improved on @morgan76

 2 years ago 

Yes sir the need to work on it, because sometimes it caused trouble between POS agent and there customers.

Technology has indeed improved the ways that banks do business. You post has described them vividly. It is a beautiful write up.

 2 years ago 

@chikaeli. Sure it has. Although a lot needs to be improved on. Some bank networks are so terrible you imagine how they remain relevant in today's face-paced world.

I can't imagine a world without technology, it has made life easier for the world. Now someone can stay in their house and order for goods across the globe.

Digging a hole and saving box are good ways to save one's money but what of those people who can't will love to spend money excessively, this one if they want one Naira, they can easily get it, it only takes one of strong mind to save in the olden days.

Technology has made our lives easier in so many ways. We are able to communicate with people all over the world, watch movies and TV shows, read books, and much more.

 2 years ago 

Very true Chief I used the saving box when I wasn't up to the age of owning a bank account and my brother was good at robbing me.., hahaha.

Technology has done too well for us infact banks are now having mobile app. Before now for account upgrading you'll have to visit the bank but currently you can use your Bank app to make it possible.

The demerits you discussed too is very bad and makes me annoyed at times. How can somebody send an urgent cash to another person and he's receiving it three hours after the money was sent. It happened to me yesterday I became very unhappy since the receiver thought I was joking with him.

But in general this system of banking is more better than the early system as far as my money is safe.

 2 years ago 

So sorry about the sad experience yesterday. Honestly, some bank networks are good to be scrapped. I have two transactions that are still pending. One was as far back as July 6th, yet to be resolved. I wonder where all those monies go

 2 years ago 

Banks should endeavor to work on their Network system, it'll help to bring in more customers to their system.

Scamming as a problem of banking happened to be the greatest of em all, is it really hidden? Cases of scamming is being heard of on a daily . Sad

Sir, you forgot to add fintech tag to receive steemcurator upvote, maybe

 2 years ago 

Thanks for noting the tag error. I didnt even know and this post is past the voting window. As regards scamming, they usually target inexperienced users. I have never been scammed because I know all the tactics. One of the scammers got my dad to sign his signature, snap and upload to him. My dad signed and came to him to assist him send to the scammer through whatsapp. That was how I spoilt the business. I wish everyone would master their tricks. @barnsbarnabie

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