To quench my thirst for bigger achievements.

in CCC3 years ago

This is an entry for Contest 3.51: Looking Back/Look Forward #ccc by @wakeupkitty.


Looking back - Look forward

Write a text about what you look forward to or look back at.
Deadline: June 12, 2021, 6 p.m. Parish time

Looking back.

I am still the same as I am before. Not many changes happen except that I started buying crypto and learn about Exchange and Investing in crypto. Next to it will be saving for the future. As for today, I want to focus on my future, therefore...

Looking forward.

I cannot wait to see how my crypto investment and savings will become in the future. The was a Malay proverb...

Berakit-rakit ke hulu, Berenang-renang ke tepian,
Bersakit-sakit dahulu, Besenang-senang kemudian.

I translated it using Google Translate and It does not sound likewise. What the proverb means was that there will be hardship first before getting happiness so it is alright as long as we work hard for it.

Hardwork will pay.

I have been writing on 4 platforms (Steemit, Hive, and to improve my chances of earning cryptocurrency. I have not been able to be on my previous pace yet but I am hoping to get my rhythm soon. As I have mentioned before, writing gives me calmness. It helps me to stay sane and it makes me happy to be able to express my feelings and thoughts in words whenever I cannot express them to those around me.

Plus, it gives me the chance to earn a little bit more money for my saving and expenses. That is what I really look forward to for my future. My life with cryptocurrency. Will it bring me joy or will it bring me worse days? I have more faith in good days in the future but then I cannot let go of the possibility for it to be worst.

Whatever might happened will be fully decided by my decision and action today. Therefore, I am going to make sure that I will not regret anything more in the future. Hopefully, everything will go well. I want to be able to enjoy the money I earned instead of spending all of it to pay debts.

My priority for my better future will be to get out of the debts zone.

I am inviting @emilydonna @audreyclaire @bboyady


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You will be out of that debt zone long before other people. Debts seem to be the trend these days (actually since 30-50 years). If it comes to crypto I put my trust in it. The only fear I have is to be without internet or power. Without you can not reach your money which means everything is lost (same with online banking).
I wish there was a kind of debit card for crypto (one I don't need to wait for hundred of years for).
If it comes to regrets: wie niet waagt, wie niet wint (Dutch expression means: if you don't try you won't win).

If there is a debit card that would be nice if there is a shop at our place that work with crypto.

There's no need for shops to work with crypto. The card you put your crypto on and it can be changed into the coin needed. So dollar or euro or...
It's not different from me using my bank debit card abroad.

Interesting. I don't think we have a card like that here for now.

Guao estas en varias yo solo en dos no puedo hacer más, el trabajo en físico de mi empresa, el trabajo de la casa, ademas no tengo edad para estar corriendo tanto. Te felicito por estar activa @heartbeat1515

Wow, you are in several, only in two I cannot do more, the physical work of my company, the housework, also I am not old enough to be running so much. I congratulate you for being active @heartbeat1515

I am trying my best with hope that it will be better for my daughter soon. I wish that she will not end up like me but become better than me.

That is always the parents' project that their children are better, that they are more prepared for life.


it is indeed are.

¡Excelente participación!

 3 years ago 

As long as you are driven, as long as you have the fire in you, as long as you have the will, you will get there :)
Bersenang-senang kemudian akan menjadi realiti :)

Yes, I believe that too. haha your new peribahasa?

 3 years ago 

Thank you for joining this contest. 👍

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