CONTEST: What does CCC mean to you? 3.42

in CCC3 years ago

This is an entry for CONTEST: What does CCC mean to you? 3.42


CCC (Charismatic, Constant & Companion)

According to the dictionary by Meriam webster, Charismatis is a person who possesses special traits that attract, inspire, or fascinate other people : a person possessing charisma.

Those people that I met from the CCC group is all the people that are charismatic. The team CCC themselves, @wakeupkitty, @marblely, @gertu and a lot more that I can't remember how to spell their username. This 3 people are all those people that have been helping and encouraging me through all the years that I known the world of blogging(Of course there is a lot more people but since this is for the CCC, I will write only regarding CCC)


wakeupkitty herself, she is a person that I admire for being able to constantly write an article of 400 and above words without fail. She can write different kind of articles and she always have a way to express herself. She writes a lot of genre without fail. Her kindness will only be understood by those whose really see her for what she really write but those who simply read but do not understand will often say that she is rude. If you have the chance to get to know her for her, you will find that she have experiences a life that only a strong women would able to go through and that is what made her they way she are now. A kind, understanding, honest opinion, and she rarely give up on other as long as she can help. Her aticles often become an eye opening for me. Sometimes things that I never think of.

gertu and her faith to God. Everytime she write, she can always turn a chaotic event into something to be grateful for. Sometimes I think that the event she is talking about is unreasonable to be thankful for or being grateful for but when she state her reasoning, it is possible. For examples, Her ultrasound machine which she use to get income before is broken but she is not frustated. She has been able to know cryptocurrency and get into the world of blogging because the machine broke down. I cannot explain it better than her own words, it is better if you read it yourself.

marblely is also person who can write a lot of wonderful articles to read. I think she have a multiple talent. I do not know much about her other than waht she wrote but she is a strong heart woman too. She also write for paltform and she does not earn much there but she never did stop. She enjoy the beauty she get from writing and knowing other blogger and author everywhere she write. She write about her experiences and just like gertu, she turns the ssadness around into a motivationmand inspiration.

Constant and Companion.

All the four of us are connected through this platform and through the community of CCC as far as I can remember but they all know that I do not trust my own memories. I am forgetful. They only things that I won't forget in this platform is the good author and friends that never stop to encourage me. They became a constant companion in my life. I might not read them always or contact them often but their articles always guide me through my life as an inspiration or motivation. I might have been writing for years but I do not have a niche than a story of my life.

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 3 years ago 

Wow, I am in awe of the way you have written. You have hidden talents and you haven't mastered them. You can write as much as you want when you put your mind to it. Thank you for naming me in your article. And it is true what you talk about us, we are all strong women that life has beaten us down and we are still fighters with no frustrations in tow.
Go ahead, friend, keep writing like this, from your heart. And it's good to see you here too.

She has hissedn talents indeed and that's why she should write and schedule her time, do what she is great at and what brings joy. 💖🍀

Previously I was able to steal time during office work but for the past few months workloads seem to be suddenly increasing. I am trying my best to complete all the task ask for and wishing that soon, I will have time to write during rest again.

I have been searching for my niche for a very long time but then I realized that I have already found it.
The only way I can write better is to write things that I feel and think about. Thank you for being here for me. All three of you are women that I admire.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for the mention @heartbeat1515. @wakeupkitty and @gertu are both truly inspirational, and so are you, strong women with the kindest and most generous of hearts. I am so humbled and glad to have gotten to know each of you here. Thank you for being there for me too, be it here or in the other platforms. I don't think I would have stayed or returned without you ladies.

I am glad I met you all too, all thanks to CCC and the rest we did. It's good to meet in other places too. 💖🍀

Thank you to CCC indeed. The beginning of our friendship.

I feel the same. I would not be able to return if it isn't because of the three of you.

 3 years ago 

The story of your life is a niche too. It takes courage to share with others.

Thanks for joining this contest.


Thank you so much. Thank you for being there for us.

A have a big thumb (as we say you suck and the stories flow out of it) and learned to speak (write) what's on my mind. Some like it others don't but that's the way I am.
Another Dutch expression "don't make a murderpit out of your heart).

I am glad we met thanks to CCC but also we are friends outside of this community too.


You are good the way you are. Don't let others tell you differently.

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