Final Curatorial Report of July of Steemgrowth by Team Cosmopolitan

in Steem POD Team2 years ago (edited)


The first month of curation by @steemcurator07 comes to an end as this will be the fourth and the last curatorial report of Steemgrowth by Team Cosmopolitan. The team worked tirelessly during this month to make sure all the quality content is supported by us. Team Cosmopolitan consists of 7 hardworking members which include @huzaifanaveed1, @crismenia, @enveng, @fombae, @nadiaturrina, @mato445 and @kyrie1234.

All seven of us have worked in coordination with each other and have put our 100% effort to have a productive outcome.

Before, I start with the report, I want to let you all know that Team Cosmopolitan has been selected for the month of August as well and we have started to follow our rule of having at least one comment on a post for it to be valid, strictly. Today was the first day of curation of week 1 and I came across a few posts with no comments on it. Unfortunately those posts weren't curated by me and I left a comment on those posts, asking them to encourage their community members to comment on their posts. Here in Team Cosmopolitan, we regard engagement highly and want the users on this platform to Engage with each other. If anyone of you has an objection to that, we are ready to cater you in the comment section.

Moving on to the report, the tags under our domain are:

I'll be starting the first report of our curation with the statistics, which will include:

  • Numbers of posts curated
  • Countries covered
  • Tags curated
  • Communities covered
  • Languages covered

July 4th Week's Curatorial Statistics

  • Total Number of Posts Curated: 131


  • Countries Covered: 12


  • Tags Curated:


  • Communities Covered: 43


  • Languages Covered:





There will only be 6 nominated posts for this week as unfortunately there weren't many quality posts, the day I curated. It was quite unfortunate to observe that a theme as wide as Steemgrowth there weren't many posts worthy of a nomination.


Author: @ngoenyi

Club Status: Club75

Post Link: Updates/Few Reminders On Let's Grow Bigger Naija (Powerup/Promotion)

Nominated by: @fombae

@ngoenyi publication is on the update on a current project, which she runs in Steem4Nigerian Community known as #growwithsteem-naija. This project aimed at promoting and encouraging power-up. At the moment of her post, the project had an increase in the number of sponsors. This has led to the adjustment of rewards to winners (Delegating SP). Lastly, she gave a summary of how to use the Steemworld transfer page to check the number of times a user has powered up. I strongly believe this is a great initiative to grow new users on the platform, and possibly let other communities think of emulating it.- @fombae

NOTE: This post has a 4 day curation window left



Author: @juzkid

Club status: Club100


Nominated by: @nadiaturrina

@juzkid is a representative who is responsible for members from his country. He wanted to know what their complaints were while on Steemit. Then he tries to work it out and give them motivation. This is an extraordinary thing that should be imitated. He managed to get their spirits up again.-@nadiaturrina

NOTE: This post has a 5 day curation window left



Author: @sabarman

Club Status: club 100

Post Link: The Economic-Diary Game || (Senin, 01 Agustus 2022) : Belanja di Keude Sawang dan Power Up Mingguan

Nominated by: @enveng

I'm nominating @sabarman's post this week. This post draws the attention of the reader with his content written in an understandable language. The fact that he supported his post with relevant photos strengthened his narrative. While presenting detailed data about the market, food and economy of the region where he lives, his post also gives the feeling of reading the rest with his stories about his friends and family. I wish him continued quality content.-@enveng

NOTE: This post has a 4 day curation window left



Author: @ubungudofot

Club Status: Club 5050

Post link: Steem Business Arena #week 3 [28th July, 2022]

Nominated by: @kyrie1234

My recommended post for today is the post of @ubongudofot. I find it so unique and interesting because they sell product using steem, sbd and tron as an exchange. And their goal is to promote steemit, and they really had a great idea in promoting the platform. Great job brother!-@kyrie1234

NOTE: This post has 1 hour left for curation



Author: @chiabertrend

Club Status: Club75

Post Link: STEEM Growth|| Have You Been Supporting burnsteem25? | Powering Up To Maintain Club75 | Recruiting A Steemian And My Next Strategies For Steem Promotion

Nominated by: @mato445

While curating, I came across this amazing post by @chiabertrand. In it, he explains burnsteem25 in simple terms and explains why users should burn some of their Steem payout because it will help the currency's value rise. Along with this, he discussed his power up activities and highlighted the importance of powering up. After successfully bringing on a new user and assisting her in writing her introductory post, he concluded the post by outlining his strategies to promote Steem, one of which is to use sport (football) to create Steem awareness.-@mato445

NOTE: This post has a a two day curation window left



Author: @josepha

Club Status: Club5050

Post Link: Number of People I Have Invited To Steemit | My Steemit Invitees both active and inactive users by @josepha

Nominated by: @crismenia

The publication of the friend @josepha seems very interesting to me because he explains how in the last 6 months he has brought new users to the platform, explaining to each of them how they should function, in addition to monitoring their performance. Likewise, he tells us about his plans to hold a seminar and with God's blessing he would like to start a YouTube channel dedicated to the promotion of Steemit.-@crismenia

NOTE: This post has 1 day left for curation



@huzaifanaveed- #club100 | @nadiaturrina- #club100 | @enveng- #club100 | @mato445- #club100 | @crismenia- #club100 | @fombae- #club75 | @kyrie1234- #club75

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the report.

our rule of having at least one comment on a post for it to be valid

Very good rule. During my curation time, I also had the impression that some posts were only written for the SC and had no other audience at all...
However, you should then be careful which comments you accept. I'm thinking of comments like: "Great post", etc.

 2 years ago 

Thank you @moecki for your comment. Yes, we'll be regulating posts with useless comments on them.

If it were up to us, that would not be the only change. I would suggest, for example, that the SC accounts only vote after 3 or 4 days to see how the posts are really accepted...
There is a very good discussion here of other approaches to making the Steem more attractive.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much @crismenia and the entire members of Steemgrowth for finding my post worthy enough.

It's a pleasure friend. Success for you. 🙌

 2 years ago 

Thanks 😊 so much dear team for a wandeful report and especially to @mato445 for making my post top notch on his list Worthy to recieve extra support

 2 years ago 

Saludos amigo @huzaifanaveed1, un buen informe el que presenta, muy bien elaborado y muy bien explicado.

Espero que se tome en cuenta la diferencia horaria al momento de evaluar los post, ya que existe una diferencia horaria entre pakistan y Venezuela
Mientras en mi país Venezuela, son la 1:05 p. m. del jueves en Pakistán son las 10:04 p. m. del jueves


Banner SAludos fjjrg.gif

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend. Thank you for coming up with your concern, it's a sign that you have read the report carefully. As for your concern, I already had a chat with a moderator of your community. We don't ignore posts which have been posted recently, only those which had been posted atleast 5-6 hours ago and still had no comments on it.

You have to understand that engagement is a very important factor on steemit. We encourage users to engage on each others' posts so that the essence of working on this platform is not lost. We don't have a personal issue against anyone. But still, I understand your concern regarding the difference in timezone. For that we have decided that to wait for a bit more to check if there are any comments on the post. Also, I had a chat with your moderator on which she told me that she'll try not to post in the late hours at night. Also, I assure you we will try to be as flexible as we can but please keep this in mind for the month of August we'll be curating only those posts that have at least one comment on it

I hope your concern has been resolved. If you have any further questions you're always welcome.

 2 years ago (edited)

I don't think the idea of waiting for comments on an article before curating them is great, in that case, many articles would escape a curator's voting window and at the end of it all, your team would only have a little article to curate which tends to unused resources. This is not ideal.

In addition, this will only promote corruption when we already have users who handle 1, 2, 3, and more accounts, yeah they exist and one can easily tell when you see the articles written by them. Enforcing engagements on an article outside the engagement challenge would only lead to more corruption, they would device many ways to cheat the system like bringing up ghost accounts (for commenting) and so on.

I think your team needs to rethink your decision on engagement rules here, @huzaifanaveed1.

 2 years ago 

You have hit the nail on the head... Bringing in engagement before up-voting will only help promote cheating to the system because I think so many users will try by all means to bring ghost accounts to comment on their articles

Besides that, So many quality articles will always expire without support since it might lack comments under. And when this is done, it will discourage alot of users and demotivate them..

Again, what of people posting on their blogs? I have come across such articles and they are always of good quality.. So that means if the person don't receive a comment, his/her post will be ignored simply because of that which is very bad

In all, I think checking a post for steemexclusive, club status, bot free and plagiarism free are enough rules for an article to receive support

Cc @huzaifanaveed1

 2 years ago 

Exactly my point. Thanks for adding up to this.

 2 years ago 

Thank you @fredquantum for your time and your suggestion. Up till now the curation has been going on smoothly and we haven't curated less posts compared to the posts we curated before this rule. The resources are being utilized completely as even if a post is skipped due to no comments on it, it's sent on our discord channel and it gets curated by the next team member if it recieves a comment on it.

In addition, this will only promote corruption when we already have users who handle 1, 2, 3, and more accounts

Yes I understand your concern and it's true that account farming is a menace on this platform. People are doing it openly and people have been doing it secretly as well but as I told my team members, one step at a time. Furthermore we're not curating post with useless comments on it such as 'great post' etc. I'm sure you know that users here want to get votes. It's a natural psyche of anyone using steemit. So even if for a week, wo curate, lets say, 10 posts less than the previous week, we'll see users starting to get comment as they'll know that they won't be recieving any sort of support from @steemcurator07.

 2 years ago 

Also, I assure you we will try to be as flexible as we can but please keep this in mind for the month of August we'll be curating only those posts that have at least one comment on it

Will this rule actually work out? I thought that for a post to be curated, it most follow 4 main rules which are steemexclusive, club status, bot free and plagiarism free.... So bringing in engagement for a post to have atleast 2 comments before your team will curate will extremely be very difficult because I don't think people will adhere to this

I have been curating with sc05 and if we bring in this rule in our team, I most say that at the end of the day, we will definitely curate little or no posts

Again, what if you are Curating and you come to a point where a user is just from publishing his/her content, will you skipp it because it doesn't have comments?? And If you Skipp it whereas it's a quality article, won't that discourage the user??

However, this Is a nice suggestion by your team, we only hope users can adhere to this rules by encouraging others to comment on their post

 2 years ago 

Will this rule actually work out?

It'll if it's implemented strictly and we'll make sure it is.

So bringing in engagement for a post to have atleast 2 comments before your team will curate will extremely be very difficult because I don't think people will adhere to this

Not two. One. One comment. Is it too much to ask? Tell me haven't you come across posts during your Curation period that have been written brilliantly but have no comments on it? What's the use of that blog when no one's reading it? We want to motivate users to engage on each others' posts so that the essence of blogging is not left out. Even if we skip a post, and that post gets a comment on it, it'll be curated by us. You can see such examples of curation today.

I hope the admins and moderators read this rule by Team Cosmopolitan and motivate their community members to adhere to it.

 2 years ago (edited)

Tell me haven't you come across posts during your Curation period that have been written brilliantly but have no comments on it? What's the use of that blog when no one's reading it?

Many articles are great but tend to remain in the lower region which reduces their visibility.

Do you know that upvoting genuine content via community judgment takes them from the bottom and increases their visibility? Hence, they are more visible as such getting the attention of other users to read and learn from them.

Without upvote, I'm afraid such articles would remain in that region for long and even till expiry, that's some kind of demoralizing an author.

We can't compare different users' fanbase to each other, it would only pass across another message entirely.

Tell me haven't you come across posts during your Curation period that have been written brilliantly but have no comments on it? What's the use of that blog when no one's reading it?

That’s true. There are a lot of users on the platform who have gained recognition only after their posts have been curated by sC01 for a long time.

From @frequantum’s view I think upvoting a quality content will actually help it to become more popular and more people will engage with it.

The rule of people having to comment on your posts will only make it harder for some people to write under your theme.

 2 years ago 

Hello @kyrie1234 & team, thanks for the support.

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot @mato445 and team for counting my post Worthy of support. I sincerely appreciate. Success in all you do

Thank you for such a wonderful report @huzaifanaveed1, and congratulations to all the authors that have been nominated.

 2 years ago 

I am happy to be selected. Thank you so much. I wish you well. Nice report as well.

Hello friend, excellent report. We are attentive to this new curation. Any change or modification is a bit difficult at first but with patience, perseverance and motivation it can be achieved.

In fact, in the Spanish-speaking communities it is a requirement that to opt for the Booming vote when you participate in the daily topics you must interact in the publications of other Steemians to be eligible and the truth is that it has already turned out very well, we are automatically attentive to read, comment and vote on the publications of our colleagues.

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