239 Day Trip to Steemit

in zzan4 years ago


Have a good weekend.
In my writing in 239 days with at least 1 to 2 posts per day is not a light amount in knitting consistency at Steemit. Unexpected bad guys are popping up, and so are the unexpected stumbling blocks of ridicule, and they are no less lacking. Such is life, black and white always accompanies every step, the good and bad can not be avoided so that the balance of the universe can be created.

The longer we are in a place, the more salt we can taste there, reward and punishment menus are presented in front of every human who sails the Ocean Steemit. some swim to the shore, some swim into the open sea, and some drown. When provisions are no longer sufficient, the flesh of one another cannot be used as food even for survival reasons.


I was determined, and that determination is now engraved in my heart and heart; keep on navigating the vast ocean of Steemit by making friends of the COMMUNITY Steemit Community as a ship, and the community leader as its captain, and the teachers as compass pointers to be able to cross to the island named GOAL.

Because, there are things that I cannot deny and absolutely cannot forgive, I have arrived at this point not solely from the fruit of my own hard work, but a fact that I cannot deny, namely the process to arrive at such a day is due to guidance, encouragement and support from all of your friends.


A huge thank you to all the friends who have contributed to take me for 239 days.

Thank you to the seniors who supported me all this time; @stephenkendal, @theycallmedan, @oracle-d @paulag, @nathanmars,@ocdb, @worldcapture @portugalcoin , madushanka @kommienezuspadt, @davidke, @belemo,@nainaztengra, @appreciator, @sultan-aceh @anomadsoul, @r2cornell, @blocktrades, @cjsdns and all Steemians everywhere.**

I Love❤steem
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Thanks for visiting and interesting comments
Lhokseumawe, March/22/2020

@wira8788 By;



Saya suka ini. Pengalaman berlayar yang tidak singkat, tentu arah dan tujuan sudah sangat terang. Tiada ombak besar boleh menghalang. Sekali layar berkibar pantang kapal melego jangkar. Menurut terawangan saya, steemit akan kembali berjaya lewat beberapa witnes yang masih loyal. Kita akan kembali belajar dan bertindak secara bersama-sama untuk mengembangkan sayap steem keluar platform ini. Guru kita bapak @stephenkendal telah memberi pelajaran terbaik dalam melakukan promo-steem, Sekarang tugas kita untuk melanjutkan perjuangan ini memajukan steemit ke berbagai sosial media seperti twitter dan pesbuk. Kita juga dapat membuat pertemuan promosi diberbagai kota seperti yang dilakukan oleh bapak @cjsdns. Saya kira steemian indonesia ada banyak akun untuk mendukung promo steem. Kita bersatu dalam komunitas zzan dan komunitas steemit indonesia untuk terus mengkampanyekan steemit dan steemzzang lebih luas. Witnes akan bekerja dengan intelektual mereka untuk masalah yang lebih besar. Mari tetap semangat. Steem forward. I love steem

Thank you for your support , Brother

Bagus kali tulisannya. Tetap semangat.

당신은 매우 열정적으로 삶을 살아가는 사람입니다.
주변의 친구들을 위해서 큰일을 할수있으리란 확신이 점점 더 가지게 됩니다.
ATOMY에 대하여 공부하시기 바랍니다.
당신이라면 많은 사람들을 도울수 있을것으로 생각입니다.

Steem과 @ zzan.winesses를 계속 홍보하게되어 매우 기쁩니다.
솔직히 저는 Atomy에서 사업을하고 싶지만 불확실한 경제적 요구로 인해 일시적으로 낙담했습니다.
그러나 앞으로 나는 거기에있을 것이다
Thank Mr @cjsdns

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