Fairy Tale feat. CubicHoney0146 -- Part 24

in Stars3 years ago

When CubicHoney0146 respawned at the fabricator, his stomach was growling. His Hunger Level was approaching zero, and the Pain Sensors in his belly were oscillating wildly. His thoughts raced around, looking for a way to eat, anything to replenish him, but there was no hope for that in this world. It was time for war.

He let out a soft growl of his own, but to the others around him, it sounded like a whimper.


"Get a grip," Sniper said, resting a firm grip on Cubic's shoulder. "We're gonna need you."

Sniper and the other two Scouts had cleaned up house on Level 2, after Cubic and the Engineer had perished. But the countdown to Level 3 was winding down. Soon the Mutant Horde would be upon them again.

Cubic Honey fabricated the shotgun rounds he'd need in this round and then took cover in his usual spot. The countdown expired. For a moment, a preternatural quiet settled all around them. Cubic winced at the pain in his gut.

Then it began again.

During the next few Levels, Cubic learned to work in concert with the other Scouts. They navigated the frenzy and chaos of battle, moving at intervals, retreating to new territories when things got too thick, picking one another up when they went down.

He got pretty handy with his shotgun over time. He developed a tactic against the Giants, where he would sprint in at an angle and dive into a roll right in front of them. He was ready with his shotgun as he came to his feet before the loomimg foe, and so long as his aim was true, he could blast the Giant's head to smithereens.

Engineer stayed back and operated turrets near the fabricator, repairing their defenses during her down-time.

Sniper found a nest, and his handiwork was noticeable as Cubic ventured around the map.

The Squad was in the zone, and to CubicHoney0146, they felt unstoppable.

He died once more before the Boss Wave of Level 10, and that was to his own mis-thrown frag grenade that came back to haunt him after it bounced back from a nearby wall.

The Squad completed Level 9, and as they waited for the final battle and prepared for all hell to break loose, Cubic Honey was hungry as a wolf.

+10 MYTH

Thanks for reading! If you'd like to pick up the Cubic Honey Fairy Tale from the very beginning, follow this link:


Look in the comments for each subsequent installment.


@tipu curate 👍🏾

To read the next installment of the Cubic Honey Fairy Tale (Part 25), follow the following link:


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