Fairy Tale feat. Cubic Honey -- Part 22

in Stars3 years ago

In Level One, CubicHoney0146 heard the battle-cry of the Mutant horde -- menacing, ethereal, stark -- and a chill went down his Raven veins. To his Raven brain, it sounded ravenous.

The shattered urban landscape was dusted with a veil of snow still drifting gently down. It was okay becuz Cubic's polymer boots would do, and the dirt would soon be showing through.


Cubic advanced twenty yards at a jog, then dropped into cover behind the second barricade.

"I've got your six, Crow," the burly man with the sniper rifle said in a projected whisper.

It was almost as if the second his attention waned, the first mutant appeared. It was a small pale creature with needle fangs and claws, scrabbling on all-fours toward him.

Cubic Honey's first attempts with his AR were a complete failure. More and more bullets sprayed awaste into the dust and snow.

The mutant scratched him across his invisible midriff, then quickly retreated out of the range of Cubic's chainsaw bayonet. Cubic kept trying to take aim at the creature, and then it dropped to sniper fire.

Three identical mutants appeared in its stead, scraping across the earth. Cubic Honey fled around the corner, only to run into another grotesque mutant, this one similar in height to Cubic but much larger in girth. As Cubic tried to draw up his rifle, the mutant looked at him with beady, black eyes and let out a shrill screech. Then the mutant eviscerated Cubic Honey in a moment of excruciating agony.

He watched his own body slump to the tarmac in the reflection off a cracked windowpane. The mutant stomped his head to oblivion. All went black.

The snow drifted slowly down.

+10 MYTH

Thanks for reading!

If you would like to read the Fairy Tale feat. Cubic Honey from the beginning, click on the link below. Look in the comments for links to each following installment.



Good to see you back here's a small tip 👍🏾 @tipu curate

No problem bro 🤝 how's it going

Not too bad....enjoying summer ☀️

How are you?

Good to hear 👍🏾

I'm good thanks bro just very busy as always

To read the next installment, follow this link:


Thanks for your valuable time!

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