Fairy Tale feat. Cubic Honey -- Part 23

in Stars3 years ago

CubicHoney0146 re-spawned by the fabricator, surrounded by the bustling actions of his fellow squad-mates. Sniper took him aside and said: "Listen!"


"Use your shotgun this time."


"And stay in range," the Sniper said, looking him level in the eyes. "Remember, I got your 6."


The fifteen minute intermission elapsed, as the Engineer gal finished laying barbed-wire barriers across the two entrances to the Squad's base.

Cubic felt a sense of deja vu, when the fabricator beeped and the cry of the Mutant Horde crept quickly across the distant landscape.

He felt the weight of the shotgun in his hands, and it gave him comfort and hope.

Two of his mates trampled out to the east, and one to the north, barrels tracking. Sniper gestured, and Cubic followed the gal effortlessly through the barrier - whose magical efficacy allowed their squad members through without resistance, but made delay and damage for any Mutant trying to pass - and out into the street again.

He took cover and was beset almost immediately by two Scrabblers. Boom. Chk-chk. Boom.

He growled with pleasure as the Scrabblers exploded beneath his shotgun fire. It was like frog-hunting all over again. There was no time to celebrate, however.

A menacing beeping sound grabbed his attention, off to his right nearby behind Cubic Honey.

"Get back," Sniper shouted.

Up ahead, Cubic saw Engineer engaging a ten-foot tall Mutant assailant with a dropshot grenade launcher. Her bullets were almost ineffectual as they tore into his midriff, seeming to anger him more. She darted in too close and was struck senseless by the Mutant's downswinging fist. Stunned, she could not elude his demon grasp, as his giant hand cinched around her throat. The Mutant lifted Engineer up into the air with an air of the pleasure that destruction gave him, then threw her body straight down to the earth like a ragdoll.

Cubic cried out, "Noooo."

"Get back!" Sniper shouted again.

But it all registered too late for Cubic Honey this time. The Giant's grenado burst just as Cubic twisted around and jumped into a roll back toward base.

He felt intense heat in his Pain Sensors, and the detonation sent him flying off eating shrapnel all over into bricks. His body dropped from the side of the building and lay on the asphalt.

All that Sniper or anyone else could see of Cubic's dead form was his Raven head, sitting askance.

+10 MYTH

To read the CubicHoney0146 Fairy Tale from the very beginning, follow this link:


Thanks for reading!


for Max "Blessed" Holloway -.. +1000 MYTH, +2 Self-Realization Tokens, +1 Legendary Vial of Chaos Potion !!

 3 years ago 

Part 26?! How have I missed 25 parts?!

As I'm sure you recall, I was posting a lot here for a while. This story-line must've slid under the radar.

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