The Diary Game: Going for Mass, Reviewing Articles, Making Reports, and Visiting a Steemian | 07/07/2024


Sundays are usually days of worship. As a Christian and a Catholic member, I always go to the first mass which is usually held from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. every Sunday since other house stations also need a priest for their masses. The just concluded Sunday was not an exception.

I woke up around 4:30 a.m., I said my prayers and then I remained in bed checking all that I needed to check on my phone. As a Steemian, I went to my blog to check if there were any notifications and also if it required me to reply or just vote or if I got a vote.


After going through the Steemit platform and my blog, I decided to check in on all my telegram taps to mine pages. I was able to mine a few of the projects but I didn't mine all because I didn't have enough time to do that. Immediately I was done I hurriedly entered the bathroom and then I took my bath and off I went to the church.

The mass on this very day was very fast because the priest who came for the Mass said he had other house stations to attend to. So the sermon was very short yet very powerful because I learned a lot from it. The gospel reading talks about a prophet not being honored in his town because of the unbelief of the people.


The mass came to an end when it was some minutes to the hour of 8. So we dismissed and then on our way back, we met @vickyson and we decided to take pictures together because it had been a while since we met in the church. After snapping the picture, we all went back home and myself and @josepha prepared food which we ate because we hadn't eaten anything before going to the church.

When I finished eating, I rushed and prepared a Twitter Promotion Report for steemkidss and Steem4Nigeria respectively because that is one of the duties I do in the community every Sunday. After doing that I went ahead to start reviewing posts in the steem4nigeria community as it was my day to work in the community i.e. to moderate posts.

There weren't many articles in the. Community the day so I reviewed all available posts which took me about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Immediately I was done I remembered that I needed to check on @dave-hanny because we hadn't met for a while now considering the demise of her Anty which was buried about some weeks ago.


So I decided to visit her. Before going there, I went to @vickyson roadside business place where she sells food and I bought meat from her which I took to @dave-hanny because she said I should try and get anything for her while coming to see her.

So I bought the meat and then took it to her. On reaching the house, I went in and greeted the mother and other women in the house and then I came out and myself and @dave-hanny sat outside for a while and then gisted about a lot of things including Steemit and the new engagements.


When it was getting tonight, I decided to leave the house and then come back home because I remembered that I still had a lot of work at hand. So when I came back, I decided to first report my previous day's diary game, and when I was done I immediately switched back to my review work. I had to review and then leave the remainder for the next day because I was so tired also I was feeling sleepy and I knew I needed rest.

So that was how I spent my day. It was a fulfilled day for me if you ask me and the reason is that I was able to achieve all I set out to achieve for the day. I went to Mass, I made the reports, I reviewed articles and lastly, I visited one of my Steemians friends. It was indeed an amazing period for me if you ask me.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 days ago 

Having you around yesterday was so amazing, thank you very much for coming and I appreciate the meat you bought for me, I really enjoyed it.

 5 days ago 

Wow, it's nice having you guys around and I am grateful that we cross parts in life you guys have become my one big family. I wish you the best and I pray that God will Grant your heart's desire and bless your hard work.

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