STEEM Investing Contest 7th Edition



Dear steemians...

Along with the announcement of the winner of the contest Winner STEEM Investing Contest 6th Edition 2 days ago, we are here again to hold the 7th edition of the STEEM Investing Contest. This edition will be modified, including the scoring system, contest rules and a larger prize amount than the previous contest.

Contest Objectives:

  1. Increase user participation to continue to do Power Ups as an effort to keep the STEEM Ecosystem stable
  2. Trigger user initiatives to do Power Up on an ongoing basis.
  3. Making STEEM the Asset of the future.
  4. Improving the STEEM Investment Climate
  5. Increase Individual or Community Strength.
  6. Media Promo-Steem

The rules are as follows:

  1. Open to all users
  2. Write a text about STEEM Investment can use Indonesian or English
  3. Write the Title: "STEEM Investing Contest Issue 7, and the Title of your entry.
  4. You must use the tags #welovepowerups, #investingedition7, #steemamal25pc, among your 4 tags
  5. Have at least 100 Steem Power before entering the Contest. This is a requirement as evidenced by screenshots before, during the Power Up process and after PowerUp. Power Ups made prior to the release of this contest are invalid and declared ineligible.
  6. Each participant's post is required to share the reward to @steem.amal 25%
  7. Post in Community Steem Education
  8. Put your post link in the comments column of this post
  9. Become a member of Steem Education.
  10. It has been verified on Newcomers Community by pasting the Achievement 1 link at the end of the post.

Notes :

If any of the above conditions are not met, the participant will be disqualified from the contest.

Contest prizes:

Contest prizes will be allocated a minimum of 100 STEEM, 3 Contestants with the highest percentage of PowerUps will each get 15 STEEM and Consolation Prizes will each be given to all participants who have met the requirements to enter the contest without limits.

Contest Schedule :

This entry is valid from 11 July 2021 to 17 July 2021.

Scoring system

All entries will be judged by a jury: @heriadi @klen.civil and @sofian88 with reference to the number of % Power Up , the more Power Ups you do, the greater the chance to win.

How to share rewards to @steem.amal please read


Dear steemians...

Seiring dengan diumumkan pemenang kontes Winner STEEM Investing Contest 6th Edition 2 hari yang lalu, kini kami hadir kembali menyelenggarakan Kontes STEEM Investing edisi ke 7. Edisi ini akan dilakukan modifikasi, termasuk sistem penilaian, aturan kontes dan Jumlah hadiah yang lebih besar dari kontes sebelumnya.

Tujuan Kontes :

  1. Meningkatkan Peran serta user untuk terus melakukan Power Up sebagai salah satu upaya menjaga Ekosistem STEEM tetap stabil
  2. Memicu inisiatif pengguna melakukan Power Up secara berkelanjutan.
  3. Menjadikan STEEM sebagai Aset masa depan.
  4. Meningkatkan Iklim Investasi STEEM
  5. Meningkatkan Kekuatan Individu atau Komunitas.
  6. Media Promo-Steem

Aturannya sebagai berikut:

  1. Terbuka untuk semua pengguna
  2. Tuliskan teks tentang Investasi STEEM dapat menggunakan bahasa indonesia atau bahasa Inggris
  3. Tuliskan Judul : "STEEM Investing Contest Edisi 7, dan Judul entri Anda.
  4. Anda harus menggunakan tag #welovepowerups, #investingedition7, #steemamal25pc, diantara 4 tag anda
  5. Memiliki minimal 100 Steem Power sebelum mengikuti Kontes. Ini menjadi syarat yang dibuktikan dengan tangkap layar sebelum, saat proses Power Up dan setelah PowerUp. Power Up yang dilakukan sebelum kontes ini dirilis tidak berlaku dan dinyatakan tidak memenuhi syarat.
  6. Setiap Postingan peserta diwajibkan share reward ke @steem.amal 25%
  7. Posting di Komunitas Steem Education
  8. Letakkan link postingan anda pada kolom komentar postingan ini
  9. Menjadi member Steem Education.
  10. Telah terverifikasi pada Newcomers Community dengan menempelkan link Achievement 1 pada akhir postingan.

Note :

Jika salah satu syarat diatas tidak terpenuhi, maka kepesertaannya dianulir dari kontes.

Hadiah kontes :

Hadiah kontes akan dialokasikan minimal mencapai 100 STEEM, 3 Kontestan dengan persentase PowerUp terbanyak masing-masing akan memperoleh 15 STEEM dan Hadiah hiburan masing-masing akan diberikan kepada semua peserta yang telah memenuhi syarat mengikuti kontes tanpa batas.

Jadwal Kontes :

Entri ini mulai berlaku sejak tanggal 11 July 2021 sampai 17 July 2021.

Sistem Penilaian

Semua entri akan dinilai oleh dewan juri : @heriadi @klen.civil dan @sofian88 dengan merujuk pada jumlah % Power Up terbanyak, semakin banyak Power Up yang dilakukan, maka semakin besar pula peluang untuk menang.

Cara membagi reward ke @steem.amal silakan baca



This contest has been included in the daily Active Contest Listing

👉 Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 12th July 2021 – Win 2150+ STEEM

Follow & Resteem for more updates.

 3 years ago (edited)

My entry:

  1. I wrote the text about STEEM investment
  2. I used proper tags and wrote the correct title
  3. Investment which I have made was after the contest announcement. I had over 100 SP before
  4. I shared 25% of the reward with the suggested user
  5. I subscribed the community and published the post in it
  6. I attached the Achievement 1 link below the post

If there will be no more users and I will get the whole 100 STEEM prize reward, I will use it all to power up my account once again.

Thank you for this wonderful contest and the opportunity to make the steemit even better place. Investments are crucial for this platform.

 3 years ago 

Hello @irawandedy, please find my entry for this contest below-

My Steem Power on 11-July-2021 : 515.974.
My Steem Power on 17-July-2021 : 661.201.

25% of my entry post payout is set to @steem.amal

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 60646.47
ETH 3379.85
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51