Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4: "My best momentsteemCreated with Sketch.


Hello Steemit community !

I am excited to participate in the Steemit Engagement Challenge . In this challenge we are encouraged To share our best moment on Steemit and engage with other participants to Build stronger community. Steemit has been incredible platform for me to connect with like-minded individuals Share My thought and learn from others . Without further Let me Share My Best Moment on Steemit and the lessons I have learned Along the way .

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Best Moment in my life

The best moment of my life was when i completed the DICE Fellowship Program from the prestigious British Council & received my certificate . This program Was an invaluable Opportunity for Me to Learn About business & entrepreneurship at a level that was on par with An MBA.


Throughout the program I had access to top-notch resources Mentors and fellow entrepreneurs Who provided me with guidance and support Every step of the way . i learned about all aspects of running a business from idea conception To financial planning to marketing and sales .

Completing the program & receiving My certificate was a proud moment for me . It was a validation of all the hard work dedication and passion that I had poured into this program . i felt a great Sense of accomplishment and confidence in My abilities To pursue my entrepreneurial dreams .

Looking back I am Grateful for the opportunities that the DICE Fellowship Program provided Me with and for the incredible community Of like minded individuals that I met along the way . it was truly life changing experience & One That I will always Eemember fondly .

Why was it so special to me?

The DICE Fellowship Program was a special moment in my Life because it changed the Way I think and provided Me with an invaluable education in business & entrepreneurship . I had the opportunity to learn From experienced individuals who shared their Knowledge & insights with us . The program also provided me with community Of like minded individuals with whom I could form meaningful connections .


Completing The program and receiving My certificate was proud moment for me. It validated the hard work and dedication I had put Into the program and instilled in Me sense of confidence and determination to pursue My entrepreneurial dreams . The DICE Fellowship Program will always Hold a special place in my heart as a life changing experience that taught me invaluable lessons and introduced Me to a Supportive & inspiring community .


Compare that day of my life with current situation

When I think about the day that I completed the DICE Fellowship Program and received my certificate I cant help but compare it to my current situation . There Are certainly some differences between then & now.


On that day I was filled with a sense of Accomplishment & pride . I had just completed An intensive program that had pushed me to my limits and helped me grow in way I never thought possible. I felt a great sense of purpose and direction & was Excited about the future and the possibilities that lay ahead.

In comparison my Current situation is different. While I have achieved some of My goals since completing the program I also face New challenges and uncertainties . I have had to adapt to changes in my personal and professional life and navigate the ups and downs that come with Pursuing ones dreams .

However despite These differences there are also similarities . I still feel a strong sense of Determination and passion for Entrepreneurship and I am committed to learning and growing every day . While the specifics Of my situation May Have changed the values and principles that I learned during The DICE Fellowship Program continue To guide Me & inspire me .

it good to remember moments like this in life

It is good to remember moments Like completing the DICE Fellowship Program OR Any other significant milestone in life for several reasons:


Reflecting on past accomplishments Remind Us of the people opportunities & circumstances that enabled us To achieve our goals . This helps cultivate a sense of Gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in our lives .


Remembering past successes can serve as source of motivation and inspiration during difficult times. It reminds us Of what we are capable of achieving and helps us stay focused on our goal .


Looking back on past accomplishment can provide perspective On how far we have come and how much we have grown . It can help us see our current challenges in New light and give us the confidence To face them head on .


Reflecting on past accomplishments Can help Us gain a better understanding of our strengths weaknesses & values . This self awareness Can help guide us in Our future endeavors & Ensure that We are aligned with our goals and values .

How can i create beautiful moments for someone else?

Creating beautiful moments for someone else Is something that i find deeply rewarding . when I Have The opportunity to brighten someones day it fill me with sense of purpose & joy .

For me creating beautiful moments Is all about being present and attentive . i believe that truly listening to someone and showing them that I care is the foundation of any meaningful connection . When I give someone My full attention & show them that their thoughts and feelings matter it can create beautiful Moment Of genuine connection .

I Also believe That doing something unexpected can be a powerful way to create a beautiful moment . It doesn't have to be Anything grand OR expensive just something that shows that i Am thinking of Them and that I care . Sometimes a small gesture Can make big impact .


Another way that I like to create beautiful moments is by showing appreciation. Whether it's expressing gratitude for something someone has done or simply complimenting them on their talents or qualities I find that showing appreciation can make someone feel seen and valued.
I am inviting: @qasim78 @drbehram @roomi @chefdanie @ahmadkhan27


Hi, @hamzayousafzai. One of the most fantastic processes that we are obliged to undergo during the growth and development of life, is training. Learning starts from the intrauterine stage, from the womb of our mothers we begin to absorb information and go shaping our belief system to put it into practice in personal, professional and spiritual transit.

It is great that you applied for the DICE scholarship program and even better, that you completed your academic hours taking advantage of the guidance and accompaniment of your mentors and peers. Reading your best moment, you made me bring to mind beautiful academic memories that are well kept in my heart; they are true experiences that fill us with pride and happiness, because it is not only about acquiring knowledge in a certain area or specialization, but we meet new people who become an important part of our lives, we identify with these spaces of knowledge where we spend hours, days and months, processing information that until then, was unknown or unclear to us.

And I totally agree that the construction of good moments in others, has nothing to do with the material, although the economic is important to satisfy certain things and make possible situations. A moment of attention, listening or showing that the achievement of another person is important to us and that we are sharing that happiness, will be enough to become a significant moment for that person.

Beautiful content, I loved it and enjoyed reading it, much more commenting on it because I expressed my feelings when I linked a memory with your special moment.

Good vibes, my friend.

 last year 

Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to read about my experience with the DICE scholarship program. I completely agree with you that academic experiences are not just about acquiring knowledge but also about meeting new people and building relationships. These memories are truly special and can stay with us for a lifetime.

I'm glad that my reflection on good moments resonated with you as well. You're right it doesn't always have to be about material things but rather showing genuine care and interest in others can create meaningful and significant moments. It's these simple gestures that can make a big impact in someone's life.

Thank you again for your thoughtful comment and good vibes to you as well!

Congratulations 🥳

Your quality content follows the Team 4 curation guidelines.


Curated by : @malikusman1

Thank you for your valuable support.

Good vibes.

 last year 

@hamzayousafzai nice post It is wonderful to hear about your experience cmpleting the DICE Fellowship Program and how it has shaped your entrepreneurial journey.

It is evident that program provided you with valuable knowledge and a supportive community, and it is inspiring to see how it has instilled in you a sense of purpose and direction.

Reflecting on past accomplishments such as completing the programis indeed important as it helps cultivate gratitude motivation perspective and selfawareness. And your tips on creating beautiful moments for others are spot on. Being present attentive and doing something unexpected are powerful ways to show others that you care and create genuine connections.

Thank you for sharing your story and insights. Keep up the great work

 last year 

Thank you so much ma'am it will not be possible without your support.

 last year 

Hola amigo sin duda Te felicito porque lograste tener un programa de becas en la cual participas y dice mucho de tu empeño al lograrte esta meta.

Ahora ves la vida de otra forma desde otra óptica y desde un punto de vista en la cual tu emprendimiento pondrá a prueba las cosas aprendidas durante ese tiempo

Sigue así y Gracias por compartir tu mejor momento con nosotros te deseo suerte en el reto.

 last year 

Thank you so much for your kind word my friend! It means lot to me That you took the time to Congratulate me on my achievement of being awarded A scholarship .

You're absolutely right That this experience has opened my eyes to new perspectives & ways of thinking and I am excited to see how the skills & knowledge I ve gained will serve me in my future entrepreneurial endeavors .

I'm glad to have shared this moment with you and I truly appreciate your support and well wishes I continue to navigate this exciting journey . Thank you Again

Keep embracing new challenges and uncertainties, adapting to changes, and pursuing your goals. Your experiences since completing the DICE Fellowship Program have undoubtedly contributed to your personal and professional growth, and they will continue to shape your future endeavors. Stay determined, passionate, and committed to your entrepreneurial journey, and the possibilities that lie ahead will unfold in remarkable ways.

 last year 

Thank you for your inspiring words! I completely Agree that embracing challenges & uncertainties adapting to changes and pursuing goals are key to personal & professional growth .

The DICE Fellowship Program was a fantastic opportunity for me to learn and grow and I'm excited to see how my experience Will shape my future endeavors . I m determined passionate and committed to My entrepreneurial journey and I believe that With perseverance and hard work I can achieve my goals .

I appreciate your encouragement and support and I'm confident that with the lessons and skills I ve gained I can tackle whatever challenges come my way. Thank you again for your kind word & belief in my potential!

 last year 

Cuando alcanzamos nuestras metas en una actividad que nos apasiona, es un momento que se convierte, por supuesto, en inolvidable para el resto de la existencia. Si se trata de encontrar el camino al que siempre hemos aspirado a transitar, si se refiere al producto de un gran esfuerzo intelectual para obtener un certificado tan valioso, se trata de una experiencia que nos marcará con la gracia de su invalorable aporte... Éxitos, amigo...

 last year 

thank you so much for your feedback

Greetings appreciated @hamzayousafzai.

Anyone who has been deserving of financial support to carry out their studies is a privileged person and who over time will differentiate themselves from the others with whom they had been advancing up to now.

It is so. I say it from experiences. Not my own, since I have never received a scholarship, but a couple of friends who studied with me in high school did receive a "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho" scholarship from my country and were able to complete their studies in the United States.
Once they returned to Venezuela as professionals, they had better job opportunities than those of us who did not receive scholarships and their lives have been more financially stable.

In general, having the opportunity to complete studies of any kind and level is always a blessing.

Thanks for sharing, God bless you.

In another order of ideas, I would like to invite you to learn about the SP delegation program that we offer at Project Hope. We have just surpassed 250K SP, thanks to our delegator friends. This voting power allows us to distribute 100% of the manual curation rewards we make among our delegators. Our current voting power offers an 11% APR, which we hope to increase if more people like you join our program in the coming months.

Best regards.

 last year 

Thank you for sharing your perspective on the value of financial support for education and for your kind words! I agree that those Who receive scholarships other forms Of financial support for their studies Are privileged and that this support can make a significant difference in their future opportunities and success.

Your friends experience is a great Example of this as their scholarship allowed them to complete their studies & gain Valuable skills and knowledge that led to better Job opportunities and financial stability.

Indeed the opportunity to pursue Education at any level is a blessing and one that we should always strive to make accessible to as many people as possible. Education is a powerful Tool that Can change lives and communities for The better & I m grateful for any efforts made to support it .

Thank you again for your Thoughtful comment and may you Also be blessed in Your endeavors!

Thank you very much for your very candid and high-level response.
I love being able to exchange comments like this.

Education today is almost a privilege in many parts of the world. Hopefully many more people will have access to quality education, this would improve many aspects of our societies and relations between nations, fostering an environment of world peace. Is what I believe.

Best regards.

Congratulations 🥳

Your quality content follows the Team 4 curation guidelines.


Curated by : @malikusman1

 last year 

While reading your post it seems to me that I can really feel your happiness. The same joy I enjoyed when I got my MBA certificate after much struggle. Thanks for sharing your joy with us.


 last year 

Thank you for your kind words @hasina78 . I m glad that my Post conveyed the joy and excitement I felt Upon receiving my certificate . It s a great feeling to achieve A goal After working hard & overcoming challenges & I'm happy to Have shared that experience with others

I can relate to Your Own experience of getting your MBA certificate and the satisfaction That comes with it . Congratulations On Your Achievement As well! It s important to celebrate Our successes & be proud of our accomplishments .

Thank you for taking the time to read my post & share your thoughts. Best wishes to you

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