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RE: Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4: "My best moment

Hi, @hamzayousafzai. One of the most fantastic processes that we are obliged to undergo during the growth and development of life, is training. Learning starts from the intrauterine stage, from the womb of our mothers we begin to absorb information and go shaping our belief system to put it into practice in personal, professional and spiritual transit.

It is great that you applied for the DICE scholarship program and even better, that you completed your academic hours taking advantage of the guidance and accompaniment of your mentors and peers. Reading your best moment, you made me bring to mind beautiful academic memories that are well kept in my heart; they are true experiences that fill us with pride and happiness, because it is not only about acquiring knowledge in a certain area or specialization, but we meet new people who become an important part of our lives, we identify with these spaces of knowledge where we spend hours, days and months, processing information that until then, was unknown or unclear to us.

And I totally agree that the construction of good moments in others, has nothing to do with the material, although the economic is important to satisfy certain things and make possible situations. A moment of attention, listening or showing that the achievement of another person is important to us and that we are sharing that happiness, will be enough to become a significant moment for that person.

Beautiful content, I loved it and enjoyed reading it, much more commenting on it because I expressed my feelings when I linked a memory with your special moment.

Good vibes, my friend.

 last year 

Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to read about my experience with the DICE scholarship program. I completely agree with you that academic experiences are not just about acquiring knowledge but also about meeting new people and building relationships. These memories are truly special and can stay with us for a lifetime.

I'm glad that my reflection on good moments resonated with you as well. You're right it doesn't always have to be about material things but rather showing genuine care and interest in others can create meaningful and significant moments. It's these simple gestures that can make a big impact in someone's life.

Thank you again for your thoughtful comment and good vibes to you as well!

Congratulations 🥳

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Good vibes.

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