Contest4Steem | Bringing new investors to Steemit by @cindycam

in Steem Marketing3 years ago (edited)

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The promotion of Steemit and Steem, is something that has led us to go beyond what we imagined; To attract investors from any field is our greatest challenge, but the one that provides us with the most satisfaction.

Assuming the commitment as a promoter user of Steem, since my beginnings on the platform, it has been the work that I liked the most and I intend to do it, not only part of me, but also part of the many users and investors, who I will add so that like me , they also find in this blockchain, a valuable and productive medium, where work serves not only to consume but to invest.

Companies as investors in the Steemit blockchain

Company # 1 added to the platform.


It is a company located in Anzoategui Venezuela, that is responsible for transforming spaces, making a pleasant environment where they are located: Companies, houses, and any space that requires their service.


Company Profile Image Source

Its outstanding activities are in the arrangements with natural plants; In their work environment, they make plants an arrangement to give and decorate, the best detail for anyone. Advising in the best way, to satisfy customers.

The cultivation of different plants makes it an attractive business, to show in its different species, a wide range of plants to enjoy their unparalleled beauty. Where plant cultivation is the main pursuit of the project, and then cover all the areas of its management, as has already been exposed in improvements of spaces, arrangements highlighted by creativity and by putting nature in the first place as a gift as a source of life.

Wanting to highlight even more the complete beauty of the nature of the plants, the business arises that will give a different atmosphere to the spaces; Spaces perhaps with an opaque appearance, the company in question adds its special touch to change it and make a difference.

The Cactusgens company, in its small plant growing company, has the idea of ​​expanding and in this way growing as a company and in all possible areas, exploiting and exploring all its options, to make more than a dream, a reality fulfilled.

New projects that require motivation, therefore, the idea of ​​incentivizing on the subject of cryptocurrencies and growing even more, is proposed to the company Cactusgens to be part of the blockchain. Ideas are born and are transformed over time, perseverance and discipline are required to make the objective the goal achieved.

@Cactusgens was an established goal, with the goal accomplished, being part of Steemit and the greatest achievement, the acceptance of Steem in their business. Which will help its growth, due to the value of the coin. It is an investment in time and the result will be evident in the prosperous harvest, in favor of its acceptance by the company.

The company is already part of Steemit

With its colorful logo and beautiful background, this company is displayed. Your intro post will show more of your work:


Image source - Publications in steemit

It is a company that will show progress on your project as you become even more familiar with the platform.

Capture of company advertising

Acceptance of payments in Crypto Steem, was the driving force behind this company that wants to grow like the currency in question.

Source in the Instagram stories of the investing company
Image source -Cactusgens Instagram Feed

Company feed on Instagram

In its feed of the social network Instagram you can see the wide variety of jobs and workshops that the company offers. Growing is their goal and plants contribute that and much more to their continued growth and now Steem.

Image sources - Instagran of the investor company

Acceptance of the company towards Steemit and Steem

A short summary of how I as a user approach the situation, so that the Cactusgens company as an investor, joined and understood the benefits of the platform - user - investor.

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It is necessary to give details of what you want to achieve with this project of attracting investors to Steemit, where the steem will pay off either in the near or distant future.

Company # 2 added to the platform.


The coffee-producing coffee company, which is called Hacienda 4D, located in Venezuela, has more than 100 years of tradition; Coffee production is located in the Turimiquire mountain range, where the process of planting, harvesting and processing coffee for distribution begins.

Profile and first presentation post - Investor company

Making itself known, the coffee company formally presents itself on the platform with its presentation post, in favor of its company and Steem.

Presentation publication.

para hacienda.jpg

Source of the company profile on Steemit

Coffee Company Instagram Feed

A family business that leaves each consumer with a pleasant memory of the excellence and quality of the coffee it distributes. Many companies exist related to coffee and this is part of them, with a distinction in its flavor.

Instagram coffee hacienda 4D
Coffee presentation publication
Showing the presentation of the page on instagramSource of the image in the social network

It is shown through these images in their instagran feed, how it has evolved, how they have managed to position themselves and the great work they do, in the processing of coffee.

From the sowing, extraction, drying and processing of the same; They make the beans an exquisite ground coffee that transcends to exceed their own expectations, bringing to the consumer the best coffee in the Anzoategui area and beyond.

Sowing and reaping
Coffee drying and processing

Source of the Instagram feed Images

In their distribution they include to distinguish themselves, the packaging, with an excellent presentation and in different presentations, making their brand more and more attractive.

Coffee presentation image
Packaging that demonstrates the quality of the work
Source of the image in the social network instagram
Image source different packaging same company

In their great production, they stand out for the production of chocolate, typical of their coffee plantation, which they distribute and delight the palate, by tasting its delicious flavor of pure chocolate and its special touch of distinction.

Coffee - Two different types
Chocolate produced by the company
Company image source
Image source on instagram Hacienda 4D

Planting and production has expanded and its new projects include the white chocolate, a delicious chocolate. Highlighting the chocolate expansion project called:


With a different presentation and where a great variety of its products can be found in this outstanding chocolate bar production.

New company job with white chocolate barsProduction of white chocolate bars
Instagram page - Belonging to the Hacienda 4D company
Same company - new chocolate in tablet
Innovating and assuming more and more a greater commitment in the entire branch of production in the area of ​​coffee, they make a reality for the consumer, who tastes coffee and chocolate at will. A project that encompasses much more than it started in the beginning and that now goes on for more, to grow and continue its expansion on a larger scale.

Expanding in the chocolate areaDifferent presentations of white chocolate

Image source - Hacienda 4D white chocolate brand social network

Local distributor in Anzoategui - Market

In a quite popular and busy area, a local of the Hacienda 4D company is located, in the middle of a market that includes a large number of entrepreneurs and merchants of all kinds.

The idea is that everyone knows about Steemit and Steem, and it is necessary to get to where the coffee is sold in one of its facilities.

Assuming the commitment as a promoter, to make the investment company known and attract, I am present in the place, with the owner of this commercial premises.

Distribution of coffee to booming companiesSuppliers - Resellers - Merchants
Company instagram feed
Local in the market
Make small, medium or large companies part of the blockchain, it is our job and it is time to assume it, being in the place and making the knowledge of Steemit and Steem, so that others join.

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A label was delivered to be placed in the commercial premises, where it is shown that the Steem currency is accepted there and in this way others are interested and join. Curiosity attracts and this is a way of doing that one of the many ideas that have emerged to promote and attract investors, are achieved in a reality.

STEEM cryptocurrencies as a form of payment

In my role as promoter, I explained the importance of publicizing the acceptance of Steem, through their social networks and how this would cause an impact of acceptance and a growing number of questions of interest, which would make the platform and Steem break barriers, allowing this, the integration of other investors and users.

Image source on instagram that accepts Steem as a form of payment
Image source on instagram that accepts Steem as a form of payment

Adhesive labels for companies

Thanks to our friend @oscarcc89 for the stickers, useful for accepting STEEM payments in business.

I printed several of them, to deliver to companies and in this way others can visualize and make known, wanting to have this currency and pay with it.

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WhatsApp Image 2021-05-26 at 5.08.37 PM (1).jpeg

The publication that shows the designs.

When several companies know, in addition to consumers, that a local accepts this payment through their wallet in Steemit, they will be encouraged to be part of what the future is.

As a promoter of steemit and Steem, as far as possible I will attract more investors, empowering not only the platform but also investors.

Thanks to @Oscarcc89 for allowing through this contest to attract investors, explaining the methods to approach and attract them.

I also thank all the sponsors for making this contest @stephenkendal, @arie.steem, @aneukpineung78 a reality, contributing so that Steem continues to rise and what is proposed is a success.

Take part in this exciting challenge and attract more investors to Steemit Blockchain, active contest and many prizes.
Press here

FotoJet (1).jpg


Hi there @cindycam. Is that you the one with the face mask? That's a beautiful TShirt. It's Steemit logo on it, isn't it?

 3 years ago 

Hello @aneukpineung78. Yes, I am the girl in the protective mask with the STEMIT logo. It seemed like a good idea to use it to enter this contest.

I wish you the best of luck with the contest, my friend. And also the best of luck for @cactusgens.


 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for your wishes and support. We are eager to see more investors.

 3 years ago 

This is great! We hope you can add more companies to the steem blockchain.

It is an excellent entry.

 3 years ago 

Hi @oscarcc89. Thank you very much, it's the idea and I'm going for it. Boosting and attracting or adding investors is our goal.

Thank you for the proposal to help boost my business.

 3 years ago 

It is a pleasure to be a part of this great idea of ​​momentum on the Steem blockchain.

 3 years ago 

I wish you all the best in this.

 3 years ago 

Hello, @mcsamm thank you very much, a challenge we must all join in order to achieve something great.

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