Fighting For Their King's Freedom

An African Fable

Confused with the disappearance of the Lion King, everyone in the jungle became calm and alert, they really want to know why their King is missing. After staying for the days with deep thoughts, Cheetah ran round the jungle screaming with fear, all the animals were scared as they came out from their hidden place to know what's happening.


The Cheetah informed all the animals that he saw the King in the nearby arena where the humans came for experimental research. Everyone became surprised and they wondered how their King was taken by the animals. They knew something like this can't happen in his home because he's a very strong King with alot of body guards which are Two lions, Two Tigers, One Ape and Cheetah and so on.

They remembered how the King insisted on going to the sea shore alone for more privacy. Now the issue was how they are going to rescue their King, the animals were so angry with the humans as well, the Queen wanted to attack immediately with the help of the guards but Mr. Tortoise the king's advisor warned her about the risk of her losing her life if she act immediately without plans.

Mr. Giraffe agreed with him and they decided to make plans for the rescue of their King. The first thing they did was to tightened the security of the jungle, making sure that the jungle us saved at all cost, alot of animals agreed to guard the four corners of the jungle, the children insisted to help as well but they weren't allowed and they were warned by The Queen to stop making noise in the jungle in other not to get the attention of the humans each time they enter the jungle.


Three weeks has passed and the animals were ready for war, Eagle has been going the human's temporary arena to monitor their King so that they can know when he's alive or dead. Almost all the men in the jungle were prepared for this war, the others were assigned to guide the jungle while they leave. The women were so frightened, praying that nothing should happen to their husbands. The children were all kept in a big cave under supervision and guardians.

The Lion was taken to a big machine and his hands, legs and neck were all cuffed to the machine ready for experiment and the Lion has been unable to roar for weeks because of the injection given to him. As soon as the scientist was about to hit the button that will turn on the machine, Tiger rushed him and chopped off his hands, the other humans started shooting then this was when all the animals for the war came out of their hiding place and started attacking, the first Tiger was badly injured and taken away by Mr. Elephant and the Twin strong wolves.

The King wept, he thought his people has forgotten him, he was only seeing the Eagle everyday but they couldn't interact because the Eagle can't go closer to him. Kangaroo almost got distracted by the Lion's tears because this is the first time he's seeing their King crying, he stopped staring and rushed to the Lion, looking for a way to remove the cuff.


The battle got more worst, Kangaroo was shot at the leg and he crawled to a hidden place behind the Lion, the leader of the humans decided to release Lion after three hours fighting. Hundreds of humans died and hundreds of animals were injured while some of them died. The other humans ran away with an helicopter, the Lion was released and he rushed the leader and made him lose his legs, he wanted to kill the man but he was shot by the other humans above (in the helicopter) his right hand was shot, Panda warned he to run and leave the man.

The animals returned to the jungle victoriously, most of the female animals treated the soldiers and the King who were injured. The other women whose husbands died in the battle field were consoled by their colleagues as they wept bitterly. The King addressed the entire animals in the jungle and also compensated families who lost their husbands/fathers/Uncles and sons in the battle. Cheetah was given a good home for being the first to see the Lion. The humans were really disappointed and said to themselves that they must kill the King someday.

ST Kelvin's 3 comments

The first comment

The second comment

The third comment

Do well to subscribe to this 👇community my friends

Africans On Steem

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Hello friend, I'm sure my little godson would love this story full of many animals, it's exciting the action here, how the animals unite to save the lion king and I urge the moral: “In unity there is strength”.

You know that when I was writing my fable I had doubts about the amount of words, even when they mention that there is no word count, I feel that if we mention few animals it is better not to disperse the reader. What do you think?

We are learning together, so I share this link and I hope you can read my participation, I would like to know your opinion, see you soon!


Oh I guess he should read it tomorrow, he might be sleeping by now. The animals love their King so much because he's a very good king, assuming he was a wicked king, nobody would have bothered to save his life.

I was more excited when I discovered that there's no fixed word count for the fable story because this really made me to write completely what I wanted.

Thanks for sending this link, I discovered some things from there before I came back to reply to your comment. I will check your fable story soon. Have you subscribed to the community at the ending of my post?


Your fable about the Lion King made me remember the last Planet of the Apes movie because of man's intention of wanting to experiment with everything that surrounds him, including animals.

Have you seen this movie? If you haven't seen it I still recommend it.

Nature is wise and the animal kingdom shows the wisdom that humans lack.

I enjoyed the reading.


I haven't seen or watched the movie before, I guess I will make a prompt research of it.

The King didn't expect the animals to rescue him, he was very emotional when he saw the number of animals that came to save his life.

Am very happy that you enjoyed reading my fable, it took me sometime to arrange it this way.

 15 hours ago 

good comment 👍

 yesterday (edited)

Amigo, confieso que como lectora me perdí entre tantos animales; leí tres veces el texto, para comprender que la enseñanza de la fábula estaba relacionada con "las recompensas buenas o malas que recibimos, de acuerdo con nuestras acciones".

El rey León contó con el apoyo de muchos animales, y comprobó que era apreciado por ellos.

Te pregunto: ¿Cuál era tu objetivo al incorporar seres humanos a la fábula?

#wewrite & #comment

Good morning friend, is quite important that you got to understand the one of the main things about the story which is "the good or bad rewards we receive, according to our actions." The King won't have been saved if he was a very bad king but he wasn't.

I ask you: What was your objective in incorporating human beings into the fable?

I felt is necessary to include human beings because animals mostly get bad treatment from human beings so I did a story like this to remind my readers that is very important to preserve wild life.

 15 hours ago 

Great you engage 👍

 10 hours ago 

Comprendo la idea. Pero recuerda: En las fábulas los personajes son animales con características y modos de pensar iguales a los seres humanos.

Gracias por responder. Un abrazo.

 15 hours ago 

Good comment 👍


Wars between two camps, humans and animals, are always because of human selfishness.

If animals could talk... I'm sure humans would be silenced by them.

I was so touched when the lion shed tears, I know very well how when we lose hope, Suddenly a glimmer of light comes and helps us...


This story looks real, animals just want to live safely, while humans want to live in luxury. Let's introspect ourselves and don't let us become greedy people...

Good luck, friends, for this challenge.... Keep up the spirit! ☺

Yes these animals wars with human beings is always cause by our own selfishness, most times the white will want to perform an unnecessary experiment that will definitely cause harm to the animals and this is unfair.

The Lion was so sad and helpless even when he was seeing the Eagle everyday. He didn't also believe that his people will be able to come to his rescue, he just forgot about that idea and waited till his time of death incase he dies in the process of the experiment.

This story looks real,

I used to write alot of storybooks before I joined steemit 🤭. The story took me up to 2 hours before I could analyse it, though I was doing other things while analyzing it. Thanks for commenting.


Owh wawww...
This is why this writing course is very important for a writer...
Maybe you can continue to the next round, I would love to read those stories...
Maybe I will tell them to the kids too... 😁

This is my post on task 2,

Definitely ma, the writing course has also taught me alot, am improving because of it and am happy about that.

Yeah I won't hesitate to continue to the next round, I will keep on trying my best. The title of your fable looks good, I will check it out tonight.

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