The Food Diary Game | Season 8 | April 11th - 2022 | #Club100 | Homemade Toasted Oatmeal, Date and Walnut Cookies (My Recipe)

in SteemFoods2 years ago

Hi, dear Steemians and SteemFoodies!

Hope you're all doing well. I share my Day 11 of The Food Diary Game, Season 8, from the #SteemFoods community, led by @steemitfoods and @alikoc07. 10% of the rewards from this post will go to @sf-charity, so that I can help good deeds happen and help this great Community grow.

I have joined #Club100. Learn everything about it HERE: [ 1️⃣] Single Post: Club5050-Club75-Club100 Fully Information Package Most Updated Version 💯 so you can join in!


Have you ever had really crunchy oatmeal cookies? Unfortunately, I've never found one like that in the store. That's why I make them at home. The secret to crunchiness is to toast the oats well, use enough soda and don't knead the dough too much. I've made these delicious cookies today to share them with my sister and brother in law during a nice afternoon at their place. Everything tastes better when you have dear people to share with. But before I give you this recipe, let me tell you about the most relevant parts of my food-day :)


As every morning, I am fortunate to have a cup of good coffee, black, hot, and no sugar.


I made arepas for breakfast and filled them with ham and cheese.


We were supposed to visit my sister today at 1 p.m., but there was a delay of two hours. We ate some cookies at 1 p.m. or so we could wait until we had lunch at my sister's.


These orange polvorones are similar to meltaways; they're just a little heavier. As I was savoring them, it occurred to me that I should make some healthy but fun cookies to take to my sister's house. And so I did.


The recipe is below, just in case you wish to know.



  • 1/3 cups sugar
  • 100 gr margarine
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 cup all purpose wheat flour
  • 1 cup oat flakes, toasted
  • 1/2 cups seedless dates, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cups coarsely crushed walnuts
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon



1- With a paddle or a hand whisk, mix the sugar and margarine until you obtain an ointment.

2- Add the oat flakes (I toasted them well in the electric oven: 15 min at 300 degrees F.), the dates, and the walnuts. Mix well but not too much, just until all the ingredients are integrated.


3- Next, add the flour, cinnamon and baking soda. You don't have to be too picky; just pour everything in and mix.

The result is going to be a thick but light batter which will turn into a dough as soon as you let it rest for 10 minutes in the fridge.

4- Divide the dough into 8 portions and shape them into balls. Flatten each ball a little. Then put a half walnut on top of each ball and press gently--unlike me who broke a couple of walnuts.


5- Then you can put them on a baking tray which you don't need to grease. You'll see these golden brown cuties coming out of the oven in 20 minutes. Bake them at 300 degress F.


6- Remove them from the tray before they have cooled, but not immediately, as they are still very floppy as soon as they come out of the oven.

And this is one of the many ways you can make cookies if you wish to eat a snack that is healthier than regular cookies.

As soon as the cookies were completely cool, I put them in a plastic container to take them to my sister's. I saved two which I baked last for my husband because he loves them, and took six with us.


They were good...


I had prepared sautéed chopped tenderloin and julienned onion to accompany a pasta salad my sister had made.


The salad had ditalini, carrot, chicken breast, tomato, cheese, garlic, and mayo. Delicious!


We spent a lovely afternoon. We ate our lunch, ate the cookies as dessert with black coffee, and had a nice chat. We exchanged opinions on books, series and movies. At 6 p.m., it was time to go back home.

Once we were back home, I got to work in the studio, and three hours later I was done. I prepared dinner, which you can see below.


We assemble pita bread sandwiches. The fillings were omelet, ham, cheddar, toasted green banana sticks, and a sauce based on cream cheese, mustard, ketchup and onion.


And these were the highlights of my food-day.
I hope you have delicious and healthy meals today in good company :)


Text and pictures are mine.

If any GIFs here, I have used Gifmaker


Thanks for the visit.


Some of my most recent recipes on #SteemFoods

Syrup Coated Pineapple Cake



Buttered Spicy Potatoes



Traditional Heart-Shaped Chocolate Cake with Homemade Chocolate Pudding Filling



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Amiga, me encanto tu receta de las galletas de avena, me las comeria sin remordimientos. muchos exitos y gracias por compartirlo.

 2 years ago 

Sí vale. Como dice una amiga, luego te arrepientes y te perdonan XD Saludos y gracias por la visita, @yenbel 🥰

 2 years ago 

Hola @marlyncabrera, me encantó la receta,además de que es rápida y ayuda a resolver una rica merienda. Ya tomé nota del tostado de la avena, la hacía con la avena directamente pero no me daba ese crujiente que destaca. Gracias por compartirlo. Saludos

 2 years ago 

Con la avena tostada y sin agregar huevo. Quedan ricas; sé que te gusta. Esos sabores, así que te van a encantar. Gracias por la visita, @reinamia. Saludos 🥰

 2 years ago 

The cookies look perfect, you certainly nailed it!

 2 years ago 

Really tasty; I also make them with no flour or sugar. I'll share the recipe some other day. Thanks for stopping by, @juichi 🥰

Eres toda una Chef amiga 👩‍🍳

divinas que se ven esas Galletas Gracias por compartirnos tu Receta se ve increíble.


 2 years ago 

Sí, me sentí toda una chef galletera cuando ví lo lindas que quedaron y después de probarlas, yo misma me firmé el título XD Saludos y gracias por la visita, @decuartae 🥰

 2 years ago 

Amiga como siempre un gran estilo para presentar las recetas, no he probado estas galletas de avena, con almendras y dáctiles pero seguro están deliciosas y sobre todo muy nutritiva. Me encanto la receta gracias por compartir.

Y la cena de lugo esos sandwich de pan de pita, como le dirian los mexicanos sirveme otro taco igual por favor.

Saludos y éxitos.

 2 years ago 

Les puse nueces, pero con almendras también quedan ricas. Quedan suavecitas y crujientes. Esos sanduchitos van a acabar conmigo XD Gracias por la visita, @alicargofer. Saludos 🥰

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