Steemit Engagement Challenge 2 | Steem4Nigeria Contest | Welcome Mr. President. My presidential manifestation by @ishayachris

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)
Greetings to all the steemians around the globe. I have the believe that we are all in good health and ready for this amazing season2, week1 challenge. Today I want to specifically welcome each and everyone to this season2 weekly challenge, and also to my blog, where i will be giving out my manifestation speech as the presidential aspirant of my great country (Nigeria). Before I proceed, I will love to acknowledge the beautiful work of this amazing community @steem4nigeria for this wonderful topic.


Manifestation speech

Good morning to all Nigerian's. How are we doing, and how are our families? I believe we are all enduring the ill happenings in our dear and beloved country today. I want to thank each and everyone of you for finding it necessary to be present today. I believe we all have some other important things to attend to, but we chose to be here because we have our country at heart, and we are ready to join hands together in order give ourselves, and our children a better tomorrow by putting a stop to the immoral happenings in this country.


Let's look into the current situation of our beloved country. We all know that we are considered the giant of Africa because we are blessed with numerous resources even more than some of the European countries. But are actually living like the giant? Of course no. Poverty have eaten us up. Most of us are earning below 1 doller, and not all of us do have three (3) square meal in day. More to that, our lives and properties are not secured. Our brothers and sisters are been killed on daily basis, our properties are been destroyed, and kidnappers and armed robbers are always making the news line. But the question is, what is the government saying about it? Of course nothing. The government don't seems to care about the lives, properties, and the well-being of it citizens.



To add insult to injury, the government always promise us stable electricity and good road. But how many of those promises were fulfilled? I believe non. All we get in returned is failure and disappointment. Our roads are as bad as anything. Are going to continue like this when we have the power to make change? I believe the answer is no. We need a better future for ourselves and our children.

Bad road in my area.

I want us to think about the future of our unborn generation. If you look at it critically, you will realize that their children are somewhere schooling abroad, where there is no strike nor hunger, while the children of a common and good Nigerian like you are here suffering without any guarantee or hope of better tomorrow. Our schools and even hospitals are on strike, yet they don't care because theirs children are schooling out of the country. And whenever they fall sick, they fly to European country for treatment while our children are dying in hospitals without any medical attention. our children graduate at the age of 35 or 40 years old and when it comes to employment, they will tell us that they need someone at the age of 25 years below, while they were the people that kept us at home for long. At the end, they will bring those their children who finished abroad to give them employment while we are here with our good certificate in our bags. This must stop, and we are the only people who can stop it.



Its time, we change things around. Unemployment, poverty, killings, and kidnapping must stop. How can we stop it? We can stop it by voting me (@ishayachris). Let's join our heads and hands to make a better tomorrow for ourselves and our upcoming generation.


Why do you think you will be suitable for the position of a president?


I (@ishayachris) will be suitable for the position of a president because, I know the wants and the needs of my people. And as a person who have placed nothing above my country, I will make sure that I put a smile on the face of my people. I want to take away their sorrows. I want my people to have a taste of good and comfortable life. We have resource that can take this country to a greater height but yet, we still a developing country. I have a hunger to make this country a better place for all Nigerian. The poor have cried for long, and its time to wipe away their tears. I believe I am the right candidate to make the dream of every good Nigerian come true.


Identify the most pressing problems that you citizens are facing and try to proffer solutions to them


Here in my country, we have numerous problems, and the solutions to these problems are at the tips of our fingers, but the government are so reluctant in providing the solutions to the problems. The major problems we are having in this country are: 1. Unemployment 2. Bad roads 3. Lack of electricity 4. Corruption 5. Insecurity 6. Strikes If you look at the above listed problems, you will understand that with the resources we have in Nigeria, the country can tackle the problems within a short period of time. For example, we have millions of intelligent and skillful Nigerian all over the country, but they don't have the financial support needed to establish themselves. If only the government can support these can of people by employing or offering them financial support, the issue of unemployment will drastically be solved, and it will go a long way by reducing insecurity because, most people go into kidnapping and so many social vices because of lack of employment. Also, the government should try as much as possible to teachers, lecturers, and doctors their salary on time, so as to avoid strikes. More to that, since we have have a lot of resources, the government should fix all the bad roads, and also provide sufficient electricity to a common man. I think with that, our problems will be solved, and every Nigerian will smile.


Do you have any innovations you are bringing in?.


Looking at the nature of our economy, you will believe with me that we are running an imported oriented economy, I.e to say, we defend on other countries for the satisfaction of our needs. For example, we import things like clothes, generators, television, radios, and even some foodstuffs. So I believe with the skillful and intelligent people we have in this country, we can actually manufacture most of these things. So if elected into presidential sit, I will make sure we start manufacturing most of these electronic devices here in Nigeria. With that, we will create more opportunities for the good citizens of this country.


With that, I have come to the end of my speech. I believe we will come together and fight injustice out of our beloved country. I need your support and prayers to change things around, and make you and every Nigerian proud and happy. I love you, and I love my father land (Nigeria). Together we stand, divided, we fall. Let's stand together.

thank you for following me through to the end.

10% payout to @steem4nigeria

 2 years ago 

Poverty has taken off the joy of life in our country, foodstuffs are very expensive and no money to buy them, and this is making life so difficult.

Mr president sir, I see you understood the exact problems of your country because one cannot tackle what they don't understand.
We are looking forward to your innovations and I'm sure with technology which is one of the surest ways of development, you will do better if given the opportunity.
Best wishes in your aspirations and contest

Even our leaders understand our problems and needs, but because they dont have the country at heart, they become reluctant

Well, that's why we don't need to be like our leaders.
Let's be like ourselves.

 2 years ago (edited)

You know what? Your country is no dirrent than mine and that is so sad. Where will it end?
Best of all we get promises with every election but it never change.
You get my vote! I trust that you will make a difference 😊
Thank you for the invite. You will see my entry soon

Thank you so much ma'am. I promise to give give you a position in my administration if i win the election. I hope you wont mind staying here in country?

 2 years ago 

Haha! I will be your ambassador in South Africa 😊

my able president, I am rooting for you. your manifesto was on point and the fact that you were able to integrate some facts into your articles makes it even more enjoyable to read. well, you touched on the crucial and vital areas that need an urgent fix and I must say that you will make a fine president. Thanks for sharing. Also, i wrote an entry for this contest, do well to click here to read the post and drop your comment

Thank you for seeing me capable dear. Our country really need an urgent fix, and i believe that we have the chance to make a change. Will you like to join me in shaping this country?

i am all in


It's on the lips of every youth to better this country. It's really not easy and doesn't encourage the youths to be productive. Most vibrant youths are traveling out with the speed of lightening. I pray that a better president would emerge and make things right.

Amen to your prayers dear

 2 years ago 

I'm sure you will make a good leader with this great zeal and enthusiasm if this post, Mr president. This is a nice manifesto from you. Providing the basic necessities of life is the most important thing a leader should do.
Welcome Mr president, you have successfully told us your manifesto and we think you will do great job 😊

 2 years ago 

This is a great write up from you @ishayachris, our country need a selfless leader that will be ready to serve us wholeheartedly, ASUU has being on strike for months now and no one know when the strike will come to an end. Embezzlement has now become rampant for our leaders. I believe if we can give chance to the youth to serve us, there might be a great change in Nigeria. Thank you for sharing your manifesto with us. I wish you good luck.

The old people we have in this country are not ready to make any impact, and they dont want to give any youth a chance to make the changes we desire. But i believe things will fall in place one day

 2 years ago 

Mr President, your outfit is very nice and it's look good on you 😁

You have made a correct and wanderful speech my friend , unemployment and bad roads is one of the issues we are having here in Nigeria and I believe if you make it as the next president you will work on those challenges.

I wish you all the Best..

Hahaha, thank you for the complement dear.
Indeed we have a lot of challenges in Nigeria, but i have the believe that i will change the story of this country if elected. Tell me, will you like to serve in capacity in my administration?

 2 years ago 

🤣🤣🤣chai don't worry when you are elected I will notify you Mr president sir.

It is not doubt that the problems u stated are the cause of what nigrain his today, don't forget we still owe a debt, a big one, corruption, the mother of all problems, how do we eradicate this act, I find difficult to understand, with such solution that you have provided, this will do a little out of the many problems we have in Nigeria. In my own opinion, I prefer every individual that has been in Nigerian politic since the day we gained independence, should be paid off and leave the office for the future ones that sees beyond what this old hags see now

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