Steemit Engagement Challenge 2 | Steem4Nigeria Contest | What I will do when i become the president of Nigeria | by @lebey1

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

Being a president is a great achievement and the role comes with great responsibilities. There is denying that being the man in charge of the affairs of a whole nation could be very demanding and tasking but it is a job I will be willing to take in an instant. Aside from the fact that history will remember me as being the president of this great nation, I aspire to be the president that convened a new era in the history of the country.



I believe that I am a great fit for the presidential role as I have an in-depth knowledge of the problems which has rocked the country to its present state. Aside from this fact, I have solutions that would work to take the country from its present hell hole, I am a young and vibrant person who puts the needs of people first. I strive to serve the people who appointed and voted me as a leader as my role as the president requires me to serve people who have elected me to rule over them and that I shall do.

Regarding the state of the things in Nigeria, there is no denying that the country is at its lowest in history. They are lots of issues that have rocked the country and on top of the list is security. The security conditions of the country are enough to declare Nigeria a state of emergency. The senseless killings that have happened all over the country continue to further throw the country in shock and are making the country unsafe. To tackle this, I will declare some regions of the country to be in a state of emergency and I will mobilize soldiers there to calm things. Alongside this, I will also break the use of centralized policing and ensure that all states have their own police just like in the US. Each state will have its own police formed and constituted by people living in that state. This singular act will ensure accountability and also make the policemen and women more productive towards achieving a safe and secure state.

They are lots of issues to be addressed and I will work to ensure that the issue listed below are treated:

  • Unemployment
  • Corruption
  • Education

To tackle the unemployment situation, the first I will do is to support individuals and groups that want to start a business by providing loans with little to no interest on repayment. With this in motion, a lot of firms will spring up in no time and a lot of people will be gainfully employed. Also, I will invite foreign companies to set up their organizations in the country and will also support them by relaxing the tax payment they are liablele to pay. I will ensure that the policy to be in place will make Nigeria an interesting country for setting up their organization.

Corruption runs deeply in the economy and it has eaten into the soul and heart of everyone one in power. The leaders who have been placed in charge of ruling people keeps stealing from the people while doing nothing in power. To curb out this, they must be a quarterly audit of all what is been done by people in power regardless of the position they held. This way, detailed assessment can be conducted to know if the person in power is delivery accourdiungly to the promises he made before he was sworn into the position he/she occupies. Alongside that, through background checks will be done for any aspirant for any government positions. Criminal checks and goodwill checks will be conducted to know who the aspirant really is.

Education as been a big issue in nigeria as the sector continues to die due to the way it is been handled. Nigeria education system is faulty from grassroots to tetiary institutions. The tetiries institutions are way more worse than the rest as constant strike continues to delay students in school. The solution is to firstly to budget a huge amount for education and ensure that all teachers are well paid. After that the Asuu union would be dissolved as they too are part of the problem in my opinion. I will also ensure that all the people holding a public office or works in government will enroll there wards to schools in Nigeria. This way, achieving a top educational system in the country will be everyone's duty.


On the issue of innovations that will spring up on my part when i become a president is that we will become a more producing state and to accomplish this, i will empower the youths with high demand jobs to create wealth for themselves. This will be accomplished by me partnering with professional bodies or learning centers like udemy and cousera to train 500,000 youths between the age 17 to 35 on any soft skills of their choice. This partnership will be the first of its kind and it will further help reduce unemployment in the state.

I invite @tfame3865, @dgalan and @qsyal


Can I be one of your campaign managers please because I see a president who has the masses at heart and those are the kind of people I work for .
Corruption, unemployment and and education sectors need to be fixed very fast because a corrupt country hardly develops.
Best wishes and great manifesto

you got the job already for seeing the vision. Thanks for the comment

You have my vote sir. From your explanation, i have the believe that you care capable of taking this country to another climax. Indeed, corruption, and unemployment has made our dear country to fall apart. I wish you goodluck

well with the backings of people like you, it will be achievable in an heart beat

I see your innovation will be helpful to the masses, setting you skill for age 17 to 35 will reduce the rate of unemployment, the solution you have have provided to the problem at hand is a top notch idea which will see to better governing of the country.
Good publication

thank you for the kind words. i appreciate

You are welcome

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