Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week34: Time Changes

in Steem4Nigeria4 months ago

This contest is coming at the right time when my country is facing major economic showdown, this contest will provide me that needed opportunity to reminisce how good my country was and how bad it has gone.

Mention 5 things that was there in your country 10 years back that isn't here now

Change is one constant thing in life that we can't run from but the question is what aspect of the change are you following, what effects does the change have on the people.

Currently in my country (Nigeria) alot have changed,I am an advocate of change but the type of change am seeing lately is not the type of change that's expected. Yes change is constant but it shouldn't be at the detriment of the people,at least change should bring about good things not the other way roundound.

Below is a list of things that you can rarely see in my country lately

.Audio tape

Is the value of currency used in your country appreciating or depreciating?

Picture captured with my phone

Here in Nigeria, our native currency is the Naira. Currently,my country's currency is depreciating on a daily basis due to so many factors.

Currently in my country, there's inflation of things ranging from foodstuffs, medication, cost of living etc all this boils down to our dependent on foreign goods,my country is a big consumer and importer of foreign goods hence they make use of the dollar.

Most times I begin to wonder why another country's currency should be a problem to an independent nation like my country that was once waxing strong,our currency then was competing with the dollar but the reverse is the case today.

Deliberate on the prices of 5 commodities in your country 10 years back and now

When ever I look at the prices of things some years back and look at it now,I don't know if am to shed tears or take it as change. My question is where is this change pointing to.

Take a look at the prices of things before and now in my country.

1.First of all, here in Nigeria we love eating rice alot not because it have so much nutrients but it seems to be cheap easy to prepare. The price of this commodity 10 years ago is between 7,500 naira to 8,000 naira but currently now, it's been sold at the rate of 75,000 to 85,000


The second commodity is cement,at least a common man back then can manage to build an apartment for himself when cement was sold at the rate of 1,500 naira but today,a bag of cement is sold at the rate of 9,500 naira,the margin is too Much.

The third commodity that have seen a great ride in price is indomie,we normally buy indomie back then at the rate of 2,500 naira but today it's currently sold for 19,000 naira.

The fourth commodity is bread,bread used to be a common man food, though bread have different sizes but back then you wouldn't buy bread above the rate of 800 naira no matter how big while the cheapest of them then is between 80 naira to 200 but today, the least price of bread is 250 naira to 1,800 naira.

The last but not the least of them is sachet pure water that was sold at 5 naira but today one sachet pure water is sold at the rate of 50 naira.

Has these changes affected you? If yes, how,If no, how, tell us your secrets.

To be honest,I am really affected by these changes. I started feeling it more after I graduated from school,you know while in school,they send money to you while you don't know how the money comes about.

After graduation,I came back. Initially I normally eat three square meals a day,most times in a month buy one or two clothes, travel to the village to see my people but today,I no longer eat three square meal,I don't travel to the village anymore because of high rate of transportation

The funniest part is that once anything goes high in price here in my country,it doesn't come down back to what it was before,but my prayer is that myy country will be great again.

  Thanks for reading through🙏

I am inviting these my friends to participate in the contest


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 4 months ago 

I can remember visiting my grandparents years ago in the village, I Watched one old time movie on black and white screen television. I went back there and couldn't find it again. Smart Tv has replaced the black and white television my grandparents has. Talking about Nigerian currency hmmm, my dear i pity those that has no clue about Steemit because this is the only place i feel relieved despite the depreciation of our currency.

It's really disheartening how our currency is devalued on daily basis.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 4 months ago 

Yeah but we citizens don't hv solution to it. I'm glad we're here to earn in dollars, atleast the burden won't be much.


 4 months ago 

Hello,you wrote well, changes is one constant thing we can't run away from, thing changes gradually,but we are to know is what effect has this changes affected us , whether negative or positive.
In some way this changes affected us positively in term of technology, because technology is seen as new life improvement

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