"SEC-S14/W5 - Say no to fireworks. For the sake of pleasant company, don't ask questions and never criticize."

in Steem of Animals9 months ago

Hello,I'm @sumayaorin , from #Bangladesh

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Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing great and keeping your loving pets and the stray animals in your neighborhood safe. I am here with excitement to participate in the discussion on "SEC-S14/W5 - Say no to fireworks. For the sake of pleasant company, don't ask questions and never criticize." This topic is crucial, requiring deep thoughts and realization regarding the lives surrounding us—innocent lives that deserve our attention and care.
1. Do you use fireworks during the year-end holidays? Your reasons.

I do not use fireworks on any occasion, be it year-end holidays, New Year parties or any other celebration..png

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Personally , I do not use fireworks on any occasion, be it year-end holidays, New Year parties or any other celebration. While fireworks can add a touch of beauty with their colorful lights , I believe there are many other ways to express happiness and celebrate without causing harm. The noise generated by fireworks is something I particularly dislike. The loud explosions make my heart race, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. In our country , fireworks are often used during events like marriages ceremony, Eid, and New Year parties. However , I believe there are alternative ways to celebrate that do not disturb the peace and well-being of humans and animals alike.

2. Have you ever noticed the behavior of animals when there is a lot of noise, such as when you are playing fireworks and trumpets?

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As a human , I find it challenging to endure the sound of fireworks , often needing to cover my ears to cope with the noise. If I, as a human, find it distressing, how much more must innocent animals be affected? I have observed numerous times that when fireworks are set off in close proximity, animals exhibit abnormal behavior. Birds, in particular, start squawking loudly and frantically flying in different directions. Street dogs become agitated, barking loudly, signaling their discomfort with the thunderous sound. It is evident that these innocent lives are being significantly bothered during such events.

3. Have you seen any negative effects from using fireworks on animals? Describe.

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The negative effects of fireworks on animals are palpable. The distressed cries of nearby birds and the frantic flight patterns they adopt reveal the disruption caused by the loud explosions. Street dogs , too, exhibit signs of distress , barking excessively as if trying to communicate their unease. Animals , unable to comprehend the source of the noise , become disoriented and frightened. Witnessing these innocent creatures suffer is a stark reminder of the adverse impact that our celebratory activities can have on their peaceful existence.

4. Say no to fireworks for the sake of the animals because they will suffer .

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Finally, fireworks should be avoided for the safety of animals and people. Fireworks are too loud for babies, the elderly, and disabled persons. Choose diverse ways to have fun to avoid harming living things during our celebrations. Being conscious of how our activities affect the world and working together to make it more loving and peaceful is crucial. No fireworks is a modest but significant method to assist all living beings get along and understand.

Let us celebrate joyously, with consideration for the creatures that share this planet with us.


I would like to invite my friends @goodybest @ridwant @eliany @mile16 to participate in this contest


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 8 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Es muy duro ver a nuestras mascotas sufrir por causa de la pirotécnia porque, ellos no merecen pasar por momentos incómodos además de que, debemos aprender a ser más razonables porque, por usar fuegos artificiales, mueren aves y otras especies animal.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Yes, fireworks to an extent should be avoided for the safety of both humans and animals. Our animals are at unease towards this act. Considering they can not protest effectively on their own, we should aid them. Nice write up friend.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 9 months ago 

You avoid crackers and firecrackers in any social or private celebration. The sound of firecrackers threatens animals, especially homeless birds and birds that move at night. Some people are doing great damage to our environment for temporary pleasure. Good luck to you.

 8 months ago 

Thank you for your appreciative comment and for visiting my publication.

 9 months ago 

Hello @sumayaorin,

Your post on "Say no to fireworks. For the sake of pleasant company, don't ask questions and never criticize" is a heartfelt plea for compassion towards animals during celebrations. Let's delve into the key points of your thoughtful post:

  1. Personal Stance on Fireworks:

    • Express your personal choice of not using fireworks on any occasion, citing the discomfort caused by the loud noise.
    • Emphasize the belief that there are alternative ways to celebrate that do not disturb the peace of both humans and animals.
  2. Observations of Animal Behavior:

    • Share your personal experience of finding it challenging to endure the sound of fireworks and highlight the distress it causes to innocent animals.
    • Describe the abnormal behavior of birds and street dogs during fireworks, emphasizing their agitation and discomfort.
  3. Negative Effects on Animals:

    • Illustrate the negative effects of fireworks on animals, such as distressed cries of birds and signs of distress in street dogs.
    • Convey the disorientation and fear experienced by animals due to their inability to comprehend the source of the loud noise.
  4. Advocacy for Saying No to Fireworks:

    • Advocate for refraining from using fireworks, especially for the sake of animals that will suffer due to the loud explosions.
    • Encourage diverse ways of celebrating that do not harm living beings, emphasizing the importance of being conscious of the impact of our activities.
  5. Final Plea for Consideration:

    • Conclude with a heartfelt plea to avoid fireworks for the safety of both animals and people, noting that fireworks are too loud for certain groups like babies, the elderly, and disabled individuals.
    • Encourage choosing alternative ways to have fun that promote a more loving and peaceful world.

Your post is a compassionate and well-articulated call to action, urging readers to celebrate with consideration for the well-being of animals and fellow humans. The addition of a concluding plea adds a powerful touch to your message. Keep spreading awareness and compassion! 🐾🌍

 9 months ago 

Hola amigo.
Pasé por acá leyendo tus lindas líneas acerca de los fuegos artificiales, los cuales son muy dañinos para los animales y aún para las personas más que todo niños.

Estos efectos pirotécnicos afectan a los amigos animales, los estresan, su sistema nervioso cambia y por ende la salud.

Te deseo éxitos.

 8 months ago 

Hello,hope your day is going well,Nice to know that you don't like to use Fireworks on any other casion now and also that Fireworks gives a touch of beauty with the colorful lights of a Fireworks.

You don't like the sound of firework and it also makes our atmosphere uncomfortable and in your country people use it on many occasions like wedding and New Year.

You are right that we face many challenges from firework noise it also damages our ears and animals are more delicate than humans how much it affects them.

And whenever there is a firework or a noise somewhere, the animals look around in the shelter for a place where they can hide or stress and fear are visible on their faces.

 9 months ago 

My X/Twitter share link is here

 8 months ago 

Dear, you are right that the sound of firecrackers scares the animals and birds around us. I myself get very scared by the sound of firecrackers. I don't go to many weddings because of the sound of fireworks. On the night of December 31st, the firecrackers were so loud that the pigeons on the balcony of my house started flying in the dark and the children fell into the street. We all need to be aware that animals get scared and die from firecrackers. Your writing is very beautiful. Good luck to you.

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