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RE: "SEC-S14/W5 - Say no to fireworks. For the sake of pleasant company, don't ask questions and never criticize."

in Steem of Animals9 months ago

Hello @sumayaorin,

Your post on "Say no to fireworks. For the sake of pleasant company, don't ask questions and never criticize" is a heartfelt plea for compassion towards animals during celebrations. Let's delve into the key points of your thoughtful post:

  1. Personal Stance on Fireworks:

    • Express your personal choice of not using fireworks on any occasion, citing the discomfort caused by the loud noise.
    • Emphasize the belief that there are alternative ways to celebrate that do not disturb the peace of both humans and animals.
  2. Observations of Animal Behavior:

    • Share your personal experience of finding it challenging to endure the sound of fireworks and highlight the distress it causes to innocent animals.
    • Describe the abnormal behavior of birds and street dogs during fireworks, emphasizing their agitation and discomfort.
  3. Negative Effects on Animals:

    • Illustrate the negative effects of fireworks on animals, such as distressed cries of birds and signs of distress in street dogs.
    • Convey the disorientation and fear experienced by animals due to their inability to comprehend the source of the loud noise.
  4. Advocacy for Saying No to Fireworks:

    • Advocate for refraining from using fireworks, especially for the sake of animals that will suffer due to the loud explosions.
    • Encourage diverse ways of celebrating that do not harm living beings, emphasizing the importance of being conscious of the impact of our activities.
  5. Final Plea for Consideration:

    • Conclude with a heartfelt plea to avoid fireworks for the safety of both animals and people, noting that fireworks are too loud for certain groups like babies, the elderly, and disabled individuals.
    • Encourage choosing alternative ways to have fun that promote a more loving and peaceful world.

Your post is a compassionate and well-articulated call to action, urging readers to celebrate with consideration for the well-being of animals and fellow humans. The addition of a concluding plea adds a powerful touch to your message. Keep spreading awareness and compassion! 🐾🌍

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