Does Humanity actually exist! We as humans need to be aware for the Animals of our surroundings

in Steem of Animals2 months ago (edited)
Hello everyone this is Monz from India, hope you are doing great and enjoying your days happily! So I am back with my posts and update. Now I feel missing in between as I am busy with some household preparations but anyways I try my best to update my diary with you people.


So In Jharkhand from past few days the weather conditions are improving and is a sigh of relief.So now coming on to the topic does humanity actually exists or not?

Few days back I went to my friend's house and there I saw the way they cared for a dog whom they brought from roadside filled my heart. Not only one member but from child to the elder ones loved the dog. But then the next day the shocking news which I got from my neighborhood made my heart heavy.

Two puppies were beaten badly by an old man and was left in a faraway market to separate them from their mother. The only reason behind this was the puppies work wondering around and search of food near the old man's house.

Picsart_24-05-26_09-25-20-989.jpgpuppy laying on the ground

Differences between the mindset and mentality of people, on one hand there are people who treat their pets like family members and on the other hand there are people who don't even think about twice before harming the animals.

Here I presented two scenarios where at one place the dogs are being cared just like human beings and on the other place an old man is ill treating the babies of a mother dog.


Even dogs feel pain but they are unable to express the same. We must understand that God has given us mouth to speak doesn't mean that the animals who does not speak do not have feelings inside them. I have seen the female bitch was literally sad when her puppies got lost she was searching them and crying and the site was very painful.

Coming on to the conclusion though there are laws for Animals cruelty but still animals are suffering we should atleast take care of our surroundings and make sure that no animals are being harmed by human beings.


That's all for today , thank you and have a great day ahead





Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Hello dear thanks for sharing your story with us. No doubt dogs also feel pain when there child separate from him. We take care of them like human because they also a living thing. These dogs looks cute to stay at home. Accept greetings from my side hope you are well and enjoying happy life. I wish you more success.

First of all thankyou so much for going through my post dear! And yes I have witnessed many cases like these happening on daily basis , just because they can't speak it doesn't mean that they don't feel the pain and yes I am definitely good here.

Greetings from India

Greetings too dear from Pakistan
Thanks for responding again. I wish you the best of luck for this Challenge. We done our best to take care of our animals. Stay happy

 2 months ago 

These two are really sad that her child is lost and this makes her sad and she is very sad. It's nice to see you care so much for her and this child too. He looks cute cuddling and playing with him. I love that you are treating him like your own children and understanding him. You are right that way. Humans feel sad, so they also feel sad and side-by-side. It's good that you have shared such a good content post with us and always keep sharing such content posts. I want to ask you a question whether her child has not been found and is there any hope of finding it May Allah bless you

Hello dear ! hope you are doing well and coming on to the question you asked till now we have looked at every possible place but is still unable to find it, moreover it seems too sad that the mother dog is not consuming any food and yelling for her children. Will update you once I find them.

 2 months ago 

Oops it's really so sad . If mother dog will not eat any thing then she will became I'll. And it is vary bad thing. But I am glad hat you found him every where. Well if you found then you will must share post with mention me that I will know about him. It's a request. Well dear good luck . Stay blessed

 2 months ago 

Your thoughtfully on the deatailed on the treatment of animals resonates deeplly.your commendablles how you have brought atention to both acts of kindnes and criticaly on towards animals sparked on the importanse conversationes about empathy and of luck..

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