SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins At Home

This week's engagement challenge contest in the Steem Kids & Parents community has been carefully selected and invites us to give our opinion on “Charity Begins At Home”


Of course I will use the contest tips to explore my opinion on the matter. I invite @inspiracion @pandora2010 @ridwant and @waterjoe to take part in the contest SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins At Home

Charity begins at home underscores the importance of good deeds starting in our immediate environment. Home is the first place where moral values, ethics and compassion are instilled. By practicing charity at home, we create a strong foundation for a caring and responsible person in society.

It also teaches family members to respect, empathize, and help each other. Thus, charity at home not only determines individual character, but also forms the foundation of goodness in society at large.

👉What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?

Charity is a kind act that brings benefits to others. Starting a charity from home is a wise step, because positive values ​​taught in a family environment can form a caring and empathetic character.

Family is a strong moral foundation, and charity starting at home creates a positive domino effect in society. By educating the values ​​of kindness at home, individuals are more likely to be able to have a positive impact in the wider environment, expanding the scope of goodness that can result from charity.


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👉What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others

The driving factor for doing charity can come from empathy, religious values, or the desire to help others. Spreading charity can inspire others to do good, creating a positive chain effect.
However, intention matters; if done just for the sake of praise, it can lose meaning.

Openness about charity can also motivate people to contribute to good causes. In essence, sincere charity and good intentions can be a source of inspiration for others, but it should be done without seeking excessive praise.

👉When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home

I don't really remember the last time I gave charity to my family members because I gave too much, especially to my younger sibling number 3. Since our parents died, my younger sibling seems to have lost direction in his life. Even though he is married and has two children, his spoiled nature with his parents since birth has made him seem to have no passion for life.

One of the charity activities that I did for him was to give him ideas to recover from the loss of his parents, to give attention to his older brother who was always ready to help him when he needed it. Sometimes I also give him money for his family's needs, including giving him clothes that I no longer use.

If my family and I go to the shopping center, we always invite the children to come along and buy whatever snacks they want. I always give time and attention to my younger siblings so that they have a big positive impact. My charity to my sister does not always include money, showing togetherness and providing emotional support for her good.


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👉Your advice to others about charity


Charity with residents at the celebration site

Give sincerely and sincerely without expecting anything in return. Charity not only provides material things, but also time, attention and affection. Look for organizations that match your values ​​and goals, ensure transparency in fund management, and get involved in social action.

Charity need not be large; even small acts like helping a neighbor or donating used clothes have a positive impact. Always raise social awareness and invite others to join in. Remember that giving can bring happiness and increase well-being not only for the recipient, but also for the giver.

In my social life, I often donate blood to those in need. Every 3 months or 4 months, I routinely donate blood. Apart from charity, it is also good for my health.

That's my participation in the Steemit Engagement Challenge S14W5 - “Charity Begins At Home”, I hope my fellow steemians like it. That's all and thank you for your time.

Best Regard,

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 9 months ago 

Helping others without expecting anything in return is called charity. Family is the strong pillar for developing children's humanity. Donations can be publicized to inspire others, but many call it showmanship or publicity donations, and by publicizing the person to whom we are donating, he may be dishonored, even if he is helpless. Your suggestion is not to have much to be a good giver and make us generous in the mindset of giving.

This opinion reflects the values ​​of selfless kindness and caution in giving. The more we protect the privacy of donation recipients, the more sincere our intention to help will be. It is important to focus on giving to humanity without expecting praise or publicity. Thank you for providing support and good comments👏👏

 9 months ago 

Saya rasa pemaparan yang anda uraikan sangat-sangat indah Bang. Sangat patut untuk dicoba mengikuti kontes challenge ini. Semoga selalu berhasil dalam setiap tantangan yang telah diikuti.

Terima kasih banyak atas apresiasi Anda! Saya senang mendengar bahwa pemaparan saya dianggap indah. Semoga bisa terus memberikan yang terbaik di setiap tantangan yang dihadapi. Besar harapannya semoga anda bisa berpartisipasi pada challange ini 🤗🤗👏

Hello friend
Charity indeed begins as home and the family is the bedrock of all moral conduct, which causes a domino effect of great individuals in the society. You stressed the motivating factors include empathy, religious values and desire to help others. You shared your charitable activity of donating blood to people every 3 to 4 months which is indeed iconic and really applaudable. I enjoyed your entry and success in the challenge my dear friend

Thank you very much for the positive feedback! I completely agree that charity and moral values ​​instilled in families play a key role in shaping individuals and society. Charitable activities such as donating blood can indeed have a significant impact. Hopefully more and more people will be inspired to contribute positively to society. Thank you my friend!

Well deserved entry...
I'm glad I stopped by after all. Success in the challenge once again

Thank you very much !!🙏👏

This is very amazing. You have stated your generous act of donating blood. Indeed this is also considered Charity. Financial aid is never the only form of charity. We should help others out in diverse ways.

Beautiful write up friend

Thank you for your positive feedback. I completely agree that charity can take many forms, and giving blood is a wonderful step in showing generosity. Let's empower goodness together through other positive actions.👏👏

Thank you for sharing your thoughtful participation in the Steem Kids & Parents community's engagement challenge, @yuswadinisam. Your perspective on "Charity Begins At Home" is deeply insightful. Highlighting the importance of instilling moral values and compassion within the family resonates well. Your practical approach to charity within your family, especially guiding your younger sibling through tough times, reflects genuine care and support.

Your advice on sincere and selfless charity, irrespective of scale, is commendable. Emphasizing the positive impact of even small acts, such as helping a neighbor or donating used clothes, contributes to a more compassionate society. Additionally, your regular blood donations show a commitment to both charity and personal well-being.

Best wishes to @inspiracion, @pandora2010, @ridwant, and @waterjoe as they join this meaningful contest. Keep spreading the positive impact of charity within the Steemit community!

Thank you for your appreciation. Instilling positive values ​​in the family and making a small contribution to society is a valuable step towards the greater good.👏👏

 9 months ago 

I actually like the fact that you didn't just write about charity, you went on to practice what you wrote about. Well done, and God bless you.

Thank you very much for the response.👏👏

 9 months ago 

Parents should always include moral things like Charity while telling basic manners to their children because with the passage of time there would be the development of such kind of things in their children and it would lead to one of the most good society I wish you good luck.

I agree with that view. Incorporating moral values ​​and charity in children's education forms the basis of strong character, which can have a positive impact on their personal development and society as a whole.🙏👏

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much for showing your agreement about my personal thinking that we should include a kind of education among our children and basically it starts from our home just like we start to teach basic manners to our kids so that we may see society more strong I wish you a very Happy New Year full of blessings

Thank you for your expression of gratitude. Your thoughts on the importance of home education as the foundation of a stronger society are very relevant. Have a blessed New Year to you too!👏🤗

 8 months ago 

Welcome and I am very happy that you are also passionate about giving education to children's regarding such kind of good deeds including charity and thanks for wishing me a new year also.

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