The diarygame: visiting water leaf farm, mentoring and attending to my sick baby 26/3/2024..

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago

At the waterleaf farm*

Hello diary lovers,

Good to have you back to my diarygame, I started my day very late because it's holiday the kids are through with their exams.

By the time I was up from bed, breakfast was ready prepared by my lovely husband he was the first to wake up today as his colleague came to meet him for road commissioning they were supposed to be at the site before Governor's arrival.


I ate this pap, bread and bean cake (Akara) to my satisfaction, rested for a while and went to waterleaf farm

waterleaf farm

This waterleaf is a very good business that is giving the farmers enough money. But after asking them how to start my own farm I was tired of trying . Planting it needs maintenance. They owner of this farm is really serious about the business.

After there I went to my neighbor's house to make a simple hair. I have been wearing wig all this while sometimes I will forget and remember on my way out , I decided to braid my hair to have a new look. It was a simple hair and the charges was low .

making my hair


mentoring steemians

@goldenekpo came with her friend for registration I checked the lady's phone the capacity was low, I concentrated on helping goldenekpo to sign up again after she lost her formal account,we tried severally before network could allow us , she finally opened another account with the name @sunshineekpo . @chrisbless joined us.
It was like a meet up. I refreshed their memories on some changes on steemit please friends welcome her once again

My daughter and I at the nearest chemist shop

I was at my shop when my youngest daughter came with the brother my heart skipped when I saw her carrying, immediately I carried her to know what was wrong I saw her reddish eyes I became more scared thinking so many things at that time , I asked if anyone mistakenly put stick in her eyes she said no I didn't want to ask further questions we rushed to a chemist shop where I was given eye drop ,yeast , vitamin c and other drugs , I gave her some biscuits and juice to calm her nerves and she slept.

Today was stressful to me, above all I didn't have any cause to regret my activities it was all successful.

I participated in one of the enegement challenge. Link is here

This is my diary for today, see you in my next post


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


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