Crossword1 results: Rewarding the winners of #Crossword1 Puzzle

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)


Crossword Puzzle Winners

To make this contest even more appealing, adjustment have been made to the total Steem prize assigned to this contest. Previously it was more of a winner takes all but now, adjustment was made to accommodate a second and third place winner.

Let's start by supplying the correct answers for Crossword Puzzle #1


Clues Down

  • [A1] A simplified markup language created to help in the formatting of plaintext.
  • [A11] One of the main pillars of the steemtravel community.
  • [B3] A collection of Steemian who are interested in the welfare of children.
  • [E8] The name of a blogging platform built on a crypto blockchain that rewards it's users for posting high quality content.
  • [F13] That which protects an intellectual property.
  • [H15] A situation where tagging is abused to attract attention.
  • [I5] A competition organized by Steemian for Steemian.

Clues Down

  • [A4] A great post must have a target and it is created for this audience.
  • [C5] The profession who's skills are needed to make a better Diary Game.
  • [E1] The thought of becoming a whale someday in the future.
  • [G3] A kind of power you gain and grow and it makes you Steem better.
  • [I5] A group of Steemian with the same interest.
  • [k10] A post that speaks ill of people from a different country could be flagged for this characteristic.
  • [M2] I have Steem power which I can't power down.
  • [O5] A post that is making waves on the platform.

Selected Winners
UsernamePost link
@kesyblissPost Link
@johnmitchelPost Link
@saintkelvin17Post Link

Position, Reward & Number of Correct Answers
First position@kesybliss13
Second Position@johnmitchel10
Third Position@saintkelvin179

The Reward pool has been adjusted from 6 Steem power to 12 Steem Power to accommodate a second and third position.


Getting set for the next crossword Puzzle challenge.

To read more about me, please follow this link to my Achievement 1

#crossword1 #winners #contest #steemexclusive #club100 #steemitblog #nigeria

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much. Will be waiting for the next puzzle, and I will do better.

 2 years ago 
 2 years ago 

Thanks for the reward sir, we all tried our best, i hope to see the next contest soon. 🤝

 2 years ago 

You all did great.

 2 years ago 

Oh really. But I felt bad because of the nature of my drawing.

I wonder why the contest didn't trend.

 2 years ago 

I wonder why the contest didn't trend.

The contest was not for everyone. Only a limited number of persons enjoy stressing their brain for fun. The people who love this type of brain stressing fun will come around. Some just love it when it is difficult while others love it easy.

Maybe the reward or something that needs to be finetune which I am open to suggestion and constructive criticism.

But I felt bad because of the nature of my drawing.

Learn how to use photo editing apps like Pixel lab, PhotoStudio, the knowledge will be really helpful. I personally use PhotoStudio for my graphics.

 2 years ago 

Talking about the photo editing app, I don't normally have data regularly for such things.

Yeah the contest was a bit stressful, one of the reason I contested was because I need alot of steem. I almost gave up on the contest, but I discovered that since the contestants are just two then there's higher chance of me winning. If you also observe, I posted my entry late, my didn't get an upvote and that's too bad

 2 years ago 

I posted my entry late, my didn't get an upvote and that's too bad

let your post step into the contest arena with a plan A and a plan B.

Plan A is to win the contest so you strive to follow rules, get things right, solve the problem and you may be the/a winner. But if it fails then use plan B

Plan B make the post informative enough, hit the 300 word branch mark, format the post well and use an attractive thumbnail and a cool title if the contest did not prescribe a title for you.

If 'both the old gods and the new' are on your side, you will get to win and get the votes too but if you fail one then you may get the other.

 2 years ago 

Oh really 😲 i get it now, thanks 🤝

 2 years ago 

That next puzzle is ready

 2 years ago 

Oh really

 2 years ago 

Nice contest
I have to say I have learnt a lot from this

 2 years ago 

Anticipating your participation in the Next crossword Puzzle challenge.

 2 years ago 

Another edition of Crossword puzzle is out.
You can participate flowing this link

Am so happy for this, because its my first time of winning a contest. I thank all the participants who also participate in the contest and also to the organiser, thank you sir. We all won, so congratulations to all the participants and i believe we will all participants in the next crossword puzzle.

 2 years ago 

That next puzzle is ready

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