Club75 Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Giving my idea by @starrchris

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Good evening my lovely steemians, I am glad to see today to also meet you all in good health. I was ill but I better thanks to all who wished me good luck and quick recovery. I am so glad writing this entry because it all about one of my hobby, I love thinking of things just to get a unique result that no one has taught about. Although at first it used to be quite discouraging to not get selected after giving your best but I changed my mentality to keep engaging for the love and appreciation I have towards steemit and steemit great team.

Vote are not guarantee - 01

Sure anyone thinking steemcuator01 or O2 vote is a guarantee, is unfair because the last time I checked they are thousands of active authors on steemit, then do you expect O1 to vote every one with out getting tired. Secondly we all know about the voting manner found on steemworld and we all know if O1 use up all his voting manner then it would have negative effect on his account. Which wouldn't good .


If O1 votes are guaranteed I sincerely tell you that quality post won't be seen on steemit again because authors would say why should I work hard when I get rewarded for my bad quality post. As O1 votes are not guaranteed everyone begins to work hard to get quality articles to attract O1 and O2.

A woman's place is in the kitchen.


These taught and believe has been followed for centuries before now, I don't know how strong it's in your locality but over here in South-Eastern part of Nigeria. Infact it's so serious that most citizens believe the woman is not needed in family meetings and in decision making for the growth of the family instead the believe the only purpose of women are preparing food in the kitchen, give birth to children and take care of them. These believe has grown to strong that even the woman also believe in this dumb way of life. I am a man that why I love my mum, even as a guy I was always called to assist her and my sisters in the kitchen, which I did gladly.

This way of life only lead to one thing which devaluating, underestimating, marginalizing and making woman the are lower class of human race. This act has made the younger generation intimidate and humiliate the growing female gender and that why we now here of words like
° I was raped Raped
° He Spank my ass
° He forcefully kissed me
° He took my bag etc.
This made the younger male believe female are worthless and inferior human species, who they are free to do as the like because they can't oppose them. They usually treat woman as if they don't have lives, as a guy I don't know why the female :
✓ Must always spend their lives in the kitchen cooking to please the make.
✓ Be allowed to rule our community, instead on feeding on the left over of the males
✓ Can't follow in decision making, because most time this women are so tired to go to the kitchen to cook but they force their self because of their husbands orders.
✓ Can't be let to rest when the guys go to cook for the family, just like I do.

✓ Especially mother's to start involving their young sons in kitchen and cooking matter.

Woman are awesome species with special attributes so therefore they shouldn't be limited to only kitchen matters, they should be allowed to get quality educations just like the men do. I believe a man and woman are equal, so they should have equal rights and permission.

Punishment never has a good effect.


I am a full evidence to this topic, when I was younger, before my higher school ( secondary school) I was stubborn and troublesome at same time. My parents tried hard to correct me by flogging me but I grew tougher so the took me to a boarding military secondary school know as "Command Secondary School Jos, Nigeria.

It's was one of the toughest school in my community. My parents though that the military beating and punishment would break me into a gentle guy but it failed, the beating made me used to feeling pains so it made me tougher and harden. So after 4 years my mum noticed I didn't get better so she Used the best format, she would seat me down to tell me why I shouldn't be stubborn and tough and from that day I really changed into a better man and I never for all her words till today.

Punishment are not good because if wrongly done, would affect the child emotions because a child learn faster from actions he or she sees and advice would just make the child love and respect you more

From my story, although punishment are not good on children but with more of advice and talking then you could make the offender change and regret for his or her act.

Thanks for going through

I am inviting @bright6126, @anyiglobal and @ijelady to also participate in this contest.

I remain greatful to you
steemcurator01 and steemcurator02 for all your support I am greatful.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the challenge and making valid points to defend the statements. However, you didn't defend one statement and wrote against it.

Don't forget to interact with other contest participants by commenting and upvoting their posts.

Quality ChecksStatus
Steem Exclusive
Word Count~880
Beneficiary to pak-charity

thanks for the assessment , I mistakenly missed to set the beneficiary

Next time
After noticing, just copy and cut all
And then refresh and paste to make a different post.

If it's doesn't cut at all, you should copy and cut, then later write
Error and paste.
Then move straight to post the original post while setting the beneficiary

You've defended the above statements like a genius! I like how you defended the statement "Punishment never has a good effect". Thanks for sharing with us

🥰 I am blushing, I am 😊 glad you also saw meaning in my writing. Yes punishment is not the best respond because of its side effects.
Thanks for such an awesome comment.
Wish you success.

True, punishment yields no good effect if wrongly done. And generally, discipline is recommended over punishment. Nicely written. All the best with the contest.

Yea, you spoke out of wisdom, discipline are the best opinion to correct a child.

Yea, thanks for dropping such an engaging contest.

Wish you success.

It's really sad to even hear that some places still seriously follow the idea that a womans place is in the kitchen. Women these days are in so many positions and have proven that they can do a lot better than just stay at home or do better in the kitchen.

About your last point, i think punishment has a different effect on everyone. Some people respond better with being punished as to being talked to and some it just makes them more resistant.

Yea it's really sad to still find humans who still believe in this old and barbaric way of life, but I hope one day this believe would be a story of the past.

Yea but the punisher must punish at a minimal rate with so much love and the punisher should also talk to the punished this would work faster and better.

I wish you success.

I hope so too.
Thank you

Honestly all the points are made clear, i believe that punishment is good when it is giving in a kind way, let the child understand why you are punishing him with this they become better
@starrchris i wish you the best of this contest

Yea, this would strengthen the love between the punisher and the punished, I am also glad you are part of great believers of this great theory.
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Wish you success.

Wow, you just solved a quarter of the problem faced in the world today.

I believe the steemit platform rewards "proof of brains" and that makes users create original unique contents which the curators appreciate.

secondly, we are now in new era where the women no longer stay at home to just be cooking and be birthing children but also involve in the financial aspect of the family, so to say women now have a bit equality to man.

On the side of punishing the child, using corrective measures is most preferable because it makes the child understand the implications of his/her wrongs thereby, making the child stay off such act in future.

I believe in the saying spare the rod and spoil the child but in a mild way to avoid emotional abuse.

Thanks for making this entry, you just opened my eyes to reality.

Yea I am glad 😊 I just help solved part of world famous problem, I just wish everyone will change their minds set into a positive and lovely one. And the world will be a better place.
Thanks for sharing such awesome idea.
Wish you success.

Hello @starrchris.
You wrote so well I must say. Very apt and straight to the point.

Punishment really does not have a good effect. Your story on how punishment made you more stubborn is quite funny sha. Thanks your mom who broke you with her words. Mothers! They are the best humans.

Kindly engage in my contest

I am glad I made you laugh and thanks for stopping by its really an honour.
Wish you success.

I'm always of the opinion that correction works better than punishment psychologically , great write up friend !

Thanks friend, I am glad you also think in same direction. Punishment also results to a negative outcome especially when it's too much and I am glad it's also backed psychologically. Thanks for dropping your awesome contest.

Really to be honest here! You hit all the 3 topics well! Thanks for your continuous creativity 🙏

Thanks man, I am grateful you love my post, thanks for your quality comment.

You have written beautifully well but I believe that the statement a woman's place is in the kitchen has been misinterpreted by those who condemn it and those who cheer it. I will address this on my post

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