Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Be the Critical thinkers we want to see! || 20% Payout to @pak-charity

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)



Hello Steem Pakistanis!!!
I feel elated to be amongst you this day to be a part of you first and also to partake in the ongoing contest after hours of traveling down to your country just to grace this competition. The journey was however short because the contest is done under the Steemit platform, so I came in through Steemit since it is shortest route.

It has been an impacting and rewarding experience being a part of the Steemit Engagement Challenge brought by the steemit team. My sincere appreciation goes to @steemitblog and the administrators and moderators of this community who have been ever supportive since this contest started. Today, I join the host of other steemians to be a part of this week's contest to defend three of the statements provided in the contest post as I critically examine in writing what my opinion is about them.

Out of the five topics listed, I shall criticize the first, third and last topics.

  • A woman's place is in the Kitchen
  • Votes are not guaranteed - SC01
  • Money is more important than love

As I critically examine this topics, I shall take them in the order I feel most appropriate. Let's ride on as I as I discuss my views about the statement.


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I @tmighty wants to oppose the topic above that says a woman's place is in the Kitchen. In essence, I am saying that ***A WOMAN'S PLACE IS NOT IN THE KITCHEN. Before I go on to say anything, let me make you understand the Kitchen and who a woman is.

A Kitchen is the part of the house where foods are prepared, kept and preserved.

A woman is a female human being that has fully grown to maturity and is married to a man. She is the second and version of man created by God. I call the woman the Super human being. Let me prove these points before I go on to defend myself further.

After the creation of all that is in the Earth, man was created to manage the creation. He cared for all the creations of God but he was only able to do little. He struggled with overseeing all that were created by God. This means that he left many things undone. So God saw his struggles, he saw his deficiencies and created the woman. Now before God created the woman, He saw the modifications and additions that had to be made to get a better human being. After due considerations, God created the woman and called her the help meet of man.
Genesis 2:18 and 21-23

18.And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
21.And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22.And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23.And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

The phrase help meet is a versatile. There is no any indication of it that is confined to the Kitchen. The woman was therefore created by God as an helper to meet his needs that are difficult for him to meet because she was well equipped from creation to do things than the man was. The fact that the Bible calls a woman an helper does not mean she should be in a man's house to cook which is what house-helps does.

Ordinarily our helpers in destiny (those who help us fulfill our future ambitions and aspirations) be it man or woman are highly esteemed by us. When a woman comes into a man's life, she does more. Therefore, let us see her more as a destiny helper than just a "helper".

The point I am trying to make here is that the woman is a multi-talented and multi-tasking human created by God to help the man come out successful. In God's idea of how things should be, she wasn't created to help in only in the Kitchen. She was created to do simultaneously many things at the same time - this the man finds very difficult. She gives all the types of help the man needs. This takes me to my second point in this topic.

The woman can do practically everything that the man does. This makes her a more complete being. In which of the sectors of the world or profession of learning is the woman not part? She is everywhere. In schools, you see the woman leading the class in many occasions. We have many successful woman out there, doing well for themselves and there families.

A woman who occupies an important and special role of leadership in the society or at work cannot even be seen to often appear in the Kitchen. If she has the chance, she can only go there to organize things or give instructions but not to make the Kitchen her room. Her worth is far more than that.

The woman do the most works in the Kitchen just because religion teaches that the woman should adore her man. In its real sense, adorning a man doesn't have anything to do with cooking for him. She cooks for him as a help meet. In the real sense of it, the man was supposed to do everything but God provided an help meet so she could lessen his stress. This does not in any way limit her abilities to the Kitchen.

Before I go on to the next topic, see it from this angle but you have to answer this questions yourself.

  • Before a woman marries a man, does she only go about cooking and eating all her life in the Kitchen?

  • Before a woman marries a man, won't the man attend to the Kitchen duties of his house? If he is wealthy enough to higher a maid, he may not attend to kitchen duties but even the one who higher a maid cannot get the help meet the Bible talks about from that maid because she is not his wife.


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I am still going to oppose the statement above. But before I do that, left me define the main words of the statement.

Money is something used as a medium of exchange, accepted by all individuals in a given country. In most societies, it dictates the worth or value of a man.

The word LOVE is a big word that cannot be toiled with. Love is a feeling of strong attraction and desire for a fellow human. It is often seen as the bond which bands couples, family, friends, societies or groups of people together to co-exist as one entity.

Even from the definitions of both words, we can see that money is not important than love but let me shine more light on this.

From God's angle, love is what binds the word together. The world cannot exist without love of God which is the major binding factor. God himself is love. That is what the Bible says. If God is love himself, what is more important than God? I guess you have answered in your mind and I hope you are correct. If we look critically at the meaning of love, it is only God that can be equated to it.

Coming from the point of view of the relationship between humans which begets love and and later begets money. A family cannot progress financially without love. An employer cannot make money without creating a love atmosphere among his employees around his place of work. For instance, the idea behind the creation of the Steemit platform was borne out of love for humanity. The Steemit platform is a decentralized platform created to give financial freedom to as many individuals who are willing to work. The love the steemit owner had for humanity begot this platform, and because the platform has been rewarding many people joined the platform and stayed as a result of love for the platform. The money the platform generates for itself and the members is as a result of the love it first had for humanity which later produced love of the Steemians for the platform. This tells you that love comes before money and it is more important than money.



The Steemit platform is really a rewarding platform but votes are not guaranteed. I shall therefore explain in my understanding why this is so.

Votes on the steemit platform is majorly dependent on two things.
These are luck, intelligence and quality** of one's post. Most times, the two of them have to be fulfilled before votes can be seen on a post. This is because in contests like this, many entries are made and no preferential treatment is given to anyone on the platform.

For example, in this particular contest where many quality posts will be entered as a result of the many intelligent individuals on the platform. SC01 cannot come and choose any posts for votes. Even though SC01 visits any office to vote on a posts, first, it is by chance and most importantly by quality of posts made. For individuals who have not met the quality required even if they get the visitation of SC01, they may not be voted.

To explain this better, luck and quality of post is actually not enough to get votes on steemit. Consistency is key to getting votes from the steemit curation teams. One cannot be in and out and get visited by the curator. Quality posts without consistency may lead to no votes.

Luck, quality of post, and consistency all put together still doesn't guarantee votes. It may sound complicated now but if you want to see your posts voted many times, just write as many times as possible, follow updates from @steemitblog and prayerfully write but votes are not guaranteed.

In conclusion, I make bold to say that a woman's place is not in the kitchen, money is not important than love and votes are not guaranteed on steemit.

On this note, I draw the cotton and invite my friends @tenguhatanga, @ngoenyi and @dave-hanny to be a part of this contest.

Thank you for your time


Hhhhmmmmm ... A beautiful entry @tmighty. I love you defend the points especially for a woman's place in the kitchen

She cooks for him as a help meet.

You really get the point because many don't understand this at all. They great women as second class humans. This is totally unfair. A woman should be given some space

To money of more important than love as it acts as catalyst in any relationship be it family, business. If I am to choose I will pick money and love will follow later.

As for Sc01 it is never guaranteed

Am speechless! You have critically made concrete points about the 3 statement you choose. Now i feel like writing mine.

Thank you so much

I love your religious perspective to the subject of a woman's place in the kitchen.
It's written on no book that the woman is made for the kitchen. Men just made this up.
Nice one.

You are right @iamchukwudi. It's a made up philosophy.

Thanks for your comment

Wow! This is a well-detailed post showing incredible views on the topics. So much depth and points to hold on to.

I strongly agree with you ; the Worth of a Woman is beyond the kitchen.

Money is a tool used in the expression of Love ; A tool can't be more important than the purpose it's meant to serve.

Thanks for sharing this much value.

Thanks @afunkycares.

Money is a tool to express love

Thanks for buttressing my point.
Please join the challenge.

Yea, I admire your wisdom, it's true women can do most of the thing a can do. So why are they then limited to only kitchen duties.
Thanks for sharing sir
Wish you success.

Thanks @starrchris.

Women are super humans that men don't know. If only we let them play the intended role God created them for, the world will be a better place.

I totally agree with you that a woman's place is not in the kitchen. Kitchen is meant for both gender. I have seen a pastor cook for his wife when her wife wasn't around and even when he sees his wife has been busy since morning, he will help his wife.

Women are not to be conditioned to the kitchen. They too can have impact and contribute significantly to the environment.

You see, some people think women can't contribute to the environment and that's why they believe their place is only the kitchen. But it's not always true. Women are significant people in the environment and have been endowed with potentials.

You are so right @msquaretk.
Women are the most endowed humans. They are a better specie of humans. They are just limited by a wrong philosophy.

 2 years ago 

The topics you picked are interesting and I agree to most of it, but I think females shall be beholders of the house and not only kitchen. This is how this statement can get better social results and this is how women will find themselves to be graded high.

Thank you @faizanweites07.

You may not understand the point I made if you are not Christian but can you take good look at your wife if you are married or your sister and see the many ways she is better than you?

She can help you better than where you have relegated her.

Well, u opposed the idea of a woman's place being in the kitchen truth is men can do well in the kitchen too. But I guess the philosophy of a woman's place being in the kitchen is thicker than meets the ears. Aldo you oppose the option than money is more important than love. Well, the realities of modern life proved that love doesn't exist where money doesn't. So all the best with your contest. But I like your thoughts, was expected.

Thanks for coming by @nsisong.

We are entitled to our opinion but no matter how the world seem to be, the world needs more of love than it needs money.

A critical thinker , you explained the 3 points you choosed both on God's view point and on Man's view point,
This word money and love sometimes got me thinking which one is the best, i think I have learned great lesson from this post, thank you @steemitblog for this engagement Challenge

Thank you for coming by.

So which is more important.

 2 years ago 

You went against the brief of the challenge by not defending two of the statements. What I admire about this is that you gave your view and you stuck to it. Well done👏🏻

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