stand up comedy horror

in Knack4buzz3 days ago

“Evening, buddy! How's everyone doing? I hope no one pissed in their pants because they were
scared! I'm going to tell you about something horrible, but just
enjoy it while covering your ears. This is my version of the story, not to make
not make your hair stand up, but make your stomach upset. Are you ready, let's start this funny horror?
funny!” so you think there's a funny horror!


Classic Horror Movies

“Come on, who among you has seen a ghost movie? The one where the ghost wears a white negligee, has long uncombed hair, and peeks out from the corner of a dark room? I thought, 'Is this a ghost trying to scare me or auditioning for Indonesia's Next Top Model?

Try to imagine, if ghosts today have to follow fashion trends. Wear branded clothes, expensive bags, then when you want to scare say, 'Ehem, this is a Gucci bag, you know! Are you scared yet?' Surely the ghost is dizzy thinking about how to get income to buy branded goods, at least if you don't keep a tuyul, this ghost is ngepet, because if you want to work, the application is rejected, people read jampi jampi to repel the ghost.

Then you see, in ghost movies there are always scenes of people running in the wrong direction and meeting the ghost? There's a strange noise and they hide under the bed. For me, when I heard a strange voice, I immediately ran and shouted, 'Please take the house, sister kunti! I'm sincere, just think of it as your own house!”

Office horrors

“What's the scariest moment in the office? I'm sure there must be someone who experienced it. there must be someone nodding while reading
Once, the office lights suddenly went out. Everyone immediately panicked like they were being chased by debt collectors. I saw my friend, his face was pale, like after meeting his ex.
Then he said, 'This must be something!'

I said, 'Yes, there's something wrong. There's a problem with the electricity, not with the ghost!
But the most chilling thing in the office wasn't the lights going out. The most horrifying thing was that suddenly an employee from the financial audit agency appeared with a sweet smile, 'Um..., ladies and gentlemen, please collect the reports of the person in charge of activities related to the budget, I want to make an official report that all budgets are returned and I have received the reports tonight'.
Suddenly the whole office turned into a magician, all the data looked normal. my inner voice said, 'mom! This is scarier than a vampire!'”

Horror at Home

“Home can also be a place of horror. Especially if someone tells me about a haunted house. A friend of mine once confided in me, 'There's often a strange noise in his house at night.'
I asked, 'What is that sound?'
She replied, 'The sound of a girl crying.'
I said, 'Oh, maybe it's the next door neighbor watching a sad soap opera about a love story. Understandably, they just broke up.

And the most horrifying moment in the house was when hunting cockroaches! The lights were turned off, and suddenly the cockroach flew. Everyone immediately ran out of the house, screaming like a cheerleader in a trance. more exciting than the eating competition

horrors in public places

I've been in a mall restroom, the door can't be locked. I can only hold the door while mumbling, 'then I pray silently that no one opens the door! If someone opens it, God please make them have amnesia!'

When I was busy eating at a fast food restaurant, suddenly a beautiful girl called out, 'sir! sir!' I immediately thought, 'Who is this? Debt collector? An ex? Or the grim reaper?” it turns out that he called the person who was sitting in front of me. tastes wanted to cry in the corner while eating ice cream.”

“Well, that's the horror in our daily lives. in this life, we must be able to laugh, even in the most fearful moments. Who knows, the ghosts will laugh too, so we can make new friends. Thank you guys for reading my post! Be careful and don't forget to pray before going to bed, so as not to stray into other dreams!”


After I read it over and over again I forgot where the funny thing was oh..god Am I having amnesia so I forgot where the funny thing was?

 3 days ago (edited)

Let me help you 🙃

the ghost wears a white negligee, has long uncombed hair, and peeks out from the corner of a dark room? I thought, 'Is this a ghost trying to scare me or auditioning for Indonesia's Next Top Model?

Ehem, this is a Gucci bag, you know! Are you scared yet?'

there are always scenes of people running in the wrong direction and meeting the ghost?

panicked like they were being chased by debt collectors. I saw my friend, his face was pale, like after meeting his ex.
Then he said, 'This must be something!'
I said, 'Yes, there's something wrong. There's a problem with the electricity

Suddenly the whole office turned into a magician, all the data looked normal. my inner voice said, 'mom! This is scarier than a vampire!

What is that sound?'
She replied, 'The sound of a girl crying.'
I said, 'Oh, maybe it's the next door neighbor watching a sad soap opera about a love story. Understandably, they just broke up.

when hunting cockroaches! The lights were turned off, and suddenly the cockroach flew

screaming like a cheerleader in a trance. more exciting than the eating competition

a beautiful girl called out, 'sir! sir!' I immediately thought, 'Who is this? Debt collector? An ex? Or the grim reaper?”

Who knows, the ghosts will laugh too, so we can make new friends

😄👍 Thank you

 3 days ago 

I couldn't help laughing and nearly choked on my salad which could have turn into a horror but after I read out loud for my son he laughed and left me enjoying the choking moment alone.

No, I didn't pee in my pants, I can still hold it in which reminds me of the fact my son should serve me a drink... if I drink more I might wet...

It takes two to use a public toilet or arms twice as long or a sandbag you can use to close the door with.

Thanks for the good laugh. You are gold, way more valuable than the Gucci handbag


I am very happy if I can be entertained from this article, thank you


Haha. Brilliant.

I have a two liner:

Why did the Ghost go to the party?
The boo-gie all the night.

I read that somewhere years ago and still haunts me to this day everytime I think or read about ghost. From now on, I will remember of ghosts every time I see a Gucci bag for sure.

It's becoming a pattern: Seeing a Gucci bag, remembering ghosts, remembering the boo-gie.

Thank you, I remember the story of the ancient people about the seven thieves (pancuri tujoh) and the story of the mute and the person who spoke with a hare lip (si shyoe)

There were many folktales Acehnese had which much of them might have been forgotten now.


This made me laugh, but also made me think. Loved it!

Thank you, it's a pleasure to entertain you

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