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RE: stand up comedy horror

in Knack4buzz2 days ago

Haha. Brilliant.

I have a two liner:

Why did the Ghost go to the party?
The boo-gie all the night.

I read that somewhere years ago and still haunts me to this day everytime I think or read about ghost. From now on, I will remember of ghosts every time I see a Gucci bag for sure.

It's becoming a pattern: Seeing a Gucci bag, remembering ghosts, remembering the boo-gie.


Thank you, I remember the story of the ancient people about the seven thieves (pancuri tujoh) and the story of the mute and the person who spoke with a hare lip (si shyoe)

There were many folktales Acehnese had which much of them might have been forgotten now.

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