Dear Recruiters, You have the First Responsibility of Creating a Great Member!

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago (edited)

Steemit is an amazing platform, that is expanding with new users daily. There are different kinds of users that joining through different relationships. Some people find steemit by themselves and some are invited by friends. Inviting friends usually called recruiting. During the past year of steemit, Newcomers' Community played a major role in training and teaching newcomers about the basics of steemit. The creator of the project, cryptokannon has made a very specific curricular for newcomers that cover all basic knowledge about steemit. I recommend all newcomers to cover at least 4 achievements in order to get a better idea about Wallet and Keys, Etiquettes, and Markdown.

Today I am going to talk about some common things I noticed during my 6-month history of Newcomers' Community.

Photo by Norbert Hentges on Unsplash

For a newcomer, there are so many fundamental things to learn about steemit. It can be expanded from creating a post to basic wallet actions. For a normal person, it requires someone's assistance to learn basic concepts and etiquettes of steemit.

Recruiters Have a Big Responsibility

Recruiters are doing a great job by expanding steemit network. On other hand, they have a big responsibility of creating a successful steemit member. As well as introducing steemit to friends, it is your responsibility to take care of them for the first few days until they get to adapt to the system.

If you are a recruiter, please pay attention to the following things...

  1. Support the new member to create a proper self-introduction.
    Most of the time, self-introduction is the very first post that a newcomer creates. They can find it difficult to upload images, use markdowns organize content, create titles, and using tags. It is better to spend few minutes helping them with the self-introduction.

  2. Comment and vote the new members first post and share it with others
    It should be your comment is the first comment of your recruitee. Usually, a new member joins with 0 fans, so it is your duty to welcome him first and encourage him by sharing his self-introduction. Not only that, please encourage the newcomer to respond to comments he gets. This is the very first lesson of making engagement.

  3. Teach him to check the notification and how to redeem rewards
    It seems very fundamental, but this is a very basic but valuable part. Teach your friend about the different kinds of notifications we see and what are actions we can take on it. For example how we respond to a mention, recognizing comments, followers and following back them.

    You must prioritize it to teach them how to redeem rewards. I have sent even personal messages for some newcomers who haven't redeem their rewards ever. It is recruiters' responsibility to touch these basics things.

  4. Encourage them to make followers
    Have you ever seen accounts writing for months but 0 followings? How a community process without follower-followee interactions? Connections of steemit are very useful for surviving within the platform. Teach your friend to follow others, read other's contents, and make friends as much as they can. Sticking into one place will not help for the growth of the steemit life.


  5. Teach them to curate
    I have seen so many newcomers who never press their green upvote button. Even though they get curation rewards or not, just teach them the importance of voting. Teach them why voting is important.

  6. Encourage them to powerup
    Knowledge about Steem Power is very crucial. During my first days, I competitively tried to enhance my steem power. Still, I work to collect more and more steem power with me. Steem power is an important element in steemit ecosystem. Please encourage your friend to enhance steem power as fast as he can.

  7. Teach them Etiquette
    Before completing achievement 3 talk with your friend about the etiquette of steemit. What is good and what is bad?What is accepted and what is not? Always encourage them to write their own articles with their ability and encourage them to use their own photos as much as they can. If you write your own words and idea, you will never need to use a plagiarism checker.

    Also introduce different communities, different famous characters in steemit to your friend to follow and learn from them. Show them new opportunities in steemit to grow. Teach them to behave well on their posts without unnecessarily mentioning curators and community admins. I have observed even 25 reputation accounts mention steemcurator01, in their posts which is very strange. Correct guidence will avoid such negetive attitudes.

  8. Introduce steemworld to them
    After all the basic things in , don't forget to introduce to your recruitee. Make them understand about voting %, reward stats, accounts operations, reputation, resource credit etc

  9. Inform them of trending issue/threats
    Newcomers tend to get hacked by phishing links. From time to time there are such situations. Until your recruitee gets familiar, you should keep them informed about such security threats and challenges.

  10. Help them to highlight themselves
    Encourage your friend to do new things in steemit. Motivate him to find new contests and opportunities.

Recruiting a newcomer can be easy but building him as a great member is challenging. Dear recruiters, you have the first responsible of creating a great member!

5% of the reward is allocated to @sl-charity


All very good advice.

Just don't encourage newcomers to tag @steemcurator01 or @steemcurator02.

We get so many mentions, it is worthless, and just means we miss important messages.

We may soon start to stop voting on posts that tag us for no reason.


Just don't encourage newcomers to tag steemcurator01 or steemcurator02.

Is that the second para of point 7? Oh, It's a little sarcasm for just born accounts who already know steemcurator01 when born and mention everywhere. :D Maybe it implies the meaning incorrectly.. One more line will enhance the meaning.

If you can clarify it in the post to avoid misunderstanding that will be great, thank you.

A few days ago I stopped mentioning steemcurator01 and steemcurator02. However, seeing that there are still many who mention it and get curation. Sometimes I also want to mention it again.
As a recruiter, I will tell the newcomer who I have recruited, so as not memention steemcurator01 and steemcurator02 again.
I'm sorry if in my last post, I still mention it.
Thanks for the explanation

That is exactly what I have done. None of my recruiters is mentioning any steemcurator accounts. I am stressing on their learning and encouraging them to make quality contents. Support will ultimately come on good contents.

With a new Community for the beginning time I also do this, But from Now I will not to do this anymore and ensuring this will not tagging you from me. Also will try to encourage users for not doing this.

hi, of course! I always encourage other to do not tag you in their posts. If they do very good posts they will be supported :) I am trying to intruduce many people in my country, including family and friends. Greetings!

More voting more benefit

Hola. Este post me encanta, yo desconocía que no se podía etiquetar a los curadores, incluso al inicio de mis publicaciones me frustro que no me votaran yo pensé que para que te votran tenias que mencionarlos, claro ahora no lo hago pero mis publicaciones continúan igual sin ser visitadas por ustedes. Igual aun así continuo publicando mis contenidos, leyendo, votando y comentando, porque en realidad me encanta, ojala pudiese tener mas poder de voto jeje para ayudar a todos. Pienso que a ustedes les pasa igual. Gracias una vez mas por aclararnos el panorama. Bendiciones.

Recruiting a newcomer can be easy but building him as a great member is challenging.

Well said friend 🤗
My personal experience is Some newcomers come to Steemit with money in mind. After posting two or three articles, When they do not get what they want, they leave Steemit.
So a newcomer must have a good patience and a recruiter also need to teach them that there is more to Steemit than just making money🤗

Yeah that's true.. like we did😍

I like steemit is a great community for me.

This should be reposting in regular intervals. ❤️🙌

Well description sister, we all also have some responsibility, Thanks for presenting.

Very good advice to all my friend .. this will be very important to all❤️

Dear @randulakoralage, I invite you personally and members of your community to take part in my contest "My pets". Competition announcement -
SY, @maksina

I have two pets😀.. I'll join

Wow! It will be great! On the third week, one pet, on the fourth - the second! I hope the competition will be ongoing! The third week of the competition lasts until April? 23. You are welcome!

Thanks for the guide @randulakoralage. It's a very useful guide for us all recruiters.
from Indonesia

Helpful post.

Newcomers are like fish out of water.It's up to us to send them back to the water. So I am preparing a guide where newcomers will find all the answers. I am trying to answer the questions of all members who join the steemit platform from my country with the help of telegram and discord and direct them correctly. I encourage them to support the topic in steem power and to create original content.With the competitions I do, I both entertain them and support them with the awards we give.I follow your esteemed country representatives and share the information I have gained with my own people and let them know about the subject.Thanks for this great information

Turkey country representative, candidate @habercitr

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