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RE: Dear Recruiters, You have the First Responsibility of Creating a Great Member!

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago

All very good advice.

Just don't encourage newcomers to tag @steemcurator01 or @steemcurator02.

We get so many mentions, it is worthless, and just means we miss important messages.

We may soon start to stop voting on posts that tag us for no reason.



Just don't encourage newcomers to tag steemcurator01 or steemcurator02.

Is that the second para of point 7? Oh, It's a little sarcasm for just born accounts who already know steemcurator01 when born and mention everywhere. :D Maybe it implies the meaning incorrectly.. One more line will enhance the meaning.

If you can clarify it in the post to avoid misunderstanding that will be great, thank you.

A few days ago I stopped mentioning steemcurator01 and steemcurator02. However, seeing that there are still many who mention it and get curation. Sometimes I also want to mention it again.
As a recruiter, I will tell the newcomer who I have recruited, so as not memention steemcurator01 and steemcurator02 again.
I'm sorry if in my last post, I still mention it.
Thanks for the explanation

That is exactly what I have done. None of my recruiters is mentioning any steemcurator accounts. I am stressing on their learning and encouraging them to make quality contents. Support will ultimately come on good contents.

With a new Community for the beginning time I also do this, But from Now I will not to do this anymore and ensuring this will not tagging you from me. Also will try to encourage users for not doing this.

hi, of course! I always encourage other to do not tag you in their posts. If they do very good posts they will be supported :) I am trying to intruduce many people in my country, including family and friends. Greetings!

More voting more benefit

Hola. Este post me encanta, yo desconocía que no se podía etiquetar a los curadores, incluso al inicio de mis publicaciones me frustro que no me votaran yo pensé que para que te votran tenias que mencionarlos, claro ahora no lo hago pero mis publicaciones continúan igual sin ser visitadas por ustedes. Igual aun así continuo publicando mis contenidos, leyendo, votando y comentando, porque en realidad me encanta, ojala pudiese tener mas poder de voto jeje para ayudar a todos. Pienso que a ustedes les pasa igual. Gracias una vez mas por aclararnos el panorama. Bendiciones.

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