Coronavirus Hoax — More Evidence

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

We have new data on mortality in the EU and the World. Still there is NO EXCESSIVE MORTALITY ANYWHERE! But media still drumbeats about the “deadly virus” filling your TV sets with bodies that would die anyway in the seasonal flu outbreak. So, what are the new evidence?

This is by far the greatest hoax since the “Moon landings”. But while “Moon landings” were made up to create an impression of power for the new Empire, the Coronavirus hoax has much more sinister aim. It has created to drive planet’s population to the desperation. To bankrupt them, make them accept the greatest robbery in the history of the World, and to be happy because they have got through everything saving their lives. To force them to accept any kind of terrible fascist governance over the present chaos. Ordo ab Chao. Italians are at the end of nerves, and lootings started:

Duration: 3:25

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

— Frank Zappa

Well, the illusion of freedom (or Phantom of Liberty, as Luis Buñuel would say) is over.

Today we have new data from the European mortality bulletin week 13, 2020, until April 1st, and… it still does not show any excessive mortality anywhere!

Poolednumber W13.png

And if we look at each country separately, we can see slightly higher mortality only in Spain and Italy…

MulticountryzscoreTotal W13.png

…but that was still far below mortality recorded in 2017…


…and 2018, without any accompanying hysteria.


Also, at the World level, by the data from Worldometers site for April 2nd, 2020, we still don’t have any excessive deaths, even if we add up numbers for flu and coronavirus:

Danger listDeaths this yearYearlySource
Cancer2,091,2689,6 millionWHO
Alcohol636,6533 millionWHO
Traffic Accidents343,6171.3 – 1.9 millionWHO
Flu123,762291,000 – 646,000CDC

Do not forget that the current death rate of Coronavirus is highly misleading. It is calculated only related to reported cases. Since the symptoms can be really mild, many people haven’t been reported at all.

But that is not all, folks!

We have countries that have not succumbed to the pressure of corporate media hysteria. They are rare, but they show much different picture from this of your TV screen. In North Korea there is no breakout. Are they lying or they are immune to COVID-19? Let’s suppose they are lying and there is a high mortality rate there. Let the North Koreans overthrow their government, then. It’s a matter of life or death, right? But what if they are not lying? What if they are immune to corporate media lies? Who has more freedom then?

OK, we wont believe North Koreans. Let’s see what is with Belarus, European state in the heart of “breakout”. They live completely normally, playing football and ice hockey, don’t have any restrictions, and didn’t even blocked their borders:

Duration: 2:14 Belarus

Are they lying too? Are they immune or coronavirus is just a corporate media hoax aimed to shear everyone who acts as a sheep?

And what about Swedes? They are also living as usual, without the ugly muzzles that are usually placed on dogs and livestock.

Duration: 0:46 Sweden

Are they mad or this is all a hoax with an aim to suppress your will for freedom, your privacy, your voice, and to made you forget your gatherings for Julian Assange?

There is a town in Serbia called Novi Pazar, where nobody cares for the “quarantine measures” and curfew imposed by the corrupt government. How many deaths there? None. Are they careless or this is a hoax made to destroy your state and your life?

OK, they are all unreliable and irresponsible bunch who do not care about lives like Americans do. For example, those Americans who are continuing works on Trump’s wall, despite the “deadly virus”:

Duration: 0:47 Trump’s wall

So, is it a virus that do not touches construction workers, or is it a hoax because someone wants to keep you in a very large concentration camp?

Is it a hoax aimed to eliminate all those stupid enough who do not want to see the largest theft…

Duration: 11:36

…not only in the US history, but in the history of the World?

Well, what do you think?

This text at Hive

* * *

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Well, what do you think?

It is a nasty flu for some people. We are taking care in my home as my 96 year old Mom lives with us and it would likely carry her away, yet we use the same caution every flu season without the need of being locked down.

It is a nasty flu for some people

That is exactly like you said, @novacadian. Elderly people should take care like in every seasonal flu epidemic — everything else is a monstrous hoax. Thank you for your feedback and support.

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