On Family History And Lifestyle Choices

There is something about me that often makes people uncomfortable around me, and I wish it didn't. You see, I'm a teetotaler, and I always have been. That is, I have never in my life drank alcohol, done any kind of drugs, or smoked anything (legal, natural, or not). Because this always gets asked, yes, I consume caffeine but it doesn't actually give me any energy - I'm one of those backward people for whom it makes me sleepy. But it kills my migraines, so down the hatch, plus coffee in chocolate is just yum.

When you tell people this, most will assume you are coming from a place of judgement: like their Catholic school teacher telling them they are going to hell for smoking the devil's lettuce. But frankly, I don't care if anybody else does these things, let alone do I condemn them for it. Please enjoy your devil's lettuce. ;)

The devil's lettuce! image from https://thechalkerchronicles.blogspot.com/2011/04/devils-lettuce.html ...and no, as appropriate as the name is, The Chalker Chronicles is not my blog, lol

The reason why I don't do any kind of drugs is because addiction runs in my family. Addiction is heritable. And yes, I've known that since I was a teenager, so I just didn't do it.

Now I'm not gonna lie and say that I didn't have anger issues about the addiction in my family growing up - I was hurt and angry, for sure. But I didn't condemn my friends for experimenting, because my friends didn't fucking hurt me.

It's entirely possible that if I had been a normal teenager and experimented with things, or a normal adult who has some wine or beer with dinner or went out with friends for drinks, that I would not have become addicted - I can't know for sure. But I very well could have, and I didn't want to take that chance.

People generally think this is a very extreme reaction on my part. I get that. But I have a new metaphor that just came to me today to explain it!

This is what people imagine I'm doing. I'm gonna keep making devil's lettuce jokes because what other photos am I gonna use in this post? LOL

Some people get double mastectomies because they have the breast cancer genes and a family history of breast cancer, even if they are not diagnosed with breast cancer themselves. Some people think that's a pretty radical thing to do, but those people think it's worth it, after going through what they went through with their family. That's what I'm doing, but for addiction. Some people think it's pretty radical to be a teetotaler, but after going through what I went through with my family, I think it's worth it. The double mastectomy person isn't judging other people who get breast cancer, and I'm not judging people who become addicts or even just consume anything but aren't addicted to it - this is just the choice we made given the hand we were dealt for our own personal lives.

We've all got different life experiences and different genetic inheritances, and we deal with those in different ways. Just like I'd rather avoid eating my allergens but my family with allergies would rather eat what they want and just take piles of allergy medicines, I'm a weirdo compared to most because my choice is abstention. I know that that's unusual because I abstain from a LOT of things; it seems to be my default reaction, and it strikes others as extreme every time, lol. But I promise I'm not sitting there making the Church Lady face at you if you don't abstain.

The Church Lady

This is just how I take care of me. :) How do you take care of you?

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Very well penned. Addiction runs in my family too, as well as abusive behaviors. Plus, I have a constellation of allergies. Your essay could be speaking directly from me. In fact, I have had virtually identical discussions with my own kin.

Among my immediate kin, the most prevalent addiction is smoking. Now, if you want to smoke in your house or car, fine. I happen to have allergic asthma (I actually have EIB and non-allergenic asthma too). Anyway, among my most virulent and most immediate triggers is cigarette smoke. Even if you don't smoke around me, if it's in your soft furnishings, it will bring on an asthmatic episode. And, if you smoke, it is in everything and every place you are. So, no… I cannot hang out in your house or carpool with you. It's not a judgment on you for smoking. It's just an attempt for me not to end up in the emergency room or be hospitalized AGAIN for respiratory distress. Before I formed my own household, with a complete moratorium on everything I'm allergic to, I had pneumonia more than a dozen times (including just days after I was born), had chronic bronchitis for two decades, and was hospitalized multiple times as a result. For these reasons, I don't go to the homes of family members who smoke.

[sigh] Speaking to my kin now: No, I'm not judging you for choosing to smoke. However, I cannot help feeling you have chosen cigarettes over me, and then judged me for choosing my actual life over your cigarettes.

Aw man, I had chronic bronchitis all through my 20s and it was awful, I empathize with that totally. I'm so sorry it's so easily set off for you.
I think for me something shifted regarding my immune system because in the same period I also had terrible seasonal allergies - I pretty much couldn't breathe through my nose for a few months out of the year. Eventually I found a few whack-a-mole fixes for both - if I got a shot of wheatgrass juice right when I felt the bronchitis starting up, and for the allergies, it was bee pollen - I could beat them back with a stick, but they were still always trying to flare up.
But then sometime in my 30s it all just stopped - at the same time that all my food allergies went completely off the charts and my vitiligo started spreading for the first time in my life (vitiligo is that thing where your immune system attacks the melanin in your skin and you end up with patches of no color at all). I haven't been sick, like, flu, cold, bronchitis sick - in years. It's like my immune system turned on its head. And I'm totally grateful for it because I would MUCH rather deal with a restrictive diet and pale spots than chronic bronchitis and 20 sneezes in a row. ;) Environmental allergens can still set me off, but not at ALL like that "well you're just not going to be able to breathe much this spring, good luck with that" that it used to be; it's a here and there, wildfire smoke or somebody's cologne kind of thing, and not a "the entire season of spring" kind of thing.
All that to say, I don't blame you at ALL for setting your boundaries to keep yourself safe, and your kin are jerks for not respecting that.

I'm glad your respiratory issues got better. But, I was born with compromised lungs (I was a preemie). As I wrote in my comments, I had pneumonia and was hospitalized within days of my birth. I also had rubella simultaneously. Worse though, is that – according to Duke University pulmonology specialists, I likely had asthma from birth that went undiagnosed until I was nearly 17. Then, when I went off to college, I lost all healthcare coverage under my dad and went without treatment for it until the ACA – all while my kin went right on puffing like smoke stacks. Of course, in those days, everyone who smoked did so wherever they pleased, anyone who couldn't be around it be damned. Seriously, back then, you couldn't walk into a public building anywhere without running the gauntlet of smokers crowded at the entrances – even at hospitals.

In fairness, though, I've always been rather sickly compared to the overwhelming majority of folks. I have a constellation of health issues. Unfortunately, when one issue flares up, it invariably seems to trigger the others like a cascade effect.

I also have scent triggers. My husband, who is Persian, adores perfume. When we first got together, he wanted to buy me perfume all the time. But, I couldn't wear it. He also likes scented candles and air fresheners, which I cannot tolerate. He was a "social smoker" and stopped all together for my benefit. He even stopped wearing cologne for me. Now, you may not be aware of it, but a Persian man giving up cologne is not just huge… It is HUGE!


I tried some things when I was younger. But I quit by the time I was 20. I seldom drank after that and quit that in 2000. I also come from a family with addiction issues. Unfortunately my drug of choice is carbs.

Even if you avoid the most common causes of addiction, the addiction problem is also known as addiction amoeba. This means it can pop up as gambling, sex, food, etc. They all affect the brain the same way.

I've never run into issues with others about the fact I don't do mind altering stuff. I guess I'm too much of a homebody for it to come up.

Yeah, I always say that my dad is addicted to everything you can be addicted to besides the internet and shopping. I don't have the money for shopping and gambling barring an occasional lotto ticket and the bare necessities, and I'm a sex-repulsed asexual so not interested in sex. My mom is a stress eater but I've never struggled with that - which can mostly be chalked up to depression I think, as I don't want to eat more often. The closest I come is spending too much time online, but that gets mitigated by poverty, too - and I'm about to lose access again - because I can't afford the absurd bills so I've been hooked into a friend's account, but she's moving and dropping her service because her new building provides wifi.
All of it gets mitigated by depression, really, because I have anhedonia - none of these things gives me much pleasure at all. My dad has depression too but he can get the lift from engaging in his activities. It's easy to not be tempted when nothing brings me much pleasure.
However I also have CPTSD so I damn well know what a high feels like - it's just that it generally requires some life-threatening danger to get me there, lol. When I was growing up I had that high all the time and didn't understand why people did drugs - now I understand. If I knew xyz pill gave me the high again? I could see that becoming an addiction. Very easily.

Devil's Lettuce LMAO!!!!!!

You are the most non-judgy non devil lettuce consumer, I've always loved that about you. Thanks for letting your friends be themselves, actually encouraging us to be ourselves. You set a great example in many ways, and I wish there were more like youuuuuu.

Aw, shucks. Sankyuu. :)

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Thanks, trufflepig! :)

There's enough to do in life that you don't have to worry about defining yourself by the things you don't do. But I totally get that people might misunderstand and think you're judging them. I think it's because a lot of former drinkers and addicts define their whole life by their sobriety. Good for them if it works, but I've always thought it was kind of sad they didn't have anything else.

I go through phases with alcohol. My father was a paranoid schizophrenic alcoholic who I never got to know, so for a long time I avoided in entirely. Then I tried some and felt elated, energized, relaxed, happy... That sense of is this how normal people feel? No wonder they're not depressed... Then I was scared by how good it felt. It took me a good ten years to realize I wasn't an alcoholic.

Now, if there's booze in the house I'll have a couple drinks every night until it's gone, and then do without for months because I hate shopping so much that a stop at the liquor store is more trouble than it's worth.

I think it has come up so much for me for a few reasons. I came of age in a neighborhood rather rife with drugs and booze, so it was everywhere and me not joining in was noted. I somehow always fall in with a stoner crowd? LOL. We tend to vibe in the crunchy granola hippies way and it's just that I don't consume. And finally, I come off as a goody two shoes. I don't know why, tbh - people act shocked when I swear, which is hilarious because I swear all the time. So I cause a lot of confusion I guess because people are expecting Jesus Loves Me but they're getting a sober Pagan who cusses like a sailor. The Pagan part is a huge point of confusion for people, too, because they literally think we're all having drugged out sex rituals and sacrificing living creatures (for the record, I have never done that or seen anyone do that, lol. But I have been asked if I do). So apparently I just send very confusing signals, and it gets commented upon. Nobody ever reads me for queer either, but I am queer as a snowstorm in July. 😂

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