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RE: On Family History And Lifestyle Choices

I tried some things when I was younger. But I quit by the time I was 20. I seldom drank after that and quit that in 2000. I also come from a family with addiction issues. Unfortunately my drug of choice is carbs.

Even if you avoid the most common causes of addiction, the addiction problem is also known as addiction amoeba. This means it can pop up as gambling, sex, food, etc. They all affect the brain the same way.

I've never run into issues with others about the fact I don't do mind altering stuff. I guess I'm too much of a homebody for it to come up.


Yeah, I always say that my dad is addicted to everything you can be addicted to besides the internet and shopping. I don't have the money for shopping and gambling barring an occasional lotto ticket and the bare necessities, and I'm a sex-repulsed asexual so not interested in sex. My mom is a stress eater but I've never struggled with that - which can mostly be chalked up to depression I think, as I don't want to eat more often. The closest I come is spending too much time online, but that gets mitigated by poverty, too - and I'm about to lose access again - because I can't afford the absurd bills so I've been hooked into a friend's account, but she's moving and dropping her service because her new building provides wifi.
All of it gets mitigated by depression, really, because I have anhedonia - none of these things gives me much pleasure at all. My dad has depression too but he can get the lift from engaging in his activities. It's easy to not be tempted when nothing brings me much pleasure.
However I also have CPTSD so I damn well know what a high feels like - it's just that it generally requires some life-threatening danger to get me there, lol. When I was growing up I had that high all the time and didn't understand why people did drugs - now I understand. If I knew xyz pill gave me the high again? I could see that becoming an addiction. Very easily.

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