SEC S11W3: "Show your originality"

in Colombia-Originallast year (edited)
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Hello friends!!

It's another week of encouragement challenge with an interesting topic to write about.

Every one born on the surface of this earth has their unique attributes which makes us special and different which can be termed as original

Would you like to know more about my uniqueness of what sets me apart here on Steemit? Then I think you would be interested to read till the end.

What do you think sets you apart as a blogger?
IMG_20230502_134540_980.jpgI love writing stories

First I would like to say I love blogging especially here on Steemit. Steemit at large has given many users the opportunity to express their divers gifts, talent and skill which makes us unique. Because Steemit encourages originality in writing, these has exposed many to even the things that they didn't think were possible.

I have been a blogger on steemit since 2021 and I can say what sets me apart as a blogger is my ability to captivate my audience through story telling.

If their is one thing I know about been a good blogger, it will be the ability to hold your audience at ransom using exciting and catchy sentences or stories to display your points.

When you go through my blog you would notice this ability I have of captivating anyone who reads through. I love telling stories and using them to drive my points.

Another thing that sets me apart as a blogger is My ability to use simple English. My ability to be as simple as possible in the use of English language sets me apart. I want a situation where by any body can be able to read through my blog and quickly understands what am saying and get the information am trying to pass across.

These two things I have listed above is what sets me apart as a blogger.

What does it mean to me to be original?
IMG_20230305_061742_140.jpgMy unique self

In my opinion, to be original simply means having a way to convey and express your message, information or points in way that you are the first to do it that way.

For example on Steemit users are expected to publish original contents only. This simply means that users are meant to use their brains and produce contents, rather than copy from other people.

To be original can also mean to always express your self in a way that is unique to you. For instance I have seen a kid who loves to express himself using sign language. This kid is not even dumb but while growing up we noticed he was taught sign language is school therefore he grew up and preferred to use sign language.

This doesn't mean he doesn't talk, of course he does, but he just feels better expressing himself in that way. I can say this kid is been original in expression.

Originality is making use of your inner strength, expressing it without any apology.

What do you think has been your most original post on Steemit and why? Share with us your link

In my stay on Steemit for 2years and 6months, I have made alot of original posts. But so far I can say give you two posts that are very original to me. Here are their links.

@lhorgic @sahmie @mile16 what do you think about this topic? I invite you to write your views.


Greetings to my dear friend...

While going through this post, I couldn't help but smile as your smile is infectious and then knowing that originality as always been your watch word.

I was like, this people has put fish into water, they don't know what is going on. But then, seeing that you gave just two, while I know you to have been the symbol of originality, it didn't go down too well with me, but then I understand.

All the best in the contest my friend and thanks for the mention, hopefully I get to participate. Success!

Thank you so much for your feedback and show of support.. I really appreciate it..I look forward to your entry.

Am glad my post was able to explain better to you on how to Go about your entry

 last year 

Hola amiga, Gracias por tomar tú tiempo para participar en nuestra comunidad colombia-original.

A pesar que en el concurso se pidió que compartieran algo creado por su originalidad, has respondido las preguntas con mucha originalidad y certeza, la originalidad debe ser parte de cada usuario.

Saludos 🤗

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Thank you boss for your verification. I truly appreciate it

Hola amiga
Ser original es utilizar un lenguaje sencillo y que llame la atención del lector
La originalidad es los que nos distingue uno de otro, no hay nada mejor que compartir su día a día, y con palabras que nos identifican como buenos blogger

Te dese éxitos en el concurso

Thank you for your best wishes..

Entry yang menarik tentang orisinalitas.. saya setuju dengan penyanyampaian anda.. kita harus menjadi diri sendiri dan menjaga orisinalitas sebagai seorang blogger.

Semiga berhasil.di kontes ini

Thank you for your show of support..
Am glad you agree with my thoughts

Dear @ruthjoe,
I know you to be one of the best blogger on steemit and I always enjoy reading your articles each time I visit your blog. Good to read about your originality.

Best wishes in the challenge!


Now ma blushing..thank you so much for the amazing complement!!

Most welcome

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