Teaching respect

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


Although the youth of our nation does not form 100 percent of the total population, it forms 100 percent of the future society. The youth of a country are tomorrow's leaders, judges, generals, politicians and doctors. They get their education from universities and colleges. The future of the nation depends on their knowledge, character, skills and preparation.

The emergence of a respected nation is from the formation of the character of the citizens. It is rumored that the basic lessons of character formation start from school. But in reality this lesson has already started a hundred years ago. The real reason is that attitudes and values continue to plague each other. An old man was planting oak saplings. A passer-by saw it and asked, 'O old man, look at your age. Do you think you will survive until you see the oak tree? ' Hearing this, the old man replied, ‘Did I plant all the trees that now give me shade and fruit? People will be born after me. ' Are we not the guardians of the next generation?

"The behavior of a nation is justifiably responsible only when the nation will consider the resources by trusting future generations." Habits formed at a young age gain stability and affect lifelong behavior. The waste of time in the growing time wastes the opportunity forever. There is no compensation for the lost time of youth. The controversy in the crime-ridden society is not about the peace of the offender, but about reducing the crime and keeping the youth away from the past.

In many societies, the youth community faces an identity crisis. This crisis is clearly reflected in self-doubt and despair. Their despair creates a void in the inner moral civilization of society.

We must always keep in mind that the mindset of the youth is more influenced than that of the adult mindset.

Maybe we can prepare the future for the youth community and prepare them for the future. This is the only case where there is a special need for the involvement of caring parents, teachers and guardians, but not of this society. Undoubtedly, the issue of getting good educational training for children is more important. But the values that parents teach their children are even more important for real success. So be careful.

‘The most precious gift I get from my parents is their unconditional love and values. These values were not only the subject of their speeches, they were the path of their lives. These values include a sense of right and wrong, a belief in a Creator, the dignity of labor and education, and America. '

Colin Powell, former Secretary of State and Commander-in-Chief of the United States The love that parents give to their children in showing responsibility and guidance is absolutely unconditional. The subject is included in the general concept. What does unconditional love mean?

Does unconditional love apply to all types of relationships, but also to parent-child relationships? Are there any exceptions? Does this mean that a wife will simply accept atheism or be beaten unconditionally? Is it unconditional love to give up all family interests for the sake of an intoxicated member of the family? Then what will the interest do.

My view of the matter is that if one of these spouses becomes ill or disabled, it does not mean that one of them promises to take care of the other. Men and women should not seek physical or emotional satisfaction outside of marriage. Because, that would be truly disrespectful.

The words promise and unconditional have a common meaning.

  1. I will help someone for no reason

  2. I'll just be by someone's side in good times or find a better friend. Unconditional love is associated with abandonment. At the same time unconditional love is incomplete because none of us is complete. Whatever is good or bad, we should take each other from the heart.

If a loved one goes astray - I should be responsible for deciding the right path for him. In spite of our best efforts, for whatever reason, if he does not come back right and if the matter is price-based, it is our responsibility to re-evaluate. Parents cannot be relieved of their responsibility to hold their children accountable for their lack of children. Parents cannot be relieved of their responsibilities on the grounds that they must listen to their children's advice. Children of parents who are afraid to take risks do not want to follow in their footsteps and take risks themselves. And the brother's fruit is the opposite. Some parents guide their child in the right direction while others lead the child in the right direction. The safe haven that parents provide for their children is a work in progress and a part of values. The stagnation of values in the family reflects the stagnation of values in the life of its members.

The new generation comes to mind when you think about the stagnation of values. We say, 'Look at the new generation and their values.' We use the term ‘juvenile delinquent’ for their purposes. The question we should ask is: ‘Who is the culprit? They, or us? ' But the important thing is, who is responsible? The following poem explains who is the culprit.

Preparation and interest in action are synonymous with today's youth and instability. They need guidance, they make mistakes when they lose their way; Struggling in youth, miserable in old age, the teaching of values transcends generation. Good values can be taught to grandchildren by inculcating values in their children.

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