Fairy Tale feat. Cubic Honey -- Part 21

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

CubicHoney0146 spawned into the Armory. Seargent-at-Arms Aerdrup fit him first into his armor then into his invisibility cloak, for which a full modification could not be made for his raven head.

For those of you readers who haven't heard of our hero Cubic Honey, know that Cubic was given his raven head skin as an incentive for going into the Wilderness Survival Game, along with 3 Legendary Sanity Tokens. To read this portion of his Tale, follow the following link:



Presently, in the Armory, Cubic Honey was learning that the invisibility cloak he was being given as an incentive for going into the Mutant Defense Fighters game was not able to recieve full modification for his face and beak. When he fought with it on, all that will appear to his enemies will be a jet-feathered raven visage hovering in the air before them.

Cubic was further outfitted with an arsenal of weapons: an assault rifle with 250 rounds and a chainsaw-bayonet, a shotgun with 12 rounds, three hand grenades, and a military knife.

He was instructed to defend his squad and kill all mutant combatants of any size or form.

From there he was issued down a descending corridor to a door that slid open with a pneumatic whoosh and a metallic crunch. He stepped onto the arena of battle.

His teammates were busying themselves around the fabricator, at the back of a shadowy room with two points of entry. The room, lit by dusty, buzzing fluorescent bulbs, had two broken windows, on the north- and east-facing walls.

Of his squad there were 5. One was a lean female avatar with short dark hair painted down the side of her cheek to a wave-crescent point. She wore different armor and carried a wide-barreled weapon that looked to launch grenados. Two male avatars who were outfitted like him were testing their invisibility cloaks by flipping their hoods up and down. The fifth was a boad-shouldered barrel-chested male with a wide-cut chin and tense jowls. His blue eyes seemed to stare out from an abyss of wroth. He carried a sniper rifle and a giant revolver

The fabricator beeped loudly, and the countdown to Round 1 began.

+10 MYTH

Thanks for reading. If you would like to read Cubic Honey's fairy tale from the beginning, follow the following link:


Look in the comments for each subsequent installment. Thanks again.

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