Fairy Tale &&&0!00

It only took CubicHoney0146 fifteen minutes of walking before he came across a man standing at stone-encircled well, beckoning him come over.

"Over here sir," the man said, gesticulating fervently. "Over here. Sir!"

With his curiosity as yet untrammeled, CubicHoney0146 approached the man and the well.

Up the path a ways, a crow cawed a series of piercing haunting caws.

"Hello good sir," the man said. "How fare ye this fine day?"




"Oh silly me! Must be you don't have a speaking mechanism installed yet. That's okay. I'll just keep it simple. I'll stick to yes or no questions, and you can either nod or shake your head."

They went over the pragmatics of this fer a second. Then the man went on.

"So tell me, do you like my mask?"

CubicHoney0146 looked at him again. No, he was wearing a mask. He hadn't noticed it before. It was a dark grey coyote mask, beautifully stylized.


CubicHoney0146 nodded.

"Let me guess. You want one of your own. Am I right?"

CubicHoney0146 nodded.

"Lucky me you sir. Here, give me your hand. Just for expressing interest in the game "Wilderness Survival," I'm going to give you 3 legendary sanity tokens. Here."

CubicHoney0146 held out his hand, cupping his fingers and palm delicately. The coyote man then placed 3 brightly-polished silver discs into CubicHoney0146's care and possession.

"You're welcome. Now, to get your mask, and to play the subsequent game--all you need do is to flip one of those coins into the well. At that point, you will be brought to your Shaman Guide."


"What are you waiting for?" The cast of the coyote's expression took a decidedly darker turn. The crow cawed again.

CubicHoney0146 loaded the coin up atop his thumb. With a snapping motion, the legendary sanity token went flipping into the air. It reached the top of its arc, then plummeted into the well.

The scene around CubicHoney0146 dissolved.

+10 MYTH


{this concludes iNstallment four}

here is the link back to the first installment:



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