My News Diary game for 25th May, 2023; POP CelebrationssteemCreated with Sketch.

in Hot News Communitylast year (edited)

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Greetings from this part of the world, reporting live for Steem TV via our Hot News Channel is @Sahmie your Hot News correspondent. Straight to the news on the desk.




The National Youth Service Corp Commission of Nigeria slated Thursday 25th May 2023 for the Passing Out Parade ceremony for Batch B, Stream 1 Corp Members and indeed the day was greeted with celebrations among Passing out Corp Members nationwide.

2349098083267_status_5c94a5cee6ab456ca99fac4c1f28df55.jpg photo of passing-out corp members of Onna LGA

Reporting live from Onna Local Government Area is none other than you Corp member Journalist @Sahmie as the local government area celebrated with corp members posted to various posts of primary Assignments under the local government area.

The day started with praise and worship as the Local Government Inspector (LGI) lead both the passing-out members and the serving corp members in praise and worship thanking God for protection and also favour in the lives of the passing-out corp members as they enter the labour market.

IMG_20230525_111654.jpg Corp members in the meeting Hall

This was followed by some words of motherly advice before the Head of Corpers (HOC) from the various Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) was allowed the opportunity to speak about the behaviour of the passing out corp members.

With the speech of each HOC having good words about the Passing-out Corp members, the LGI made her appreciation known to them for a good service year and for a service well done. After this came giving out the NYSC completion certificate, proving they have carried out their 1-year compulsory service.

A passing-out corp member taking his certificate

After the giving out of certificates, the parade which was made lowkey due to the current situation of the country came to a close, cane the fun part, it was now time for loved ones and well-wishers to take pictures with passing-out corp members. Below are some exclusive shots for your viewing pleasure. Till my next report, I remain @Sahmie, stay tuned.

Photos of Passing-out corp members and the LGI
Camera DeviceRedmi note 11
CategoryLifestyle, Travel
W3W LocationOnna, Akwa-Ibom state. Nigeria

My Introduction Post

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.



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Estimado amigo excelente día y excelente celebración siempre el día es perfecto cuando lo dedicamos a adorar a Dios recibe mis Bendiciones y saludos

 last year 

Thank you for your time and heartwarming feedback. Truly, it is always a perfect day when started with praises to our maker.

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 last year 

Okay. Will do that in subsequent post

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