Photo contest (third edition) - Fog, Forest, RiversteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem-Travelers3 years ago (edited)

Hello, my friends on Steem

The third edition of the photo contest
The theme of this week is: Aerial photography

10% of the publication rewards from this post go to the development of the @hive-111293 (Steem-Traveler community).


Of course, this is not aerial photography, but still the picture was taken from a bird's-eye view. - from an elevation of 100-150 meters.
The photo was taken at sunrise. Thick fog covers the Vyatka River.
Beyond the river, the forest stretches for many kilometers. The opposite bank is low and when the water in the river rises in spring, it spills over the entire length of the forest. The forest is cut by various lakes and water channels, over which a thick fog is now rising.
There is a village under this mountain on that high bank of the river. But the houses are now drowned in a thick fog.
And over this living yellow-green autumn sea, the red Sun rises, which should disperse the fog.
In order to see all this, you need to lie in bed less in the morning, and wake up at 4 in the morning, get on an SUV and go to the mountain and meet the sunrise there and sing him a song!
And it's even better to take a tent to put it on the mountain in the evening, make a fire and spend the night with a girlfriend by the campfire, and in the morning look down at all this splendor and think about the beautiful.
And now the Sun is already appearing from behind the horizon, starting to rise higher and higher, and the eyes can't
stand to look at it. And you realize that the day has already begun. The fairy tale ends and we need to get involved in the usual daily circle of life. But this amazing morning will be inside us for a long time and it will stay there forever.

Thanks for attention.

I wish you all good luck!

And I will be glad to have your attention to my posts again.


 3 years ago (edited)

Fantastic picture, what a talent!
I used to travel with the tent a lot, and always that kind of morning mist was causing very mixing emotions in me:
it meant all the morning will be cold and quite humid and before the further trip I will have to wait for the sun to dry the tent well, so I was a bit angry but... I couldn't remain angry for longer than a few minutes because the view, the landscape was always so thrilling that its beauty was making me incredibly happy. With the mist and delicate sunlight from the sunrise, every place becomes beautiful, even the simplest soya field.

Great job, like always! We are very lucky to have you as a member of this community.

This post is, obviously, plagiarism-free

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the comment

I often go fishing in the summer. At night, in addition to fogs, there is abundant dew. You come out of the tent and everything is damp.
The boat is damp... It can be very unpleasant to sit on the seat.
When I went to the river early in the morning, I had to walk on tall grass. And it's always damp with dew. The river is 1.5 km from my house, you come up to your waist wet. And it's at 3 o'clock in the morning. But the sun begins to rise and after an hour the clothes all become dry.

I admire you - I never had enough patience to fish. Always wanted to. My grandfather and father fish a lot, but it never worked for me. Maybe if I could fish in scenery like from your photo - I can imagine that would be enough motivation for me to wake up at 3 o'clock (!) and spend some time with the rod in my hand :)

Have a great day, apnigrich. Honestly, you are one of those users who brings quality to this community. I'm very happy to have you here.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your comment.
Fishing is my life. I started fishing on my own at the age of 5. I taught my son to fish even earlier. My daughters also sometimes go fishing with me. I will also show my trip this year to Karelia, where we rested and fished a little.

 3 years ago 

Beautiful sunrise like a fairy tale, Most of the Russian content is all new for me, thank you for sharing and participating in the contest! :)

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your comment.
We all live on the same Earth.
We have been closed from the whole world for a long time, in the 90s we opened, now our Ruler is again trying to close our country from the whole world, but the Internet helps communication. But he also wants to close the Internet so that we cannot talk about ourselves and know life in other countries.

 3 years ago 

You have a beautiful country full of history, I am following a few Russian creators and they are funny, kind & smart. I hope you will keep sharing more content with us. Have a lovely day! :)

 3 years ago 

Thanks! 😂😂😂

Lovely shots! I'd say -- you know all the secrets of the trade :P taking extremely early to get yourself to the location at a proper time is one of them... maybe the hardest, even more hard than obtaining the top photo-gear, all the gadgets and lense arsenal.... My sincere congratuulation -- great shot, and a decent entry for this week of the contest.


 3 years ago 

Eh, it's getting hard for me to wake up early in the morning. Last summer, I never went to the valley in the early foggy morning to photograph cobwebs. Fatigue due to lack of sleep is probably to blame.
I don't think I'll be lucky in the competition. I forgot to put 10%.
But we will not be discouraged.

Fatigue due to lack of sleep is probably to blame.
I forgot to put 10%.

totally feel in the same boat with you here. "double shot". I forgot to add 10%. WROTE ABOUT IT... AND NOTICED i DID NOT PUT IT. ITS JUST NOT A HABIT... i HAVE A HABIT OF ADDING IT TO TEMPLATE, WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY OUT OF QUESTION ON THIS BLOCKCHAIN...

curious what does the tag #teemexclusive stand for? wink-wink

 3 years ago 

Вот ты вопрос задал. :) апичатко ж :)

мой внутренний штирлиц именно так и подумал! но вслух ничего не сказал. :)))

Muy hermosa esta foto tomada desde las alturas. Espectacular como se ve la niebla sobre las copas de los árboles. Y al fondo un cielo con colores maravillosos, todo esto rinde culto a la majestuosidad de Dios.
Exito y bendiciones.

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much for the comment

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