Steemit Engagement Challenge | S14W5 | My Favorite Developers on Steemit

in Steem4Bloggers7 months ago (edited)



Watercolour painting @steemchiller by @stef1


Hello dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to invite you to this challenge by Steem4Bloggers Community:


My favourite developers or my favourite programs


For many of us who using Steemit, it seems like everything works automatically and that should be so, but we do not really think that in order for that to work there should be some programs and also people behind those programs.

When I think about Steemit and what has happened the first program that I open is Steemworld, that is created by @steemchiller. It seems that it is there for many years and there are new updates and features.

I remember when it was about 4 years ago when I decided to do a watercolour painting of this developer and having no photo I took the thumbnail, which is very small and black and white so that there are not much details so I had to be creative in order to make it to look more or less similar to that little thumbnail. Here it is for your consideration

The function that I love in Steemworld are:

  • to know how much Upvote Power I have so that I can decide how many people I can upvote and when my Upvote Power is full, so that I can leave it for recharge and come back in certain hours
  • I like the function of mentioning, you can see if you were mentioned in post or comments so that you can check if there is anything you need to respond or maybe just interesting post to read
  • I like market info to know the value of Steem in-and-outside Price but also if Steem Dollar will be printed or not
  • I like to see who visited my post and who left there comments and the fact that it is divided in 7 days it is helpful to know if and when the message or Upvote was there
  • we can see when post was produce, when expire, who re-steemed it and who upvoted
  • the summary of rewards is very usefil
  • The other functions like: Witnesses, to check transfer in and out of account, recovery of accounts and many others

The Program is also growing with us and there are more features and helpful tools, so that it is one of my favourite program.



I like @moecki 's search tool, you can find any user on Steemit, if you do not know exactly the username but approximately, then the program will give you couple of suggestions and you often can find the correct one.



I also like that the user is very active and many of new ideas and programs he is sharing in his posts but also he asks other developers what they think, sometimes such team work can improve the end result. He is also always active in commenting others and happy to communicate.



This user is my Community colleague, he is also the one who is very easy to reach and always their with his advise. Despite of being very busy he still thinks and cares about Steemit platform and does anything to improve as well as to make our life (ordinary users) easier.

One of the favourite tool for "clubstatus", that is something that is very helpful for curators when you are checking the club status and want to identify how much was transferred from certain date to certain date, this is a new function and that is why I wanted to present it here.



Give an idea from that Steemit would benefit and share which new feature you want to see on the Steemit platform.


When we are talking about what will be good for Steemit, I once again come back to the idea that I shared in the past and it was about Burning Steem.

We all know that this is an initiative that encouraged by Steemit Team there are users who do that because they hope to receive an Upvote by SC03/ SC02/SC01.

But on other hand what do you think what is better for Steem if the post that earned only $0,34 like one of the users from Incredible India @rubina203 who is active and in #club100 but also sets 25% to @null and 10% of her post to community account.




Or it is better if such users like @trafalgar who earn over £300 Steem will make a noticeable change if they burn 25% of Steem?




If you look you see that the majority of votes are due to delegation and I can fully understand such users, this is their investment and only silly people will not use this system, we all know people invest in order to earn more and this is a real world.




My proposal will be:

Why not to make a hardfork and make it automatically that everyone's post automatically will be set as 25% to @null"?


Hardfork with automatically set posts 25% to @null"?


If everyone who is earning cents or who is earning multiple hundreds for their posts automatically will burn 25% of rewarded Steem, then the Price of Steem will be recovering very quickly and who knows would be going definitely up to £1.00 or maybe more?

If it is automated function then nobody will have any problem with it. I would be grateful to know what the Developers on Steemit platform think about that but also what the Steemit Team (@Steemcurator01) think about that


I would like to invite @davidad, @echooo, @bambuka for this challenge



CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png


  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Trenner groß.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.




Steemit is decentralized. If the system is trying to force users to cut off their earnings by 25% then it obviously fails to prove its decentralization system.

And, to increase steem price, we really really need investors. Nothing else than investors can drive the steem price to skyrocket.

I personally hate centralization, if it will be happened then I will move to Hive.

Edit : I think steam burning should be optional, not by forced. If it is implemented by force then earnings of every authors, curators, investors will be dropped by 25%. That's significant. So, all investors will leave the boat, and Steemit will be turned to be an one curator platform, the steemcurator01 team.

I totally agree with you. "No vote" if you don't burn steem is also a matter of forced burning. I want to talk about another thing. Those in the club100 or club50, receive the majority of votes from the curator team. In the past I have noticed many users getting support from the curator team this way and then power down. So where is its value? Is good quality content not enough to get voting support? I think it's better not to make these support conditions like 25% burn steem, club power up.

However, I completely disagree with the proposal he has given. If someone wants, he/she will burn. Why would everyone do that?

Rightly said, I totally agree with you. Cannot deviate from decentralized system. Just as common users are the lifeblood of this platform, so are investors. But we are trying to go in a different direction rather than attracting the attention of investors. Something should be done to attract the attention of investors rather than spoiling the pulse of users.

It's true, apart from steemcurator01, there are no good supporting curators here, which frustrates the common users even more. Despite working with quality, common users are not getting proper support. We are trying to provide free support to general users through hungry-griffin and shy-fox. But that system cannot be destroyed by taking any wrong decision.

No one cares about this, why are good curators not coming back, why are new investors not coming? Where is our problem? Where are our failures? Let us change our thinking and think of something better for the platform.

Yes, it is therefore, we are asking the Witnesses and the Investors what they think, as in Democracy everyone is allowed to express their opinion.

As to Hive, they have a group of users who decide who they support and who they downvote to zero, if you remember what happened before disintegration with @slowwalker .

Here are two users who were in Hive now in Steemit and there are many such examples, but of course, everyone is free to decide what is better to him or her:

Totally agree that 25% earnings to @null should be optional and choice of an individual. No one should be forced to cut off 25% of his/her earnings.

If this happens it will make Steemit more centralized and Investors will surely flee from STEEM.

I do not think that people leave the platform that allows the user to make money just with writing posts but also if the Price of Steem will increase due to less amount of free Steem then those who leave will return, there is no other blockchain that gives an opportunity to earn with minimal or no investment like many users from developing countries are

No one! I repeat no one makes money right away by just writing here.

And can you please provide any kind of data that supports that 25% to @null increased the price of Steem or even increased users?

Free earnings is a great system in steemit & hive. Why do we destroy that great opportunity ? burning steem idea is great, but keep it optional.

Only free bloggers will stay here. Curators will not. They must leave.

Especially free earning by upvote own comment up:


yes, it's my choice:)

and where you set 25% null in your post ? I don't see that.

I checked you last week posts, you never set 25% null benefactor.

Screenshot 2023-12-30 004950.png

I invested here more than 20 million steem, and curated approximately 2 million USD worth. Free users got this.

What's your investment & curation stats ? Would you please, mention ?

[Update : Anyway, I don't feel like arguing with you anymore. You gave the proposal, I gave my opinion.]

Good Night.

 7 months ago (edited)

You are very right dada, someone most need brain to not argue uselessly this statement is only looking like a fanboy statement without proper research and analysis.

You did a lot but they sees the reward taking part only and forgot how much you invested on the platform how many projects you are running and supporting.

Amar Bangla Blog School has taught more than 250 free users and helped them to achieve ABB Verified tag. They are supported with curation from the start of their journey till now.

ABB has 161, Steem Alliance has 61, Tron Fan Club has 53, Beauty of Creativity has 63, Steem Watcher 11 and Steem Dev 13 Active posters and all supported by RME.

I agree, 25% burning steem can be optional. But there is no basis for making it mandatory to burn 25% of one's income. It would be like imposing on users and curators.

100% agreed.
In a decentralised block chain we never forced anything. Like centralized platform.

100% agreed dada,

this is decentralized platfrom & burning steem can be optional. we never forced anything and anyone in this platfrom.


Could be a good idea.

You maybe need to start with getting the witnesses, particularly the investor witnesses, onboard with this idea...

Thank you for supporting this idea from the Steemit Team side, I will do a post and also I will approach those Witnesses who I know and who usually communicate, It is a shame that there are still some witnesses who never communicate, although we, Steemians gave them our Votes.

I know that there is a witness discord server, I would be grateful if the Steemit Team communicate this to the rest of Witnesses.

Thanks in advance

 7 months ago 

hello dear @stef1 Absolutely love your choices for favorite developers and programs on Steemit Steemworld by @steemchiller has been a game-changer and @moecki's search tool is a real lifesaver. Big shoutout to @the-gorilla for the "clubstatus" tool such a helpful addition.. Thanks for highlighting these amazing contributors to the Steemit community......👏👍

Thank you, there might be many more others but we do not know about them, they have to be more communicative and share what they do. In general would be good to know more people who do programming on Steemit and what is new coming up :)

If everyone who is earning cents or who is earning multiple hundreds for their posts automatically will burn 25% of rewarded Steem, then the Price of Steem will be recovering very quickly and who knows would be going definitely up to £1.00 or maybe more?

Completely agree ma'am, users who are earning less following burnsteem25 but who are earning more than $300-500 not using the same!

If the system is automatically activated then many can't escape and the price of steem might be pumping a bit more.

Thank you for your attention to my post and for supporting my idea, who knows maybe one day something will change and it will come to some decision making in benefit for all users, although difficult to imagine. But as it is usually said the time will show :)

 7 months ago 

You have covered a lot of excellent ground. Even after using this platform for a few months, there are still a lot of things I do not know. Through your post, you have provided clarification on a number of Steamworld issues. You are correct. I believe that BurnSteem5 is not required, but it is really beneficial to the community. Tags and Steam are also very helpful in raising its value. Whether he burns his steam or not is a personal choice, though. We are grateful that you shared this lovely subject with us. May you continue to feel well, and my prayers are with you.

Thank you for reading and I am glad that you finding yourself around, there are many things you will learn the more time you spend on Steemit especially communicating with others and sharing your thoughts and comments are very important. I hope you will enjoy it and see you around :)

 7 months ago 

If everyone who is earning cents or who is earning multiple hundreds for their posts automatically will burn 25% of rewarded Steem, then the Price of Steem will be recovering very quickly and who knows would be going definitely up to £1.00 or maybe more?

I agree with you because sometimes a user will forget to burnsteem and still be using the #burnsteem25 tag. Making the burnsteem25 automatic will help increase the price of STEEM as even those who are whales and newbies will get to contribute to the growth of Steem price automatically.

As for the tool created by @moecki, I haven't tried it before, but from your explanation, I will give it a try. The tool created @the-gorilla, is a nice tool, which I have used and sent to some user to be checking their club status.

Yes, indeed often people forget to set up Beneficieries although when were planning before. It would be good for both sides.

I am glad to be able to share some useful information :)

Like you maybe forget to set beneficiary on this post which talking about beneficiary.

I though that I recognized who that was...@steemchiller. Fantastic job.

Thank you, it was one of the earliest work :)

The more investors come to this platform, the more development and expansion of this platform will happen. Moreover, if more investors are here, steem price will increase. So it is not right to discourage investors under any circumstances. If the investors are lost, it will be quite sad. You will be happy to know that the investors are constantly trying to improve this platform in every way.

Yes, agree more investors but only they have to be attracted by the new features that this blockchain can offer and that it is something that no other chain can offer.

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