Result announcement | Your favorite school teacher | Distribution of prizes

in Steem4Bloggerslast year


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Contests are a very beneficial thing for the betterment of this platform, and every contest teaches us some new things. This was contest number 11 from me, and in this contest, I asked Steemians to tell us about their favourite teachers in their middle school. A total of 24 entries were received under the main tag of this contest, which was #malikusman1-c11, and I am happy that all participants participated in this contest with full interest.


It was very difficult for me to select the winners from the 24 entries, but checking all the entries, I come up with three winners, and these winners performed really well. Below are the winners.



As per promise, the rewards have been successfully transferred to the winners' accounts in the form of Steem power, and Booming Votes will be given soon on the winning posts.

Note: We will not give a Booming vote to the user who already received a Booming vote on his or her winning post. Also, users with more than 3 Booming votes in a week will not be able to get a Booming vote on their winning post.


Screenshot from my wallet


Teachers are a very important part of this world, and without teachers, we cannot get success. This was really a very informative contest for us, because with the help of this contest, we know about the favourite teachers of different Steemians from all around the world. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone who participated in this contest. I will surely meet you with another interesting contest soon.

Best Regards,


@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

 last year 

Congratulations to us🥰 thank you for the reward sir.


Your post has been successfully curated by @adeljose at 50%.

Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high quality participation.

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