Control Your Impulses, So They Don't Control You

in Threespeak4 years ago

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We can choose to identify with our impulses and act upon them or we can simply understand we are above and do whatever the fuck we want to do.

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Yes and it is becoming more difficult for people these days.
More and more things are designed to erode our ability to control our impulses, right down to how often we check our phones, always looking for that small dopamine hit. For several months now I never take my phone out with me and I have notice that the people I spend time with have stopped checking their phones without even having a conversation about it.
Here is a link that may help control your impulses

Great response bro. I agree with the various dopamine hits, mobiles are ones if the biggest obsessions today. Thats why I fasted from them many times, for prolonged periods of time. I'll check the link, thanks for sharing 😊🙏

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HaHa :D That makes me having silliness: phones or schmones - it could be seen as "coffee & cigarette" - one gives a boost, the other slows you down. Same with "pings" on the schmone. Delight & Stress come together, hand in hand, best friends.

Do you forget the mobile during a regular day? Like, for some hours? Then it's not too late. LOL.

I trade the US open each day and i track my emotions during each trade on a sheet in front of me, if my emotions get too high, i stop, breath and calm down for a while until i feel i am in control again. It helps me to observe myself from the third person. It means that I can see myself acting like a dick and hopefully catch myself early on. I have punishments and rewards that I give myself for keeping my emotions in check. Please note that this only applies to my trading, I do not use this method on other parts of my life, as it is impractical. I am far from perfect at catching my emotions outside of the trading world. This method helps me keep my impulses in check. Do you trade? if so, what?

Yeah, I trade crypto
Beautiful start of the year for crypto traders... And its not stopping
Lets make sure to observe the market cap 🧐
Mark our stops good and ride the waves😁
Free money in crypto for everyone last week 💲💲💲💲💲💲

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