The Punic Bible Introduction

in #history4 years ago (edited)


About 400 years after Hannibal, Septimus Severus becomes Emporer after killing his 2 other African competitors, one called "Niger" meaning "Black", and he looks African and has Egyptian ties, and the other is "Albinus" meaning "White" who has the Britsh and African ties, but they are clearly calling him "Light Skinned" as his peers in Rome tell Albinus he is "not like the others", not that calling someone Light Skinned insults others but these Romans literally were insulting others when complimenting him as well. And Septimus is a Light Skinned Libyan, who after defeating them becomes Emporer then kicks out the Praetorian guard (the Roman CIA) taking their ceremonial armour and banning them from coming within 99 miles of Rome or die, and kills a bunch of Senators creating a Dictatorship but the people of Rome love it because they were corrupt, he then Auctions off the Empire. Then saves Christians he knows the families of from Death. Basically completely reforming Rome, and in a way that seems like:

  1. A nearly equal opposite reaction to destruction of Carthage;
  2. Rome was an African enterprise at that point, even before he took control

This may then also explain the Angels which arranged for the Kings to follow the star to find Jesus, tell Mary to name her son Emmanuel, and tell Joseph to go to Egypt to escape Herod and return after Herod died. In Egypt they may also have been aware of the Bloodline of Jesus, given they were in Sebbenytos, where Manetho wrote Aegyptiaca. This may also then be associated with Joseph Smith and Mormon Tradition, there is actually evidence, and we need more of course, that the Greek Giants, are the Phaiakians, are the Nephilim, are the Punics, are the Subjects of King Agenor long before Rome, but built Dolmens before they met King Agenor.

So Christian Angels, then are the Greek Phoenix, and affiliated with the so called Giants in Greek Mythology and Nephilim in the Old Testament. And the Wax Headcones seen in Egypt and on Statues in Carthage are Serapis related, and may be the precursor to the modern Halo along with the Apis and other deity Sun Disk, which for Serapis is replaced with a Soap Mold Cup or Soap Dish.

Also, when Septimius Severus removed the Praetorian Guard, he apparently replaced them with Danubians.

This new Guard would then be associated with the Cultures from Jason and the Golden Fleece.

And by 301 A.D. Armenians have Christianity as the State Religion. Yerevan is also older than Rome, and the Punic Emporer would know that, as the descendant of Phaiakians.

Between Hannibal and Jesus the Nephilim, Phaiakians or Giants as the Greeks called them, seem to be called Angels, then may have also been what are called Archons to the Gnostics, in the Nag Hammadi Scripture.

And I am kind of Bias against the Ancient Aliens Theory, as I see it as a Racists explanation to what happened before Europe became the Premiere Civilization, just "Aliens then White People", so I have not read the Epic of Gilgamesh, but when explaining this to someone they said automatically "then they would be Gilgamesh in the Epic of Gilgamesh too". So that might be them also.

And this lines up with my Theory, as they would have been 2 distinct Cultures until what the Greeks call Typhon, the Jews call the Flood, then the Greeks also call the Flood, and then they became aligned with King Agenor, and King Phoenix, who may be the Gilgamesh part, or the merge part. The merge is Western Phoenicians, and Eastern Phoenicians.

I will get a genetic timeline I have with 2 examples of these Ancient peoples.

This shows a Timeline and Migration that would likely be in the Punic Heritage along the line, at some point having the Indian-Oceanic roots (Denisovan type lifestyle) from far back, and then the Native American, Serbian, West European Roots from the Neolithic Temple Culture of Europe from less far back, mixing maybe multiple times Economics and DNA, and becoming the Boating Cultures leading to the Phoenicians and Phaiakians, and thereby the Punics. Serbia probably by way of Phrygia or Lebannon, and India-Oceanic by way of Punt. Punt is going to shine light on all of this as the "Land of the Gods" according to the Egyptians.

"East Africa occupies a central position in the emergence of hominid species, since it is the location of the earliest fossil evidence for anatomically modern humans, dating back 150,000–160,000 years (Clark et al. 2003; White et al. 2003). Its geographic position makes it one of the most likely sections of Africa from which the colonization of Eurasia by the ancestors of European, Asian, and Oceanian populations started ∼50,000–70,000 years ago: both the “southern” and “northern” routes can be logically drawn as springing from there (Sauer 1962; Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994; Lahr and Foley 1994; Stringer 2000; Walter et al. 2000; Kivisild et al. 2003a)." -

"One explanation is that Europeans managed to cross the Atlantic in small boats some 20,000 years ago and joined the Native Americans from Siberia.
Dr. Willerslev thinks it more likely that European bearers of the X lineage had migrated across Siberia with the ancestors of the Mal’ta culture and joined them in their trek across the Beringian land bridge." -

Siberian DNA found shows that 24,000 years ago Siberians were related to Native Americans and Western Europeans, and to the Giants/Nephilim, who are thought to be associated with Malta (not because it was found in Mal'ta, Siberia, but because Malta is like the most Ancient Western point this DNA could be associated with), Scheria and King Agenor's lands.

Marcus Aurelius was Emporer, he was a member of the Stoic School of Philosophy, Stoicism argues that we should strive to live in line with Divine Will. Christians came to him begging to be Martyred, they wanted to die like Jesus. So he would actually think of ways to kill them. He wrote a book still read today by CEOs and others, called "Meditations". As a Member of the Stoic School of thought, he was likely familiar with the Punic aspect, and even in agreement with it, as the Megarians who founded Stoicism were worshipers of the Argonaut Idmon, and Zeno was not from Greece.

"From my brother Severus, to love my kin, and to love truth, and to love justice; and through him I learned to know Thrasea, Helvidius, Cato, Dion, Brutus; and from him I received the idea of a polity in which there is the same law for all, a polity administered with regard to equal rights and equal freedom of speech, and the idea of a kingly government which respects most of all the freedom of the governed; I learned from him also consistency and undeviating steadiness in my regard for philosophy; and a disposition to do good, and to give to others readily, and to cherish good hopes, and to believe that I am loved by my friends; and in him I observed no concealment of his opinions with respect to those whom he condemned, and that his friends had no need to conjecture what he wished or did not wish, but it was quite plain.
All those things at which thou wishest to arrive by a circuitous road, thou canst have now, if thou dost not refuse them to thyself. And this means, if thou wilt take no notice of all the past, and trust the future to providence, and direct the present only conformably to piety and justice. Conformably to piety, that thou mayest be content with the lot which is assigned to thee, for nature designed it for thee and thee for it. Conformably to justice, that thou mayest always speak the truth freely and without disguise, and do the things which are agreeable to law and according to the worth of each. And let neither another man's wickedness hinder thee, nor opinion nor voice, nor yet the sensations of the poor flesh which has grown about thee; for the passive part will look to this. If then, whatever the time may be when thou shalt be near to thy departure, neglecting everything else thou shalt respect only thy ruling faculty and the divinity within thee, and if thou shalt be afraid not because thou must some time cease to live, but if thou shalt fear never to have begun to live according to nature- then thou wilt be a man worthy of the universe which has produced thee, and thou wilt cease to be a stranger in thy native land, and to wonder at things which happen daily as if they were something unexpected, and to be dependent on this or that.
we should not thus dispute with the gods, unless they were most excellent and most just;- but if this is so, they would not have allowed anything in the ordering of the universe to be neglected unjustly and irrationally.
Consider that before long thou wilt be nobody and nowhere, nor will any of the things exist which thou now seest, nor any of those who are now living. For all things are formed by nature to change and be turned and to perish in order that other things in continuous succession may exist.
Consider that everything is opinion, and opinion is in thy power. Take away then, when thou choosest, thy opinion, and like a mariner, who has doubled the promontory, thou wilt find calm, everything stable, and a waveless bay." -Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, from Book 1 and Book 12

His son, then tried to be like Hercules. He would even battle as a Gladiator.

Then the Punic Emporer, after the time of 5 Emporers.

This would explain why the people supported the takeover, they were all being prepped for it in a way, and had come from these roots. Jesus, then this.

"The twelve labours of Hercules, which took the hero far and wide, may have been an attempt by the Greeks to account for the presence of Phoenician colonies throughout the Mediterranean. Certainly, cities such as Gades (also Gadir, modern Cadiz) and Carthage were thought to have been founded, in one way or another, by Hercules-Melqart, no doubt springing from the original Phoenician practice of building a temple to Melqart at new colonies....Finally, as Christianity grew Hercules-Melqart faded into the religious background and acquired a more benign association with the sun." -

This is a good non-Theistic quote that can help you begin to understand Gods.

"Before there were intelligent beings, they were possible; they had therefore possible relations, and consequently possible laws. Before laws were made, there were relations of possible justice. To say that there is nothing just or unjust, but what is commanded or forbidden by positive laws, is the same as saying that, before the describing of a circle, all the radii were not equal." -Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, Complete Works, vol. 1 (The Spirit of Laws) [1748]

Gandhi used the metaphor that if a Villager in India does not know the name of their British Governor, why should he understand God who is dissociated physically from himself in a far greater way than the Governor to the Villager. Gandhi compared it to Natural Law, which is what Newton wrote about. Zeno, the Stoic, called it "Divine Will". Jesus said it was not in the Jots and Tittles of the Law. And King Tut found it in the Heiroglyphs of Worm Eaten Scrolls. Polybius was an educated Roman Prisoner who wrote the History of Rome living to be very old for that time. He claimed the Ancients gave the people fear of Gods and Hell to control them, but that the moderns (200 BC-ish) were too rash for trying to ban them. So even some Educated Ancient people misunderstood the Gods and thought they were just stories. But Gods exist and may be invoked by Theurgy, or Mimickry. And retained through Mnemonics. Some just come regardless.

Gandhi also said that while the Villager might not know about the Governor, he knows God Rules the land.

"Eventually Damis' notes are said to have come into the possession of the Empress Julia Domna, wife of the emperor Septimius Severus (194-211), who commissioned Philostratus of Athens to use them to assemble a biography of the sage.

The narrative of Apollonius's travels, as reported by Philostratus, is replete with miracles and legends. In the words of historian Edward Gibbon, "we are at a loss to discover whether he was a sage, an impostor, or a fanatic." Apollonius reportedly continued to travel widely after his return from Europe, going far up the river Nile as far as Ethiopia, and in Spain as far as Gades (modern Cádiz). Though he had many followers and admirers, Philostratus admits that he also made many enemies, notably the Stoic philosopher Euphrates of Tyre.

Both Apollonius's friendships and his quarrels are also reflected in his supposed extant letters. In these he claimed only the power of foreseeing the future. Philostratus, on the other hand, relates a number of miracles performed by Apollonius. For example, he either raised from death or revived from a death-like state the daughter of a Roman senator and miraculously escaped death himself after being accused of treason both by Nero and by Domitian.

After further travels in Greece, Apollonius finally settled in Ephesus. Philostratus keeps up the mystery of his hero's life by saying, "Concerning the manner of his death, if he did die, the accounts are various." Philostratus seems to prefer a version in which Apollonius disappears mysteriously in the temple of the goddess Dictynna in Crete."

Julia Domna took over the Empire, as Semptimius Severus saw her as smarter than him, and his job as recovering Rome while hers was to Reform it.

The fact that Apollonius' journey Chronicle is thought to be forged, not that he didn't exist, may likely be explained by the practice of the Library of Alexandria taking things, and forging them before giving the forgery back instead of the original. The original would have then been lost with the Library.

The Punics inspired people in the American Civil War.

I wrote this originally here, yesterday. I am writing a book.


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