in #history7 years ago (edited)

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Prostitution is a Millennial trade, this business or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse with a man or woman in exchange for material or a fee had been going on for Thousands of years. As old as wine business but much older, it's been practiced in the days of our past till the present civilized culture and had withstand several attempts to shut it down or push off the radar and strangely it waxed stronger with age.


Dated as far back as 2400BC when the earliest records of this trade became known, in temples of demi-goddess Ishtar where women and young chaps attends to the sexual urges of worshipers after the Sumerian priests declare each ritual proceedings open. As homes of several temples or shrines, this dedicated amulets/structures were home ground for three tiers of sex workers(Prostitutes); The first tiers are restricted to sexual rituals in the Shrines, the second tiers however could attend to needs of worshipers outside of the Temples. Tier three could find clients on the streets and outside temple properties as they were the lowest tier and probably the cheapest. After the wider spread of prostitution to ancient Rome, China, Greece etc Emperor Constantine wiped this menace of sacrificial worships with sexual rites off in the 4th century AD by destroying the goddess Ashtart and Ishtar Temples to crumbs.

If you expel prostitution from society, you will unsettle everything on the account of Lusts- Augustine Hippo

After the Roman Emperor's war on Prostitute which did not last for long before the Sprouts shut back out, Middle age saw prostitution thrived on the basis of Urbanization, though The Roman Catholic Church regards it as a sin but still abhors it as it was considered to prevent much grievous sin to mankind like Sodomy, Rape, Masturbation etc.

Biblical Account of Sex Trade

In Gen 38: 14-26, Tamar(Judah's daughter-in-law) waits on the highway for Judah(As Sex workers often do in that period), though not an outright Sex worker but she depicted one of the characteristics of this Traders to trick her Father-in-law into getting her pregnant since she never had a child for the Late Judah's Son; and she requested for a Material/valuable in place of a fee(A Goat Kid) as earlier stated that Traders often ask for materials or fees in return for sex.

Also in Jericho, it was accounted that Rahab the Prostitute helped the Israelite Spies(Joshua and the group) escaped through her window in exchange for herself and her family protection during the besiege of Jericho and the Demolition of the Great wall. It was clear Rahab was not the only sex worker around in this age, sex trade had been around even before this account.

Middle Age Account

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The Aztecs, Incas, Greek, Romans, Asians(Japan China and India) were also ancient practicing cities in sex trades, but this cities continued in the business in the middle age which saw European Empires like Portugal, Spain, England dominate it with black Sex Slaves and Asians. In the broader region of Northern Europe; sex workers were tolerated a bit more because Crusaders patronized them as well as early politicians. Towards the end of the 15th Century, prostitution then faced a fierce opposition due to the outbreak of the first Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Masses- Syphilis. A sexual disease which was presumably transmitted from Naples in France in 1494 which spread like wild fire all over Europe forcing Europeans Rulers to outlaw Sex Homes and Hotels, this made Criminal law more strict from the Banishment of Prostitution.

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Invention of Condoms

After several mixed of success to abolish sex trades in the 18th Century, sex workers invented condoms as safety precautions(learning from their past error) from "Cow Bowels" and "Cat-guts" in Venice Italy. From the Roman Catholic Church point of view, prostitution is an inevitable social Phenomenon and must be accepted, but those profiting from this trade are condemned by the church while Sex workers are encouraged to repent taking Mary Magdalene as a Role Model Saint considering her as a reformed sex worker as accounted in the Bible.

Sex Trade and Early Civilization

The early part of the 19th Century was majorly characterized by WWI and WWII, but this also saw the page Act of 1875 passed by the US congress forbidding importation of women for sex trading. The money made in this line of Business had attracted women from all corners of the World irrespective of the conditions i.e low life treatment which many of this women never cared about. Chinese girls and women were sold into sex trading and the money made sent back to the families of this individuals back in China.

1921 saw the signage of International Convention for Suppression of Traffic in Women and Children which made some countries reserve Prostitution as a state Entity. Even though some Activist frowned upon it in the past, but the state of living of this women is not helped by the state/Nation and it's policies.

Prostitution is only a specific expression of the general opinion of the Laborer and it's abolition is crucial to overcome Capitalism- Karl Max

Sex Trade and the 20th/21st Century

20th century was a twist, sex tourism was birthed in the early parts where tourist from wealthier Nations engage in sex with individuals in developing Countries of their visit. Shortly afterwards in the 20th century, a new Legal disposition was made which prohibits buying but not selling of sex i.e The person paying for sex commits a crime and not the service tenderer; Iceland, Norway and Sweden are among the countries that enacted this laws.

In the 21st Century, UK prohibited prostitution such as running a brothel and paid sex workers by passing the Sexual Offence Act of 1956partly repealed and altered by The Sexual Offence Act 2003. In the United States, Sex Trade was popularly illegal in almost all the states(1910-1915) partly influenced by Women Christian Temperance Union. Until 1953. Alaska was a Zero tolerance state for prostitution!


Sex working had stood the test of time, it has waxed strong. There are Executive Sex Workers now who serviced Heads of States and Presidents of Countries, that signified how high this Trade had rise into power since inception. As much as many Sins of mankind out there, No one has the moral jurisdiction to judge a whore irrespective of the motives behind venturing into this business. But for Health and safety purposes for you and i; This is really a deep shit Business to transact!

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For me, all that remains is the ignorance of man, which makes his mind think only of sex and prostitution. Let us try to make our minds more culture and more secular.

A good advice i must say, only if all Culture could adhere to it.

That's very important and most noticeably bad issue disscussed here. extremely an old business, Prostitution happens to ladies in light of the inconveniences they've had, as a general rule, no lady would do that. in any case, reality remains that the ladies are not to be fault at much in light of the fact that if men doesn't disparages them.
Good job @oluwoleolaide for pointing out this issue.

You have a very valid point my friend, only if Men could stop patronising them...

We will never rid the world of prostitution. Women going in to this profession have chosen this line of work. What I object to are the women and young girls who forced into it by greedy, despicable men.


Really Despicable men cos if men don't patronise them they thag would have been history now.

You think it is right that young girls should be drugged and sold into prostitution?

You really went to town on this one. Cow bowels and cat guts as condoms? Science have come a long way. When I watch the movie series The Knick the TV medical drama you'd be glad you are born now with all the advancement in medicine with use of modern technology.

Someone has this to say about the movie

The main thing is, doctors and people in general 100 years ago were just as smart, just as inventive, just as innovative [as we are today], but they labored under inferior knowledge and technology. So they did what they thought they could do to help and heal. We look back at it and it’s wrong, it’s erroneous, and I guarantee 100 years from now they’ll look back and say the same thing about us. I have no doubt. But that’s something I wanted the show to communicate.

I do agree with the person.

Prostitution is just as old as time and I really do not see it stopping any time soon. So UK outlaws prostitution, thought they have escorts services there or are escorts not prostitutes?

They did by the book(but not officially)...

That explains that.

20th century was a twist, sex tourism was birthed in the early parts where tourist from wealthier Nations engage in sex with individuals in developing Countries of their visit.

This evolution in prostitution is really heart boiling and annoying.
Oftentimes, diseases are been transmitted.

Yes, but mordern days Sex Workers are now smarter

Prostitution is bad if a woman is forced into it, but some women choose this path, and they are free to do so.

True, some where smuggled into it...

Yes, so many girls are being tricked into prostitution by the promises of "good work abroad with big salary".

Sadly it still happens today. Wars have the tendency to produce many sex slaves.

Wars and poverty. They choose prostitution over some decent profession just because it pays better.

I think to sell slaves is the oldest and until now the biggest business on earth... so this told me a friend of mine who works by arte television.

Can you remember the two tidal waves over Haitii? Maybe after it the americans bring tausends of children away to help them... or maybe to sacrefice or to sell them. So or so the human market is existing and it must be protected from goverments and high class people.

Dont think, state your facts....was there slave trade at 2400BC?

Just hit the words "slavery still exist" by google and you will get many articles to this.
Mostly they show it with sex-slaves, but its not what i mean.

...the reason, why you won´t find the puppetmasters behind it is, because they are in high positions. See the opening party for the longest thunnel "Gotthard Tunnel" and you will see the satanic ritual behind it. Ok, now i mixed two themes together but i think it goes together.

[Here is a link to the video[(

...i toke some time, to get an awnser for your question... Its not easy to find infos about, when did they start slavery and slave trade. But it looks like slavery is also existing in the old Mesopotamia (ca. 3800 BC). But the first big slave markets are build round about 600 AC.
So far back in time its hard to find good infos... maybe "Codex Hammurapi" is interesting for you.

hmmm, it's really an old business, it changes it's name from prostitution to sex worker, either way, the truth remains that the women are not to be blame at much because if men doesn't patronises them, the act would have been a bygone, but the gods are not to blame

" Prostitution happens to women because of the troubles they've had, in reality, no woman would choose to do that" - Catherine Deneuve

well this may be a perspective either, but they are some women who are naturally prostitude, give her all she needs in life, but until she satisfy herself with a man, she will never be comfortable.

You nailed it man...

thank you dear

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