Woke AF HipHop Playlist # 5

in #hiphop6 years ago

Woke AF HipHop Playlist #5

Are you part of the woke movement?

Are you a truth-seeker?
This ongoing playlist is built to be the perfect backdrop for the revolution.

I share these playlists not only for our listening and viewing pleasure but also as my small way to shake up the matrix.
We are the revolution and if we Shake & Wake our generation instead of Wake & Bake we can stop the gradual genocide of the human spirit.

The artists listed below have dedicated a lot of time and energy into researching and getting these topics our to the masses. If you’re awake in this lucid dream of a life it is your duty to check into these rapper’s claims.

Do your due diligence - it is your right and responsibility. These tracks are what I like to called “Iceberg” songs - you only see the tiptop of it - you must dive into the truth behind the words.

Many look at today's world of crap rap and hip-pop and think there is nothing real or intelligent in the whole genre.. you've never been more wrong. Take a listen to today's choices:

Immortal Technique - The Poverty of Philosophy

This is not actually a song - it’s a spoken track but with everything going on across the globe - especially in Venezuela, I thought it’s the perfect start off to this playlist. Now clearly I am not “a colored person” - I am white, some kind of European mut - 3rd generation American, but I see the big picture - we are one and therefore I will speak out and stand alongside any struggling human because I know what the stakes are in the game we are all playing. It’s time we all wake up and support each other, no matter where on the planet you were born, regardless of your DNA or “heritage” - all cultures have known slavery, all races have been slaughtered. We did not do this to each other, the “elite”, the 1%, the bloodlines did this to us and will continue to attempt to divide and conquer us.

I chose this video on purpose because the words are right there. Immortal Tech is a natural born teacher and his words here should be heard by all people - especially the younger generation. I hope you’ll take time to listen to this one, no matter what race or country you identify witih.

”My enemy is not the average white man, it's not the kid down the block or the kids I see on the street; my enemy is the white man I don't see: the people in the white house, the corporate monopoly owners, fake liberal politicians those are my enemies. The generals of the armies that are mostly conservatives those are the real Mother-Fuckers that I need to bring it to, not the poor, broke country-ass soldier that's too stupid to know shit about the way things are set up.
In fact, I have more in common with most working and middle-class white people than I do with most rich black and Latino people.
As much as racism bleeds America, we need to understand that classism is the real issue. Many of us are in the same boat and it's sinking, while these bougie Mother-Fuckers ride on a luxury liner, and as long as we keep fighting over kicking people out of the little boat we're all in, we're gonna miss an opportunity to gain a better standard of living as a whole.”

Low Key - Long Live Palestine

Just like the previous song, this track is a call for us to stand up and join together for what is right. I have yet to hear a song from Low Key that I don’t like but this is one of my favorites. He gives no fucks calling out everyone who is supporting the zionist run Israel corporations. He reminds us to put ourselves in Palestinian shoes for a minute and ask “WTF would you do if some outside forces dropped a zionist group of religious fanatics into the center of your state, built up a walled city and told you to move away? Then this group starts slowly expanding their walls day by day.” Yeah, I know what most “Americans” would do. I know what I would do and that’s why I stand for Palestine.

”Every coin is a bullet, if you're Mark's and Spencer and when your sipping Coca-Cola, that's another pistol in the holster of a soulless soldier. You say you know about the Zionist lobby but you put money in their pocket when you're buying their coffee, talking about revolution, sitting in Starbucks. The fact is that's the type of thinking I can't trust,let alone even start to respect. Before you talk learn the meaning of that scarf on your neck, Forget Nestle, Obama promised Israel 30 billion over the next decade. They're trigger happy and they're crazy, think about that when you're putting Huggies nappies on your baby.”

If you’re interested in learning more about how to boycott Israel and help stand with Palestine check out this AMAZING post by @libertyacademy Enough is enough: time for humanity to Boycott Israel to Free Palestine

Murs - Everything

Time to take the political message down a notch and bring in some positive vibes. This is my new favorite old-song. I love the vibe of the song and the chorus is catchy. The lyrics are where it’s at though. Murs kills it in this one. He touches on a topic which is a huge concern of mine in the hiphop world - the gangster mentality, the “hard” culture that has been promoted so diligently that a smile can be seen as offensive, a look can get you shot and we are proud of doing jail time. Yes, there’s pain and lies but we only get one shot at this life, why not make it better than it was when you got here - why make it worse?

“God is love then hatin is Satan. Zen-type patience, got me sitting here waitin on the day when it's okay to love. When black men won't pretend that they are thugs, when teachers and doctors are treated like celebrities, you can get a job even if you got a felony. Check out my melody, let's live in harmony. We in this together, no man has autonomy, no man is an island, immune to the violence. This rap race is no place to raise a child in. What's wrong with smilin'? What's wrong with peace?What's wrong with squashin beef before they label you deceased? Swallow your pride before you choke on your issues.”

Tupac - Keep ya head up

This clip is the type of shit we need to see more of. Pac was a community revolutionary. How many hiphop stars do you see going to meetings at schools? I stumbled onto this clip inside a hiphop documentary I plan to feature at a later date but this 2 minute, live performance of just a section of Keep Ya Head Up really hit me - not just cause I’m a Pac fan and he’s gone, and not just cause I’m a woman.. It’s that lack of real leaders and the lack respect for life that just kicks me in the stomach.

”And don't blame me I was given this world I didn't make it. Now my son’s getting older and older and colder from having the world on his shoulders. While the rich kids is driving Benz - I'm still trying to hold on to surviving friends and it's crazy, it seems it'll never let up but please, you got to keep your head up.”

*Just in case you’re now itching to hear the original:

The Crest - Mister

I really like this track by The Crest. It’s a look at the blue collar big shots and all the BS they feed us. What about when we start asking them questions back? What happens when we question what they are doing? Hopefully more people hearing the line of questioning in this song will make the realize they should be asking these questions and taking this stance too.

”You're a big big man in a small small room but it's not what you consume it's what consumes you. Hey mister, I see ya on my television set selling me, telling me this is the best product developed yet. But mister I've heard this all before and before when they said it I accepted it and they tried to sell me more. Hey mister how many bombs will it take to make peace? How many moms will lose sons when the sun sets in the middle east? Mister can you explain all the names to this day held with no charges in Guantanamo Bay?.”

Lost Children of Babylon - Propaganda

Their album The 9/11 Report came out in 2006 - wow almost 12 years ago - funny how not much changes. People are still trying to push out the truth about the WTC attacks and some still cling to the War on Terror mentality that was pushed after the “event”. I really like this group - they’re sort of underground and a mashup of different members with different styles. If you haven’t heard of the 9/11 Report be sure to check it out - it’s full of a ton of “conspiracy” tracks just like this one. I love the clips and voice overs from Bush, it is just hilarious to listen to this MF make claims about weapons of mass destruction - now we look back and know that was all a facade - yet we are allowing Them to paint North Korea and/or Syria or whoever they feel like at the moment in the same way… did we learn nothing? Maybe we need a reminder.

”’Bin Laden did it while you captured Saddam. Make me suspicious about your hate for Islam. Ain’t nothing but a devil, a rebel without a pause. The Taliban attacked America without a cause? LIES. Stop believing everything you read in life.They jealous because of American freedom? Why don’t you ask me - my ancestors built this country and we still ain’t free. They tell you what to think.”

Know of any up and coming woke AF rappers I should check out? Comment their channel or a video below. (Links Welcome!)

Don’t Forget to
Check out My Other Woke AF HipHop Playlists

Playlist #4 | Woke AF Steemit Rappers + Some Seasoned Vets
Playlist #3 | Youtube Gems & Seasoned Vets
Playlist #2 | Revolutionaries Kickin Knowledge
Playlist #1 | The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

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awesome playlist @amariespeaks!!!


love this @charisma777 !! and thank you my dear <3


Damn girl this is some real shit. This is the reason I love hip hop, but also the love and connection it brings. Such a strong message.

Love Pac's ad lib, and 'Free Palestine' gets me quite emotional.
🔥🔥🔥 ✊✊✊
You're certainly keeping the fire blazing!

thanks @phillyc ! That Pac clip surprised me the first time I ever saw it - I love seeing how human (lol) and natural he was just speaking those lyrics. It's such a shame that respect for women he had and tried to push got pushed aside... but as They say, "sex sells". anyways LOL without going into a rant, thank you so much for stopping by and listening. I'm so glad the Free Palestine struck a chord with you too, such an atrocity going on over there. Hoping putting music out there with a good message will help spread the word! <3


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Berwilliant post! Total quality.

Hip hop hasn't really my thing in the past but I've been listening to it a bit more lately. That Immortal Technique track followed by Murs though got me fired up and loved out. Salted caramel, woman. Thank you. I'm so glad to have found your quality, souled-up posts here on Steemit.

Thank you @sue-stevenson ! So glad you fired up and loved out! yay! that's the point :-D you've made my morning seeing your comment - this is why I make these <3 <3

I have only caught one of these before this one, so I am not sure if you have posted any of these in the past ones. But if not, here's a couple that ought to be in the next.

I suppose they're not hip hop- but urban nonetheless.

Ohh - no I haven't included Bob Marley before but you know what he's certainly well loved and idolized in the hiphop world lol and he was one hell of a revolutionary. I was thinking of doing a playlist of revolutionaries from the 60s-70s soon - maybe this is a sign to do it next lol :) so happy you stopped by for another round ! namaste

Now you made me have to get my headphones out daint ya uh. :-) I will have to come back tomorrow to upvote as my vp is low though.

No worries it'll be here for 6 days ;-) dust those headphones off and get to listening - I'm sure you will especially love the first two - let me know if you do!

I thought they were all excellent except tupac, that one did not capture my imagination at all, not sure why, superb post though that deserves more credit.

hey, that's okay - I'm glad you liked the rest, though! I hope some more people may give them a listen but we'll have to wait and see I guess. My first one.. and the third? I think got pretty good views and comments, maybe it'll happen with this one ;-)

oh dear I think I better just leave the tab up and listen all day. The comments are pretty good too.

LOL that makes me so happy to see! Glad you're enjoying the music @headchange !! The comments are really great :-D I like getting the conversations going more than even the payout because then you know people are listening and giving the message a chance at least - mission accomplished!
Thank you so much for checking it out!

Oh man, these tracks speak my language...

Genocide of the human spirit is exactly right!

I wish more got it although to be fair, more people are aware and awake than ever before and at an exponential rate. Stuff also slips through in the Mainstream media nowadays too although I often wonder if that is deliberate predictive programming.

Once the genie is outta the bottle as they say!

I liked the music of Chris Geo when he was mainstreaming this stuff way back. His stuff may seem a little clunky but it spoke to me in a way that most artists never did. Completely different style of music of course but I also love Rise against, Muse and Rage Against The Machine for the same reasons.

Awesome post and thankYOU for potentially waking more by exposing them to these amazing tracks...That is the grand aim after all.

Take great care and have an enlightened, cognitively aware journey :D

thank you so much for stopping by @stevenwood :) I agree very much with everything you said - I hope and "think" more people are waking up but the net it closing and time is of the essence now so if I can get even one snoring hiphop fan to listen to one of these tracks and spark something in them - or even help change a person who has preconceived ideas about the rap/hiphop world then I'm doing my part.

I love music, especially rap - I grew up on it and once I started tearing back the lenses and realizing the social engineering these record labels and big $ corporate MF's are promoting to us on purpose I had to start waking up all the rap fans around me. It's not right - idgaf - I see it as crimes against humanity turning children into heartless gangsters, drug addicts and/or prostitutes. (Yes, I know there's more branches to blame but the media and music have a HUGE impact, especially on children and teenagers.)

I don't think Chris Geo is familiar to me.. I'm going to check him out. Thanks for the name drop ;-) I too love rage against the machine - I think I had them on my playlist #2 lol different kind of music, sort of, but still has that heart.

End of rant LOL sorry! but seriously thank you so much for listening and receiving the message!

Oh I am so happy that this journey has given me the opportunity to stumble across other like-minded people and ideas. You mentioned pre-conceptions...The establishment MSM and the public at large also have a preconceived idea of those that share our philosophy too.

Conspiracy theorists

What a tired, jaded, unoriginal tag, huh? They are coming un-stuck though as peeps realise this was just a sham for them to hide behind and carry out their misdeeds.

Take care and stay awesome :)

oh yeah, the CIA coined that phrase as a psy-op mission to control the opposition.. oh well.. I wear my tinfoil hat with pride ;-)

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