Fogey Yogi

in #healthy20187 years ago

I am NOT any sort of certified yoga instructor. I am not even a CERTIFIED fogey, but 5 children call me "Granny" so I think that gives me some level of authenticity.

@goldendawne is hosting a Healthy2018 challenge, and I promised myself in front of the blockchain and everyone I would get back into yoga. I tried to get going in support of @carrieallen in her fitness challenge, but I pretty much kept slackin'... Yesterday I had my husband take some pics of me while I did my routine so I might be able to coax a few other people off the couch... It will only take a minute! The pics turned out VERY fuzzy, we got a new camera we are still figuring out. Turns out I am very OK with the fuzziness lol!

In the spirit of fogeylove, I will talk you through each Asana of Surya Namaskar, and offer some options for those with impaired mobility.

We begin in Tada Asana, the Mountain Pose. Ground yourself, center your weight over both feet, stand flat upon both feet and connect yourself to the earth energetically. Pull your hands to your heart, inhaling and drawing energy toward your center. Exhale and deepen your grounding.

Chair bound? Do it seated. Can't press hands flat together? Point palms at each other best you can, you care making an energy circuit with your hands.

Next, swing your arms down and away from you and circle them up over your head, shoulder width apart as you inhale. At the top of your breath, your arms should be straight over your head. Hold the breath, tuck and squeeze your buns and GENTLY arch back just a little more, opening the heart chakra. You can hurt your lower back if you try to be a hero with this, be GENTLE with your body!

Suffer shoulder mobility issues? Go as far as you can with no pain. MILD discomfort is good, you want to push your current limits JUST a little, but pain is NOT gain.


Now begin to come forward, exhaling. Bend your knees just slightly to reduce stress on your lower back as you come all the forward to touch your toes... or as close as you can get to them! Do not force anything, hang there like a rag doll and fully exhale. Even from a chair, you can fold over your knees and let your head drop down.
**IF YOU HAVE ANY VERTIGO ISSUES or any balance problems, hold onto something with one hand, for instance the arm of a couch. If you cannot tolerate being inverted, go as far forward as you can, then lean into the back of the couch or a chair and "melt" into it.


Place your hands on either side of your feet, pressed flat onto the floor. Bend your knees if needed! Bend your right knee, keep your lower leg straight. DO NOT let your knee drift out beyond a 45 degree bend. Swing your left leg behind you as you begin to inhale. Imagine your neck and spine are directly connected to your extended leg.


Stuck in a chair? Put your left leg up on a coffee table and lean into it to give it a gentle stretch. Rotate your foot a bit to the outside and stretch again. Do what you can, anything is better than nothing!

At the top of your breath, put your weight on your hands and kick your right leg back next to your left, exhaling. Hold yourself erect as a plank, yet relax into the pose. This particular pose is an exquisite yin / yang one, in my opinion.


Chair bound? Lean onto a table and put a bit of your body weight onto your arms. Lean forward and back a bit to stretch and challenge your shoulders. NO PAIN!!!

Now, as you inhale, drop to your knees and then lay on your belly. Place your hands beside your shoulders flat on the ground and push your chest off the floor into the "Cobra" pose.


From your chair, you can lift yourself tall, really stretching your neck UP, then gently roll your head straight back and look at the ceiling. Let your shoulders fall back and raise your chest toward the ceiling.

Exhale as you push your butt into the air for the down facing dog pose. From your chair, reach your arms and legs forward and stretch as far as you can without pain.


Now we reverse everything. Inhale and swing your left leg forward, taking care not to exceed that 45 degree angle.

Exhale and bring your right leg forward, returning to your rag doll toe-touching position.

Inhaling now, slightly bend your knees, raise your arms up beside you (NOT in front as some people do, that is hard on your lower back!) and return to the fully outstretched pose. Tuck your buns, and GENTLY lean back at the top of your breath. Exhale as your return your hands to your heart center.

If you want to do yoga but have mobility issues, please feel free to ask for a little help! I have retained good flexibility in the big picture, but I have had several injuries over the years that forced me to make modifications as needed. The most important thing is to keep moving so you can keep moving!



Nice, @fishyculture. That makes you enjoy good health and sharing this with us makes you enjoy a good heart.
i never been practicing yoga before because I can't because my knee is not good Lol

Thank you! Try to do what you can without hurting the knee. A lot of good can come from just waving your arms around!

I think I need a beginner's beginner class! I haven't done yoga in 40 years!my body would just seize up. Apply generous coating of oil first! lol

Just get started, it either gets better or worse at our age... Like I said in the other comment, just wave your arms around for a while if that is all you can do!

Yoga tends to be one of those things I keep looking at and thinking “I should really get into this one day.”

Those where not to bad till the cobra pose.

Are these your normal every day usage one you use or do you have any recommendations of names of ones to look up in YouTube?

I’ve recently pulled some muscles in my lower back so I think I’ve put this kind of thing off for far too long.

Regarding those pulled muscles, there is a pair of physical therapists on youtube that have a video for EVERYTHING - I LOVE these guys!

As for yoga, this lady had a show on PBS when I was a toddler that came on right after cartoons. She TRICKED me into learning yoga! God bless her! Here is a link to one of her shows from back in those days!

those physicaltherapyvideo help a little bit. thank you very much. Think I just need stay out of my computer chair for a couple days. That I don't haveI have willpower for lol.

Will watch the Yoga one this weekend when I get some free time.

Bob and Brad have been a tremendous help with keeping me moving as I get older! Glad you found them helpful too.

That's the first sequence I learned in my first yoga class 13 years ago!

Thanks to @simgirl, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Thank you! If people ONLY learned this sequence and did it, they would be amazed at the improvement in health!

Yes, it's that gap between learning and doing that continues to get me...

'Tis a demon, that one! lol!

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