Testing the First Steem Clinic "Air-Clinic"

in #health7 years ago (edited)

The Air Clinic.jpg

Absolute trash or fucking awesome? I have tested the Air-Clinic and the results were as I expected...

So I know this guy @Nairadaddy who owns the Air-Clinic. I struggle with a certain chest tightness for which I went to the hospital 2 months ago without results.

I tried everything I could and I remembered that my friend @Nairadaddy is actually a doctor. He is also a Blood Shaman in the politically incorrect Steemians community which you can visit on Discord by clicking on this link: https://discord.gg/KsWuDMN

I knew he was the perfect person to ask for advice so I went over to the Air-Clinic which you can visit by clicking on this link: https://discord.gg/rqded5m


The Symptoms

Chest tightness and the blood results in the hospital 2 months ago were clean as fuck. However, I still have chest tightness and I suspect that my permanent back problems are responsible for it.

My back cracks really loud and it feels really good when I crack it. However, this can't be too good since I have to do that every damn day. I also had trouble sleeping like that.


Talking With the Doc

I told that all to the doc and that I also have high blood pressure. He asked me about my diet and he wondered if I ate enough veggies and fruit.

I eat broccoli every day but no fruit. So the first thing he told me is to get apples. I wanted pearls but he holt me that they aren't as good as apples because of the cholesterol.

I eat 1 kg of meat every day and that seemed to shock him. He asked me what kind of meat I eat and I replied: Pork, Chicken, Beef.

On which he replied to eat chicken only because the other meats have too much cholesterol as well which I agree with. I also get super high blood pressure after sausage because it is too much fat at once.

I was also told to drink more as I don't drink enough. I ain't playing around and I took his advice seriously and immediately bought 12 red apples, 2kg of chicken and peppermint tea afterwards (I love drinking that and it contains no caffeine)!




Even tho I wasn't physically there he gave me great advice which I really appreciate. If I feel weird or think of going to the doctor next time I will ask him before I do that.

I already feel better drinking the tea and eating those apples and lean chicken. Chest tightness is gone at the moment. I wonder if it will disappear in the next days.
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The owner of that clinic is a hard worker. This clinic will be in huge demand soon.

Thank you @valorforfreedom for coming around for consultation today. We are glad you are already enjoying our advice.

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away



I am glad you got some good help from Air clinic. The owner is hard working. I hope to his beneficially as well

Wow @valorforfreedom. I'm so glad I could help you out today over there at the clinic. It was sure nice having you around with your motivational energy. We had to work hard.

Ahem! I need them apples too. Next time include mine in your budget. Lolx. See yah!

For others that are still hanging around waiting. Better join the air-clinic. You don't even have to leave your house to seek a doctor's advice.





I hate visiting doctors.

Now I can just speak with one (who is also my friend).

Can't get better.

Glad to hear that we could assist you bro..
Stay strong.

Wow, good to know @air-clinic was of tremendous help to you @valorforfreedom. I am glad you came around and got help. Cheers

Dr Blessing. I de hail you o. Long time ma. Happy to see you on steemit platform. Are you part of @air-clinic crew

Thanks for sharing your experience. It sounds like it went well. Will have to keep airclinic in mind for the future.

Definitely. The owner of that clinic is also a blood shaman in our community. Makes it twice as awesome.

So glad u feel better already
@air-clinic got ur back always

Knew of the clinic. Never heard from someone who used it. Might do it the next time I get sick. So I don't have to put pants on and leave.

Lolx @swolesome. We love your sense of humour already. You should come over to the clinic and familiarize. So it will be easier for you to just walk in incase you get ill.

Here's our discord link: https://discord.gg/rqded5m


See yah! Cheers!


Who do I talk to on there for an idea/addition to the project?

That's an amazing initiative. Simply one of the best remote medical services I have ever encountered online...


I remember when my friend was doing a particular work-out / meal regimen, he was quite strict on eating lean chicken. Cooked chicken breast tenders, and very little carbs. And some pretty disgusting protein powder drink. Reminded me of him.

I think this was one reason I started to reduce meat as well. Need to reduce my cholesterol intake. Chicken and fish seems alright for that purpose.

I'll have to check the clinic out some time, seems really useful!

100% Eon.

I have never experienced this chest tightness, but I can already tell that drinking 2 liters and eating apples helps.

It cleans my liver and gives me the fiber I didn't get before. Besides that, the chicken is a much better meat source than beef or pork because it has less cholesterol and fat.

What opportune post, Philip, I have been fucked up also in these days I bring an inflammation of ear that is covering all my head causing me very severe pains and heat, this has had me in bed without enough energy, I slept as I had not done it in more than 1 week.

I hope you recover soon, my friend and can be 100% healthy ;)

Hey @luming. Sorry to hear about your ill-health. Please comeover to the #AIR-CLINIC for consultation immediately before it degenerates further.

Thank you very much, of course I am now entering the clinic, I want to recover my state of health.

You get better asap mate!

Remember to eat enough fiber (fruit) and to drink 2 liters per day to flush your system.

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