CANCER can be healed without chemotherapy - Correct nutrition, lifestyle changes, detox and environmental changes are required.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Cancer is one of the topics I have studied the most in the last 10 years of research I have done into holistic health and body balance - I intend to do my best to live and to prevent death, so addressing this major killer is paramount for me. Here I am sharing some key understandings regarding the healing of cancer and some of the history as to how we came to be in a position where so many think cancer is incurable and that the highly dangerous cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiation treatments are 'effective' and the 'best we have'.. When they are neither.

healing cancer

Firstly, I am well aware that many will disagree with some of what I am saying here - I have had countless conversations on this topic with numerous people over the years and their claims are generally the same, at best they have generally only pointed to what amounts to actually pretty weak 'science' to backup the claim that chemotherapy/radiation are effective. I have never been proven to be incorrect in what I am sharing here and as far as I am concerned that is because what I am sharing is not only accurate but is backed up by a WEALTH of real science - some of which is below in this post.

Having watched my own Mother be killed BY chemotherapy last year - having been terrified by the 'doctor' into thinking she must have it to save her - I know all too painfully well how the dynamic of fear merges with ignorance of both science and anatomy to result in a vast amount of suffering and needless death. The even worse part for me is that many of those 'medical professionals' who are hailed as 'heroes' are, in truth, more close to being criminally negligent since they continue being paid to administer highly dangerous chemicals, even in the face of a mountain of evidence that says they are wrong to do so.

"It is not enough to say that you were only following hospital policy. I suggest a history lesson by examining the results of the Nuremberg trials, for example, to see how far that defence will get you when the people are angry."

The history of modern medicine and chemotherapy

The situation with cancer treatment today is confused and misleading for several reasons and it is necessary to review the more hidden history of the evolution of the medical establishments to understand the details. Not only is it the case that financial interests have long sought to dominate human health through massive funding and thus control of teaching universities and drug companies - but there is ample evidence to show they have been criminally involved in suppressing truly effective treatments (by any means necessary) just to ensure their own agenda continues.

money is in the middle

As a general overview of this subject, this video about Rockefeller influence in the medical system is valuable:

The following documentary specifically covers the denial of cancer treatments over a long period of time by the American Medical Association, whose controller - it is alleged - actively took steps to then buy out the treatments that they were claiming didn't work to then go ahead and make their own synthetic versions to profit from. Note: I do not agree with all of the claims made about the treatments in this video, but it is a valuable source of information none the less:

How are modern medical doctors influenced by the corrupt corporations today?

Here, Dr. Peter Rost, ex Vice-President of Pfizer, one of the world's largest drug companies, exposes how 'science' is usually bought and paid for by the large corporations - ensuring warped results in favour of their profit margin and to the detriment of the patients:

Several industry whistleblowers explain openly how they were paid to mislead doctors into buying and prescribing drugs that were either ineffective, known to be dangerous or just overpriced. They commonly bribed doctors with anything from illegal drugs, to prostitutes to holiday and cash payments:

I could go on and on here, but just to show that these problems are not just confined to medical corporations, here is evidence that another large corporation continued to sell a product that was known to cause cancer for DECADES - eventually costing them many millions in compensation for victims:

The worst of the worst of health 'care'

In truth, the behaviour of the alleged 'medical professionals' is in some cases so evil that they have been put in prison for extended periods:

Yet another cancer doctor admits fabricating false positives to profit from selling toxic chemotherapy

Doctors Confessing To Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People With Cancer To Make Money

I am sure that even the most biased observer will, after reviewing the above material, be forced to accept that there are at the very least MAJOR problems with the state of cancer treatment today - that are nothing to do with a lack of medical knowledge and everything to do with mentally ill and spiritually imbalanced 'doctors' and business people exploiting the situation for malfeasant purposes.

Here's one last piece of evidence before I move on to talking about what actually can work to solve the problem of cancer.

This study was published by the Australian Royal College of Radiology and demonstrates how cytotoxic chemotherapy is being hugely misrepresented to everyone through the manipulation of statistics. The paper demonstrates that the actual ABSOLUTE benefit from chemotherapy treatments is less than 3% - which means that to all intents and purposes chemotherapy is totally useless. The industry has for the longest time hidden the ABSOLUTE value and instead fed stories into the mass media of how their 'new' (And very expensive) cancer treatment offers a 40% success rate (and other similar rates) - but they fail to mention how their figure was reached. The 40% (And similar) figures are RELATIVE benefit percentages - which are NOT the same as saying that the treatment offers a real 40% improvement over doing nothing at all.

The 'placebo' effect is the reality that when the patient does not know they are receiving a fake drug, they typically heal AS IF they HAD received a real drug in about 30% of cases. This demonstrates that the psycho-emotional effective of thinking you are healing is very powerful. This also means that if a drug/treatment provides less than 30% absolute benefit, then that treatment is statistically insignificant and cannot be said to be of any use (since placebo - i.e. no treatment at all - produces 30% benefit on average).

Since the absolute benefit of chemotherapy is around 3%, this demonstrates that chemotherapy is a waste of time and money - which is made clear in the paper. I want to make crystal clear here though, that I have actually had a 'discussion' with someone who claimed to be an 'expert' who disturbingly attempted to use the same paper as evidence that chemotherapy DOES work! I have spoken to the paper's author directly and am assured that my interpretation is the correct one.

The study:

Additionally, here are some medical doctors commenting on the same topic:

(Note: the second doctor - Nicholas Gonzalez was murdered not long after speaking out on this).

How then to really heal cancer?

I am not going to say that I know in every case how to reliably heal all cancers. I am not a medical doctor and I only have limited experience with healing cancer. However, I have listened to many, many healers and doctors who HAVE had great success at healing cancer, so I have a pretty good idea of the details involved.

In short, there is a need to ensure the body's PH levels and cellular environment are non acidic - in the sense that the cellular acidic wastes are cleared out effectively from the body. Cancer thrives in acidic conditions, so this is key to resolve. Getting oxygen into the cells through deep breathing and exercise can help a lot here, as well as switching to a plant based diet that is highly alkalising and also removing refined sugars from the diet - since these are acidifying.

Note: Just because a food is acid when you test it, does NOT mean it is guaranteed to have an acidifying effect in the body. The key issue is how acidic the residue is that is left in the cells of the body after the body has 'used' the food. Lemons, for example are acidic - however, they actually have an alkalising effect in the body once 'burned'/'used' in the cells.

Moving the body regularly ensures that the lymphatic system is also moving and that ensures that the waste from the body's cells will be efficiently removed from the body. Without movement/exercise, there is nothing to pump the lymph fluid around the body since the lymphatic system does not have a pump like the blood system does in the form of the heart.

Combining simple changes such as more water, deep breathing, improved nutrition and removal of toxins such as smoke, microwave radiation (cell phones / microwave ovens etc.) will all help here. Exposure to sufficient sunshine each day will ensure you receive enough vitamin D which is important for metabolic processes and also happiness!

On that topic, supporting a psychological state that is healthy will also support an emotional state that is healthy and these two combined to create physical health in a way that nothing else can. Stopping self blame, self judgement and stopping emotional control are all key steps to getting our stagnant energies moving, which in turn promotes and allows us to change our patterns that can ultimately change the root causes of our illness.

Diagnosis is not so relevant

This cancer doctor explains why the terminology of specific forms of cancer diagnosis is not something to focus on - the diagnosis is just a way of categorising the patient by the doctor and does not necessarily bare much relation to how to truly heal cancer:

Finding the root causes are key to healing and preventing re-occurrence

The fraudulent medical system currently shifts the goalposts for what is considered 'curing cancer' - they say that if someone lives for 5 years then they are 'cured' - even if they die in the 6th year, they are still classed as 'cured'. Clearly this is another mis-representation of the data intended to make their products and methods appear better than they are. In contrast, it is often the case that those who do NOTHING actually live longer - as this Doctor specialising in cancer explains:

The root causes are not a lack of chemotherapy or an absence of radiation! The root causes are found within our own choices and cellular environment.

This brief video gives a simple explanation of how the immune system can be overwhelmed by our daily choices and how we bounce back to health once we remove the toxic load:

Leading causes of toxicity and cancer in humans

There are many ways that a body can be run down - including environmental and dietary toxins. What many still do not realise (or refuse to accept) is that animal products are among the cancer causing toxins. Here, studies are examined which compare the cancerous toxicity of smoking cigaretttes to eating 'meat':

Here is a full presentation on the topic of how a meat eating diet can lead to not only cancer, but heart disease and stroke too:

Correct PH, nutrition and RAW foods that contain living enzymes are key

There is so much to be said on this topic that I could go on for page after page - I could explain how A Nobel prize was awarded long ago for research that showed a connection of PH to Cancer conditions or how food enzymes have long been shown to be highly relevant to human health. I need though, to keep this post as short as possible - since I know that many do not have the time or will to read such large text. If you want me to go into more depth on these topics then let me know in the comments and I will make another post.

Instead, I will give a voice to the direct experience of some of those who successfully use PH therapy and raw nutrition therapies to reverse cancer and return bodies to health:


Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) and pH Medicine:

Follow, Upvote, Resteem - @ura-soul


Good stuff! Bottom line...people need to take their health care into their own hands and quit letting their so called doctors tell them what to do. I've studied disease, especially cancer too for about 10 years. There are natural cures for most all disease. Period! Well done. Upvoted and resteemed!

thanks for your support! followed back.

You bet!

Great post @ura-soul as you know my husband has cancer, spinal sarcoma and he is in Germany as we speak to try some new gene therapy treatment. Thank you for posting this up voted.

I see, ok - I don't think I had read that from you already here. Don't hesitate to let me know if you think I can help in some way with his return to wholeness and balance - I am happy and willing to help in any way I can. <3

Thanks for your support. Your kind words are enough :) Keep up the great work.

you are welcome, I am wishing you both well.

Thank you! I am with you on this! Following! Alkaline body is key. Vegan now, but raw food coming soon! We are avatars!

very good! being raw vegan is very powerful - i am not quite there yet, mainly because in the cold season here i like warm food and it is tough to get good quality, raw ingredients too.

Yes, this is hentrouble we have as well. We would like to just take the plunge and start our own garden but it wouldn't fit our lifestyle. I guess we will eventually just break down and eat whatever is in season and available. And eat a lot of it. It might get monotonous and the "real meal" feeling will be gone, but that's ok. It really is ok- merging out of the main stream thought process and habits is a test for true health. We are going to ace this! I look forward to reading more about your journey my friend .

ura-soul, Good share. My lost my first wife to Lung Cancer and Chemo Treatment. Upvoted and resteemed.

It is always with such sadness that these topics are brought into focus - I saw such suffering on the wards when visiting my Mother; One thing I know is that those who survive must do what we can to learn the full details to ensure the suffering can end and end it we can.
Wishing you well! <3

Over many months and from many different sources, I've drawn the same conclusions on this subject that you've presented here and I heartily agree.
Thank you, upvoted and resteemed :)

Thanks for your diligence and support <3

This is an extremely well put together and thought out post. I have been treating my own cancer for 3 1/2 years with all alternative treatments and I am happy to say I am healthier today than I have been in many years. There are quite a few more doctors and health care providers that are starting to come on board with the ideas behind this even though they are still sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry. I worked in and around western medicine for years and during that stent I never knew an M.D. to support my beliefs. Having a primary degree in mental health usually results in a slight down the nose outlook by most internal medicine doctors as well so I didn't really fit into their group.

I would like to point out to anyone considering using alternative treatments that it to can have its drawbacks and that no particular one thing will ever result in positive outcomes. I have been able to find a balance in among all the positive and negative information out there and it has worked for me. I do not know if it will work for everyone but I am more than willing to share with anyone who may have questions. Thank you for such a well put together post and I wish everyone the best.

The Last Sage

Greetings! Thanks for sharing your input - it is welcome and valuable. I agree that cancer requires us to find what works for us and many options have some kind of pros and cons. None the less, some are only minimally problematic when compared to the options available in the mainstream at this time. Wishing you well in your recovery :)

Thank you for your response. If you would like to follow me I will be doing daily blogs in health and nutrition as well as my other interests. I have an extensive background in both holistic and western medicines. I hope to bring quality information and great stories as well to the Steemit world.
The Last Sage

sure, ok - followed!

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that's great - thanks for letting me know :)

I know a guy who has lung cancer, refused to use chemotherapy and now just drinks teas to treat it, I know he uses marijuana, sour sop and ginger, any way he was diagnosed as terminal one year ago and right now he looks much better than he did a year ago. Now I'm not saying these teas are curing him, but I do believe not taking chemo was a wise decision.

very good, ok - the ginger stimulates detoxification and it sounds like that is his general intent there - along with supporting the body's own healing process.
he might also benefit from this juice recipe that really helps the immune system and alkalises the body too:

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