You Need To Be Effectively Brain Washed... Nope, Not Brainwashed. Essential To Your Health And Well-Being. ⚡️steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health5 years ago

We've ALL been there...

The big day arrives, maybe an exam, important job interview or your driving test and something upstairs just ain't kickin' in to gear.


You know what I'm talking about, that fatigued fuzzy head-space we sometimes find ourselves in, we struggle to focus, concentrate or maybe we just feel too damn tired to be effective...

Well today, really is your lucky day, learn a fabulous bio-hacking technique that can banish that debilitating state for good... Sound good? Then read on, I promise to keep it brief and packed with info that will help you be a more dynamic, energised and alert version of you...

What you need is an effective Brain wash!

This has nothing whatsoever to do with brainwashing although tomorrow I am gonna share a brainwashing technique that might just give you double the KICK after reading this post.

We all know that as a one off energy hit, having a little sugar or partaking in the the magic, mental restorative power of coffee can get us through an important, short spell when we need to be in a peak state but we also know that long term they are not the solutions we should be aiming for, right?

We need something far more effective for the long-term to be sure we are always in the zone and ready to bring our A game!


Make sure your bedroom is not just dark, but DARK! I'm talking about completely black, maybe you need blackout blinds or curtains? Make sure any light sources are completely out, if you have tech in the room in which you sleep either turn it off completely or tape over the small blinking lights or LED's ((light emitting diode, for anybody wondering what that stands for))

A little on the sciencey stuff of this is that the mitochondria in your cells, you may remember your biology teachers mantra of...

"The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell!"

The mitochondria communicate with each-other via light, if external light sources interfere with this it creates chaotic blindness among them making it impossible to work on essential processes as you sleep, if you can avoid laptop, PC, phone screens for an hour or two before sleep the benefits are truly staggering to what happens when you sleep! Consider buying a pair of dark glasses, not sunglasses, true dark glasses. they protect your eyes from damaging or disruptive light before bed.

Avoid food for several hours before bed, do not put your body under digestive stress before you sleep, your body needs this time to repair, recover and regenerate do it a favour by reducing the workload at this crucial point of it's workday! Do I need to talk about cigarettes and alcohol at this point? Uh-Uh you are smart enough to know my thoughts on this.

This next tip is gonna blow your mind and also make it super-effective in to the bargain too, BUT I gotta warn ya that it sounds utterly hideous, but stick with me, I think you will be intrigued.

Shortly after waking, take a shower. Nothing too radical right? I mean a cold shower!!!

Trust me the first time you do this, you are gonna hate it, I mean with a passion.

But after a few short days of 60-90 second cold showers they will begin to feel great and the energy, vitality and clarity of mind boost makes you feel like a frickin' super hero! If you need to, start off with 15 or 20 second cold showers and build up your tolerance from there. Be sure to allow the water to hit your face and head first and your chest next and you will, after just a week, begin to LOVE the way you begin to feel and what you can accomplish in the day.


BUT, I still haven't told you about the brain wash!

OK gotta pick up the pace now, I promised I would be FAST!

BUT When we sleep, cells named glia work to cleanse the brain of neurotoxins, debris and junk that have built up and pose a threat to concentration, memory, clarity and even health. Hence the name brain wash or if we are gonna get technical glymphatic drainage our brain quite literally swells as it is filled with cerebrospinal fluid as we sleep.

When we sleep in a position that is almost horizontal this extremely important process can cause great pressure on the head, eyes, sinuses, this creates an ineffective brainwash, who knows why? Maybe cavemen used to sleep upright against a rock... Hey it could be true, right? This can contribute to many health conditions and leave us with cognitive impairment, memory problems, migraines and other nasty side effects.

But I am gonna share a simple and yet massively effective tip with you to really ramp-up the efficiency of your think-box and create a supremely efficient brain wash each night, you will not believe how easy this one is!

Raise your bed at the head end by 5 or 6 inches!

Simple, right? I told ya... This can help the detritus to easily flow away from the brain, thus creating, a light, breezy, pollution free ecosystem. You can do this using wooden chocks, books or even bricks, just as long as they are sturdy, safe and secure. There are even commercially available stands that you can buy for about $20 nowadays as this cutting edge science has begun to enter the mainstream, if you need to know more about these, hit me up on Discord my name there is @stevenwood or simply ask for more info in the comments section. There is one more easy alternative to doing this which is a memory foam inclined wedge, creating a natural ramp effect which can have the same effect.

Using all of these methods in tandem will, I PROMISE, have a positive compound effect on your life and health and make you feel unstoppable, dynamic and utterly magnificent and can even contribute to reducing your brain's biological age and contribute to health and longevity.

Doesn't that sound like something that would benefit our life massively?

Massive thanks to my awesome friend @father2b for the healthbytes logo.


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Thankyou to the curators and all the cool peeps at @c-squared

We all know the agony and despondency of working hard on a post that is designed to help people and having nobody read it, that has happened to me many, many times and tbh it doesn't exactly make us feel awesome! Right?

Such initiatives help us to get some more eyes on our work, maybe even a little engagement, we have all witnessed periods when engagement was placed on the endangered species list... I believe we are about to enter a growth phase where engagement begins to become the most important form of currency that we have at our disposal.

I intend to be an active participant in making that happen again, so expect me to join you soon, either as part of a curation trail, curator or Discord member, where I am incredibly active!

"Let us not merely wait for the future... Let us design the future!"

Quote by that random @stevenwood guy 2019


This post has been selected for today's Brits League - five posts of the day from UK Steemians.

This has earned the author one point in this month's Brits League.

Oh wow! Thankyou so much! My return to the blockchain after a period of seriously ill health has been one, far better than I could have imagined. May the United Kingdom corner of the blockchain go from strength to strength to strength.

I need to check out the table for the Brits league and see just what is happening on home shores. 😎💂🏼

Glad to see you are getting better and back on the chain...

Thankyou so much my friend, good to see you, I look forward immensely to crossing paths much, much more in the near future. Maybe I gotta set a target of a Northern meetup for 2020

I hope you are doing well and that life has returned to some semblance of normality after what I am sure has been an incredibly difficult time. Take great care of you and your my friend. 🙂

That was a fascinating read @stevenwood. Eh, is this a hobby of yours or??? Medically trained? Or? Just curious man. Great read.

I keep talking to people of late about bizarre, synchronicitous and downright weird happenings, on the blockchain, at home and at work... It feels like destiny has chosen to fall in to line and play along with the big plan.

I was about to go check out what @dandays has been up to of late ((I'm fairly certain you are familiar with his works...))

So much of what you write about resonates with me massively, it's probably that dudes of a certain age trying to turn their random musings into optimism for life thing you have going on coupled with the oft humourous slant throughout.

And here you are! Life, huh?

So sorry, digression is a full time profession for me BUT in answer to your question...

I have been described recently as self-medically-trained ((I'd like to see that one stand up as a defence in a court of law)) I have a massive passion for health hacks, finding an edge based on the research of those conducting independent research over many years.

By independent, I mean from Big Pharma funding and control, as I am sure you would be well aware, there has always seemed a massive conflict of interest in such matters.

I have an enormous passion for foods that harm and foods that heal and believe that great nutrition is by far the best preventative medicine we can ever benefit from when used in conjunction with regular exercise ((of which I know you are an enthusiastic proponent))

Thank you so much for the interest and in taking time to comment Dan, sorry about the avalanche of words again, I do not set out with that intent but I am infected with acute and exacerbated verbosity!!! I should really get that dealt with.

Great to see you as ever, kudos on being one of those regular, consistent bloggers/engagers, that is exactly what this platform and community is for. 😎

Edit... I should have pointed out that I am always incredibly scrupulous to seek corroboration from multiple sources and proven longevity/ studies of any and all facts/techniques that I discuss or suggest. I write these posts from 2 angles...

    1. To help others from the knowledge contained within my think bucket.
    1. To share what I discover as I learn.

I genuinely have a vision to assist people with proven techniques, bio hacks and nutritional nuggets to enable an alternative to a fist full of pills.

Dang dude, it’s been quite a while since I read a response that just made me frikkin feel good. Thanks man!

I can’t thank you enough for that resonating thing you said, really. I wish I could help you understand. I’ve never had a social media account of any sort, this is my first experience so what you’re seeing we are all, myself included, seeing for the first time together. So.. what I’m saying is.. See, I don’t even know how to say it!!

“Thank you.” <- but bigger than that. To be encouraged by someone who has never seen my mannerisms, confidence, competence, etc “seen” nothing, means more to me than I can explain because it means he appreciates how I think. (I really need to work on my way of explaining sincerity)

I came here cuz I really dig your article, I saw you responded to me and I was curious to see if you are a doctor, you got me again. What I received was a response equally as cool as the post.

I asked cuz I have some crazy stuff going on in my head. They wanted to remove skull, reshape it, and put it back. Between a kiari malformation (I may be spelling that wrong) and a previous injury when I broke my neck I lack oxygen sometimes to my brain so I seize.

I’ve done a bunch of tests, I’ve listened to several surgeons and doctors. Been in machines, done sleep tests, you name it. Not one time did anyone ever suggest something as basic as turn off Judge Judy at bedtime could potentially give me assistance—F’ing fascinating.

Eh, and about your long winded response... yeah, people that do that have issues.

Thankyou as always Dan, you just make me fee good about the blockchain! I came here to meet cool people and from day 1, simply knew I had found one.

Wow! The course of treatment prescribed always seems like overkill to me, I get that the accepted norms of healthcare always find it so difficult to adapt to the latest evidence of non - pharmaceutical benefits but even so as a species we gotta look out for each-other man!

  • Do you filter your drinking water Dan? DO
  • The tip in this post about sleeping on an incline is awesome for reducing neurotoxins which can only help the brains function with regards to oxygenation.
  • The biggest tip I could possibly offer sounds like the dumbest, but you've heard it before... Learn to breathe properly from the belly/diaphragm through the nose, mouth closed take a little time to do this each day till it becomes the norm ((relaxed and without thinking))
  • frequent, easy/moderate cardio, walking is awesome. I am sure you probably hit the treadmill when you are at the gym. If not DO!
  • Eat, better still, drink chlorophyll every single day. Powdered/juiced or eaten has very little therapeutic/restorative difference but drinking let's you get a much higher amount of chlorophyll in an easy shot.

You may very well be familiar with all of these snippets man, if so, sorry, I don't mean to patronize. Take awesome care of you and yours dude. Stay awesome 😎

I love this Steven, what great advice you have shared with us. I have been struggling with sleep of late and really need to stop having screen time before I go to bed, it has just been easier for me to wait till I am utterly exhuasted, simply because I did not want to have to think too much about recent events. Thank you for the reminder.
p.s us the naturalmedicine tag next time you share your wisdom with us that way more people can see it. Much love to you my friend xxx

Massive love to you and those amazing girls as always Aish. I wish I crossed paths with you more, I miss that warm, wonderful, beautiful Irish brogue, and the way you weave words in to the most magnificent creations. However that will be rectified in the coming weeks!!!

I know it sounds a strange thing to say but you always seem so perfectly grounded and spiritually connected that I have always been surprised that you struggle so. However maybe you have too many deep, connected emotions flowing all at once... I get that!

Just try and remember the very same advice that you would offer up to others in painful times when feeling the burden of a loss heavy on the heart...

Nobody has ever truly gone away from us, energy will always be that energy in it's purest form will always surround those with the strongest connection to the heart and spirit, I know that you know this intrinsically with every fibre of your being... Full disclosure - I haven't always found it so easy to resolve loss myself so even though that is my prescribed advice, yup I know how it is too my friend.

If feelings of love and strong, support and energy was sent as easily as I am trying to right now, life would truly be a paradise on earth. Oh Aish, bumps in the road ((not meant to sound as trivial as it might have)) sidetrack us all at times or should that be blindside us?

Getting back to "normal" whatever the hell that is, will happen although it will be a new kind of normal of course and you will shine with love and sunshine as radiantly as you always have. Sadly in the meantime you will have times where you pay the hard price of having loved so perfectly and so deeply, but to have experienced such perfect love, we would agree to pay that price gladly right?

I love you immensely and wish I were capable of lightening your burden.... I know I am just a random internet friend BUT I promise that I mean that sincerely, I wish you all the smiles and feelings of deep resounding joy and love that your heart could ever hold without making you giddy.

Again take wonderful care of you and yours my beautiful friend, I am truly happy that we crossed paths and met against all the odds of that ever happening, I believe many things have a deeper purpose than we first realise. xxx

LOVE the energy of this post!!! Came here via the @naturalmedicine Discord where your post was dropped in our Nurtury channel, where people are dropping Natural Health related posts to get them a little more coverage. Great to see a well written article with some zest. I love your tips and apart from the cold showers which I still can't face do these especially no screens before bed. The modern world has ruined our sleep Cycles. I raised our bed as well by propping it up on a few books. it might not be glamorous but I did quite like the idea that our health was supported by literature haha.

Haha yes, one can only gain the optimum incline from using Dostoyevsky 😄

Thankyou so very much for stopping by, I am incredibly grateful and I utterly love engagement in any form ((I even enter in to conversation with @steemitboard and @trufflepig when they pass by!!!))

Thankyou for the heads up regarding the tag. I should really have remembered that as my lovely friend Aishlinn AKA @trucklife-family has reminded me to use it previously, she knows I have a head like a sieve though haha. I am certain we shall cross paths on Discord very soon though as that is a group with an ethos I am enormously passionate about.

Oh I hear ya about the cold showers although it is indeed true that they become tolerable surprisingly quickly as we build up stamina/tolerance to them although to be absolutely honest I was a bit of a scaredy cat and sprayed cold water for 5 seconds in the early days and built up from there lol.

I am sorry to ramble I have been heartened on how much engagement I have gotten in the last couple of days since my return and I have relished the opportunity to meet new and old friends alike. I believe that when we are connected we are at our very best!

Take great care of you and yours and thanks for stopping by and helping my smile enhancement programme! 😄

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Thank YOU @steemitboard for the constant milestone alerts, I am going to start using them to propel myself along to the next goal I aspire to from now on. 😎

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