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RE: You Need To Be Effectively Brain Washed... Nope, Not Brainwashed. Essential To Your Health And Well-Being. ⚡️

in #health5 years ago

I love this Steven, what great advice you have shared with us. I have been struggling with sleep of late and really need to stop having screen time before I go to bed, it has just been easier for me to wait till I am utterly exhuasted, simply because I did not want to have to think too much about recent events. Thank you for the reminder.
p.s us the naturalmedicine tag next time you share your wisdom with us that way more people can see it. Much love to you my friend xxx


Massive love to you and those amazing girls as always Aish. I wish I crossed paths with you more, I miss that warm, wonderful, beautiful Irish brogue, and the way you weave words in to the most magnificent creations. However that will be rectified in the coming weeks!!!

I know it sounds a strange thing to say but you always seem so perfectly grounded and spiritually connected that I have always been surprised that you struggle so. However maybe you have too many deep, connected emotions flowing all at once... I get that!

Just try and remember the very same advice that you would offer up to others in painful times when feeling the burden of a loss heavy on the heart...

Nobody has ever truly gone away from us, energy will always be that energy in it's purest form will always surround those with the strongest connection to the heart and spirit, I know that you know this intrinsically with every fibre of your being... Full disclosure - I haven't always found it so easy to resolve loss myself so even though that is my prescribed advice, yup I know how it is too my friend.

If feelings of love and strong, support and energy was sent as easily as I am trying to right now, life would truly be a paradise on earth. Oh Aish, bumps in the road ((not meant to sound as trivial as it might have)) sidetrack us all at times or should that be blindside us?

Getting back to "normal" whatever the hell that is, will happen although it will be a new kind of normal of course and you will shine with love and sunshine as radiantly as you always have. Sadly in the meantime you will have times where you pay the hard price of having loved so perfectly and so deeply, but to have experienced such perfect love, we would agree to pay that price gladly right?

I love you immensely and wish I were capable of lightening your burden.... I know I am just a random internet friend BUT I promise that I mean that sincerely, I wish you all the smiles and feelings of deep resounding joy and love that your heart could ever hold without making you giddy.

Again take wonderful care of you and yours my beautiful friend, I am truly happy that we crossed paths and met against all the odds of that ever happening, I believe many things have a deeper purpose than we first realise. xxx

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